Artisteer is no use :-(

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Posted: 5/6/2009
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Quote :
Quote Jan Ferrari: The worst program i ever bought, can't open in Dreamweaver, GoLive or MS Expression 8

Why did you buy it? You had a full free trial. Why would you pay if you thought it didn't work with your existing software.

Where do we find these people!

Does the internet inject lead into people's brains?

Posted: 5/9/2009
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Quote Debbi:

Why is my exported html file in Expression Web messed up but looks ok in all the browsers? It makes it difficult to edit the content that way. I bought Artisteer 'cause I had the opposite problem after creating a custom template in Expression Web...looked good in EW but messed up in the browsers. Should I expect the Artisteer template and design view in EW to look the same and if so any ideas why it isn't? I AM opening the right file so that's not the problem.



I've had Expressions Web do some weird stuff to my pages too in the design window, but looks perfect in the browsers, whether I am hand-coding or using Artisteer. It's EW, I do not question it. I do not waste my time trying to figure it out. I just edit/customize the sections that need touching up and move on from there ;-)

Posted: 5/11/2009
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I have had great luck with the Wordpress templates but I cannot edit the html templates with anything I have tried. The programs choke on the templates and slow to a dead crawl. When they do finally display something, the templates look completely screwed up.

I am using high-end editors because I need the dynamic web template feature, which is missing in inexpensive editors.

I got tired of trying to make this work and gave up on Artisteer for html templates.

Now with the new version I am wondering if anyone has been able to get Artisteer html templates to work with Dreamweaver, Expressions or Frontpage?

It has also occurred to me that it might work to do all the editing in a cheap or free editor that can handle the Artisteer templates and then just do the final conversion to dwt files in Dreamweaver. Has anyone tried anything like that?

Also, could someone post a list of wysiwyg editors that can definitely reliably handle Artisteer html templates?



Posted: 5/12/2009
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I started using the program just before version 2 was launched and I had no problem opening the files in Dreamweaver CS3, Microsoft Expression Web 2 and a few of the low end editors.

Posted: 5/28/2009
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If you can't code the html pages output via Artisteer by hand, then you shouldn't be doing any kind of web design.

If you use a WYSIWYG editor, you are not a web designer or web master.

There is no such thing as a true WYSIWYG editor that produces clean decent code. That includes Dreamweaver.

So, let's look at the reasons why WYSIWYG doesn't work.

1. CSS is a standard that changes, often.

2. Browsers and their engines also change often. CSS works differently in different browsers.

3. WYSIWYG editors usually are a year to 18 months behind any new CSS standards changes and farther behind in browser engine changes.

So, if you are using Dreamweaver, there are a number of posts that tell you what you need to do to edit your files. Basically, it means getting rid of Dreamweaver and learning how to do it right. Trust me, you'll be a better designer when you do finally dump that program. You'll actually understand how the code works and how to debug it.

Posted: 6/4/2009
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Гавно всё это


Posted: 6/8/2009
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Annoyed, please provide examples of Adobe Dreamweaver CS4's inability to produce "clean, decent code."

Also, in regards to CSS standards changing often, check this out straight from W3C:

Pray tell, what ten items do you think would have the most impact on a Dreamweaver user updating an Artisteer theme?

Ignorance will no longer be tolerated in these forums - you need to brush up on your coding knowledge quite a bit before coming back, as well as your social skills. Arrogance is ugly when it's unwarranted.

I say this with respect, and I suggest you take your lumps and do your homework... Take my advice. The worst that can happen is that you become a better designer/developer, and a more productive member of this community.

With real love,


Posted: 6/9/2009
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Quote Dan:

I see two issues which are preventing the HTML from being opened and displayed properly in Dreamweaver:

1) The CSS file has script hacks injected into it (YUK)

2) Artisteer code is using all positioned divs instead of floats. This is a recipe for disaster. If they were using floats, this would solve item 1 above.

I just bought Artisteer and exported an HTML project out and opened in Dreamweaver CS4. Looks completely unusable from trying to understand all the weird boxes, etc. Can this be fixed to where I get a normal view of the document in design view (Live view looks fine).

Vitual Gina

Posted: 8/11/2009
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When I first opened in DW had the same reaction but then I realized that all I needed to do was use my html knowledge to make the changes I wanted. Once I figured that out I also realized how great this program is.

