Edit button in jommla articles

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Posted: 1/23/2009
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I created a joomla template and it works fine, but there is no "Edit Button" for registered users to change articles.

How i can get this button?

Posted: 1/23/2009
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Hi Alex,

It looks like this "Edit Button" icon as well as the other icons (PDF, Print, e-mail) are not available yet.
Well, it is still a Beta version. Hope, Artisteer team will support this feature in the final v2 release.


Posted: 2/3/2009
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Same problem for me, Hope this will be solved with the final release.

By the way can we add some line of code in the css or index.php to have this working?

Posted: 2/5/2009
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Speaking of buttons . . .
Buttons in extensions (e.g. the poll module) drrm to have their own color that is not tied into color themes. Does anyone know where this color can be adjusted?


Posted: 2/5/2009
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just move my left finger one key left in "drrm" above to get "seem" -
Thanx! :-D

Posted: 2/6/2009
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I may have the same problem manifested in a different manor. I need the menu bar to show up. I thought it might be a Suckerfish design like in my other templates but It may not be. How do I get the menu to show up?

I have tried all the positions.

Best regards,


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