Dont understand.

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Posted: 1/7/2009
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I dont really understand how exactly I get my theme uploaded on my blog. I've been googleing around but I guess I must be dumb. I cant find anywhere how to do it. I'm really exited about having my own design on my blog even though it says trial all over the place. I could really need some help. And sorry if this was the wrong category!

Cheers, Sandra.
Marc Smith

Posted: 1/7/2009
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You have to FTP the files up to where you have Wordpress installed.

There is a folder called wp-content and in it, there is a folder called themes

Create a folder in there, copy all the files from the theme you created, including the images directory

Once you do that, you should be able to enable it within the admin area of Wordpress.

For more basic help on uploading themes for wordpress, please see their documentation at

Posted: 1/7/2009
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So I really need my own domain for it? It wouldnt work with
Marc Smith

Posted: 1/7/2009
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You would need to ask people in the support world on how to use custom themes.

I beleive you need to pay to have the ability to use themes other than the ones they provide.

Posted: 1/7/2009
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Okay, thanks a lot Marc :)


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