ASP.Net/C# Template

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Posted: 12/8/2008
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Has anyone used these? This export option seems to be new with circa 11/23/08. I can't even find mention of this feature anywhere. What type of CMS does it work with?

Posted: 12/15/2008
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ASP.Net/C# is straight Microsoft IIS coding. It's used more for building Web Applications with code behind functions.

This is a nice addition. Most ASP.NET products are built with MS Visual Developer. It is a free tool, but requires more code knowledge than Frontpage, etc.

Artisteer will generate your design code in the .asp, .aspx, and web.config files needed. Very nice. (This is obviously a (north) West Coast product.)

Posted: 1/11/2009
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The ASP.Net/C# Website Template is the main reason I bought Artisteer. Great!

Posted: 6/24/2009
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In the most recent version, the code behind doesn't work.

You can only add regular HTML tags to the templates however, tags don't work. I've tried creating new controls, but because of the tighted integration between the pages and namespace ... it errors out when I try to run it.

I sent a email to the support staff... waiting for a reply.


Posted: 10/5/2009
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hi, im new using and need some help to know how to add a artisteer template to my csharp website project. Can somebody help me plesase?

Posted: 10/5/2009
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I'm actually a .Net developer by trade and bought Artisteer in order to do some joomla templates for my freelance business.

I haven't tried the .net export option but if you're new to .net and you're creating websites I'd reconsider and switch to either WordPress or Joomla. .Net is definitely not for the feint of heart. Also, CMS systems are much quicker to update and can be done "on the road" where as when I want to make a change to .net website I need to have my laptop with Visual Studio on it. Joomla/WordPress only requires a browser once the template is created and uploaded.


Posted: 10/5/2009
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Ok, I exported a .net template from Artisteer and, as I suspected, it practically creates a new Visual Studio solution for you. All I think you would need to do is create a new website with VS and then drag/drop the files and folders from your export folder onto the VS project. That will add all of the files from your export folder to your VS solution.

Now just create a webform and make sure that the "Select master page" is checked. When the "Select a Master Page" form comes up drill to the design folder in your solution and select MasterPage.master. When the new page opens up you'll be able to add content only to the content area and not to places like the header, menu or footer.

Good luck!

Posted: 10/5/2009
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I just noticed they create a basically blank web.config file. I'd try copying all of the over except that one and see if everything works. After you setup your website there's a good chance you'll NOT want to overwrite your web.config with a blank one. Just a suggestion - everything else looked pretty harmless to copy over.

Posted: 10/9/2009
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Eric thank you so much, i will try everything thst you said :-D

Posted: 6/1/2010
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Eric, the above posts are the first real clue I've been able to find, regarding this mess of trying to actually do something with the templates this thing generates.

I have all the files and dirs generated by Artisteer copied into a website I created in VS (all except web.config, which I had experimented and peeked at code and discovered independently should NOT be copied over!). Once I had default.aspx loaded, I selected Website/Add New Item and selected web form, and checked the "select master page" box; it created a new page, called default2.aspx, which contained a series a <asp> tags defining ContentIDs Content1 thru Content6 for the various portions of the Artisteer page. So now that I have this default2.aspx, what do I do with it? default.aspx, when I view it, still has a bunch of "Error Creating Control" errors for the articles and "Error Rendering Control" for the menu.

The weird thing is, when I upload the artisteer generated template to my .net webhost, it displays without showing all those weird errors, but the vert menu does look odd, it's too narrow, and the horiz menu, which is supposed to be centered, is off to the right of center about 100px or so.

I'm really lost with this thing; can anyone help?


Posted: 3/7/2011
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Did you ever get an answer to this? My situation is similar.