joomla breadcrumb area removal

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Advice Needed

Posted: 2/16/2009
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I find that Artisteers puts in a breadcrumb area by default. Even if you choose not to use breadcrumbs in joomla you have the blank area at the top of pages. I've tried unsuccessfully to remove this area.
I can't post the code section that should be editable in the index.php
Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Found the solution

Posted: 2/16/2009
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Figured this out.
In case anyone else needs to know -
This is for joomla templates that have articles with rounded corners.
but can't post the code I removed... so giving it a try without coding
In your index.php
remove the content between
div class="Post"
jdoc:include type="component"

Posted: 6/17/2009
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Go to the administration area of your joomla. Disable the breadcrumb module. Done!

Posted: 9/3/2010
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for some reason, i don't have a breadcrumbs module and I am still having the problem.

Posted: 9/12/2010
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Empty module positions collapse by default, you should contact Artisteer support.