Custom templates within a theme

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Mark Johnson

Posted: 2/16/2009
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I am trying to add a custom template which Wordpress has an option to select for certain pages. Basically I want to have one page which does not have my sidebar navigation so I can utilise the whole width of the page.

Wordpress has a function for this and details the following: Some themes have custom templates you can use for certain pages that might have additional features or custom layouts.

I tried to create the template again changing the page layout to exclude and side bars and all seems well except how do I make this as an available option within the theme as all I can do is either select the theme with or without the sidebar…ie the whole theme.

thanks in advance
Marc Smith

Posted: 2/16/2009
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The first step is to understand using page templates in Wordpress, outside of the theme you are trying to create in Artisteer.

There is documentation on the Wordpress site about page templates. Use that information and practice on the default templates before moving on to your Artsiteer theme.

Posted: 2/16/2009
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Mark J

Check out this and it will explain the difference for templates in wordpress. It's a coding issue and for each "extra" template you will have to customize the template.

It would be nice to be able to add pages in Artiseer (hint about another 'wishlist' item)