Beta 2 Congratulations

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Posted: 1/14/2009
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After those long discussions about css validation for v.1, I just ran a wordpress theme created with v.2 through the css validation and not one single error found.:-P

Fantastic new version by the way!

Posted: 1/28/2009
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I played with your program just to see it in action and to have an idea of what it can really do.
And... I'm impressed by the quality of what you have done; i don't like everything and i will continue to create & develop my own joomla templates (for ex. the photos of people in the header are too much "classical" i would say)
but anyway, your software is fantastic, so easy to understand, so much options to customize a theme... congratulation!


SMILIES :-) :( :-D 8-) :*) :-/ :-{} :-X :-O :-@ O:) :-P :-< :-( :-| ;-) 
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