W3C CSS Validator results difference

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Posted: 2/9/2009
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I had created a couple of wordpress themes using Artisteer 2.0 Beta, let say I have Theme A and Theme B.

When I uploaded to my wordpress blog site for both of the themes, and counter check with W3C CSS Validator site (http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/), I found that Theme A has no error, but Theme B has Bad Request error for File Not Found for ....... style.css file.

But I cheked, the style.css file is there.

Both themes generated from the same software, but why have different results?

Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 2/9/2009
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Hi superdog,

Can you please provide a url where we can see the issue.

Thank you.


Posted: 2/10/2009
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Hi Caroline,

The site without CSS Validation error is keithng.ws

And another site with CSS Validation error is dechenlau.com

Thanks and hear from you again!