Here are three pages I created using the HTML templates and two I created using the WP themes:

I have tried many software programs and this on is by far the best and I have created a whole new revenue stream as a result.

My two cents..........

Posted: 8/14/2009
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Let me say it again for the 5th time in these forums. Use Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition, to edit the html files. It is FREE. The only problem is that you have to open the html within the program (File -> Open File). You can't right mouse click on the html file and choose edit from the menu (that's is what I have experienced). I have tested about 10 other editors, this is the best one to deal with Artisteer created html files.
Dave Porter

Posted: 8/16/2009
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Ni Nick,

Have not used Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition, but you can make any program the default for a file type.

Just right click a file ( .html for example ) and select Open With & then 'Choose Program' >> Browse to the program you want to open it with & remember to click 'Always use the selected program to open this type of file'.

HTH, Dave Porter


Posted: 9/14/2009
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Expression Web 2 works great with all aspects of this program.

Posted: 10/20/2009
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Quote Brett Bumeter:

I am an Artisteer customer. I bought it over a month ago and have used it successfully over and over again with Dreamweaver (studio 8 version). I think this software rocks.


I haven't bought the program yet but have the trial version and doing some testing.

I want to use the program to do two sets of websites, one in wordpress format and one in HTML but that they would be bascially the same. Is this possible?

You mentioned you've used DW8 with success but the 1st time I used it the result was not what I expected. There where many items missing. Could you tell me what you did?

I've read in some other threads to use other WYSIWYG editors will be trying them out in the next couple of days.
Dave Porter

Posted: 10/20/2009
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Hi Carlos,

In answer to your question about exporting for different formats ( wordpress & html ) yes it does this easily.

1) Create your site ( with WordPress or Web Site makes no difference )
2) Save your site ( usual .artx format).
3) Export your site.
4) Make sure you are on the ideas section of the menu & select the 'Template' menu to change the site to a different format.
5) Export the site in the new format.
Note: If you wanted to you could save the second one as a different .artx file, that way you have the ability to go back and open both and they will come back as the correct format ( e.g. one as mysite_website.artx and the other mysite_wordpress.artx )

Also a suggestion. it is better to start a new thread rather than post it on the end of an old one like this. ( one reason is that there are a lot of big threads that people may skip as there is often a lot of agrow in !

HTH, Dave

Posted: 12/3/2009
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It is sad to see so many complaints about not a lot.... open your minds people. This product does exactly what it claims to do and even tells you about the watermarking issue if someone does not want to buy the program. So what! copyright and infringments are taking place big time so either use or dont. it is you choice but stop complaining and putting other people off that may care enough to give something a try to make their experience just that little more esaier.... i Hope i dont piss anyone off!

thanks people have a nice day
Link Building Services

Posted: 12/6/2009
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LOL @ Dora and other Trolls. I cant believe why you hate this cool product that helped me make this $$Million$$ site :D

Posted: 1/18/2010
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Quote Link Building Services:

LOL @ Dora and other Trolls. I cant believe why you hate this cool product that helped me make this $$Million$$ site :D

Bullshit - your site was not created in Artisteer. Spammer....

Posted: 1/18/2010
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Got to agree with Jan.

What's the point of have an easy to use html template generator whose output needs to be edited in Notepad. Bit cart before horse me thinks.

BTW we don't use dreamweaver for the wysiwyg, there is more to DW than that. If we just wanted wysiwyg we'd save ourselves $400.

Artisteer makes sense as a CMS template generator but as a html generator whose output cant be edited in the industry's most popular html editor it's pointless.

Posted: 1/18/2010
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ps I don't much care that Artisteer html displays badly in DW, it's the fact that the complex CSS slows DW to a crawl that I can't live with.
Mark C

Posted: 2/11/2010
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For those who are unsure, try downloading a copy of KompoZer.

Guess what - it's free!
Dave Porter

Posted: 2/11/2010
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Hi Mark,

Not sure what point you are making ?

Mark C

Posted: 2/12/2010
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I'm saying that the code displays perfectly in KompoZer. I actually prefer it to DW for editing Artiseer templates.
curious george

Posted: 7/1/2010
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Hi, is it OK if i create a template using the trial version, then use it after editing/modifying it using some other editor?

