Link with text-decoration: none;

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Posted: 12/29/2008
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Where i can "text-decoration: none;" insert in css, that in my sidebars the links don't have a underline.
Tim Fahndrich

Posted: 1/1/2009
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I think this is what you're looking for. In your CSS, look for this code:

.BlockContent a
color: ##bf912f;

and add the line "text-decoration: none;" so it now looks like this;

.BlockContent a
color: ##bf912f;
text-decoration: none;
Tim Fahndrich

Posted: 1/1/2009
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I forgot to mention that the color will be set to what your theme is set to, and not the color I have above. :-)

So you probably won't find the exact code in your CSS.

Hope this helps.


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