Thanks in advance.
Dave Porter

Posted: 7/1/2010
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Hi George,

Not sure what you mean my 'is it OK'.

The trial version let's you play, but does not let you save an .artx file & the export has watermarks on the images...

Also you might be better starting a new thread - this discussion is very old and not related to your question.

Cheers, Dave

Posted: 7/25/2010
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Hire me to do your website and I will show you how cheap Artisteer really is. Artisteer has made my marketing company so much more productive and efficient.
I myself personally charge $60 an hour or our basic site is $1500, so considering that one-two pages of a site without artisteer is going to involve a lot of coding and time.....which would you rather pay? $130 for artisteer or the cost to have a designer build it for you. If you do the math an still come up with not buying artisteer, then contact me and I will set you all up! Gladly....

Artisteer is one of the best things I have discovered in a LONG time.

Posted: 10/10/2010
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Quote Brett Bumeter:

I am an Artisteer customer. I bought it over a month ago and have used it successfully over and over again with Dreamweaver (studio 8 version). I think this software rocks.

I can understand the frustration that a person might go through with a software program that they are having trouble with, but I've never had a lick of trouble with this program and find it exceptionally easy to work with. I've designed about a dozen of my sites with it now (need to get a hard count, but off the top of my head at least 8).

For $100 I don't think you can touch the value of this software anywhere else, and I've looked all over for something like this for the last 3 years. Personally, I feel like finding this product at Blogworld justified the cost of that trip entirely. (and I found some other cool things there as well)

Pardon me if I sound like a fanboy, but seriously this software rocks.

I'd be more than happy to build some screencast or youtube tutorial videos on how to do things with this software. I haven't done that yet because I assumed that the software was so easy that the videos might not be beneficial and hence I'd get no traffic from it. (don't think there is an affiliate program with the software either, so my time and effort would be hard to make up).

That said, if people are 'really' having problems with it, maybe there would be an audience for this and I'll look at it again. :)

sorry may already been postedO:)

Posted: 11/14/2010
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:( I think the saddest part of this thread is that the original poster stated his or her opinion and was attacked for it. I came here with the exact same issue -- HTML files are mangled in Dreamweaver.

For those of you that say to use this or that program, pleae remember that Dreamweaver is the international standard of professional developers. I sense some of you anonymous trolls will argue this point and attack me now but the truth is the truth.

I am very sad to learn that Artisteer does not work in Dreamweaver. I don't want to use Sea Monkey. I don't want to use Microsof't's Expression crap. I want to use the international industry standard and get what I paid for.

I'll give you that Artisteer does a great job on Joomla, Wordpress, etc. But it is next to worthless for HTML without buying another program. Telling a poster that they are STUPID or not a real developer if they cannot code by hand is self-serving. I can code from scratch including PHP, ASP and a few others. I have been a professional programmer since 1981.

I cut my teeth on dBase, dbAse III+, Clipper, BASIC, and C. I use Dreaweaver because it automates many features like database development that used to take time. Telling me or anyone else that they are STUPID for expecting a Artisteer HTML templates to work is really tacky and lacks decency.

You are not doing a service to Artisteer by attacking posters that didn't drink your Kool-Aid or get the memo that HTML support is limited to specific n-name applications. I found this thread in Google and it reflects very poorly on what is otherwise an excellent application. I think that some of you owe Jan and a couple others an apology -- before taking the time to attack me in reply.

Posted: 11/14/2010
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FWIW, I just tried to install microsoft visual web developer 2008 express edition and it tells me that I am trying to do so on an unsupported OS. When looking at the requirements it says that Windows XP Professional SP3 is supported.

So much for Microsoft support. As a professional I don't use a laptop to develop with Windows 7 and a distored aspect ratio.
Dave Porter

Posted: 11/14/2010
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Quote :
For those of you that say to use this or that program, pleae remember that Dreamweaver is the international standard of professional developers. I sense some of you anonymous trolls will argue this point and attack me now but the truth is the truth.

Sorry to be brutal Bob, but that statement is just plain silly !
I bit my tongue and changed 'crap' to 'plain silly' before posting :)))


Posted: 11/15/2010
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There is nothing "plain silly" about my statement that Dreamweaver is the international industry standard of professional developers. Perhaps you'd like to suggest another application that is?
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