Artisteer v4.3 Beta

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Posted: 7/17/2014
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I think Themler is very good idea! Yes, it 's slow and unstable at this time. But very promising.
Guys, we all should leave our caves and look around. It's 21 century and clouds is our future. We can't stop progress. So let's enjoy it :-)
Don't be so paranoid...


Posted: 7/18/2014
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100% Agree with Priya

Posted: 7/18/2014
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Quote freget:

Quote :
Bootstraps scripts support in Artisteer themes

what does it mean exactly ? Is it for joomla 3 ?

UP please !
thanks ;-)

Posted: 7/18/2014
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Quote Priya:
I think Themler is very good idea! Yes, it 's slow and unstable at this time. But very promising.
Guys, we all should leave our caves and look around. It's 21 century and clouds is our future. We can't stop progress. So let's enjoy it :-)
Don't be so paranoid...

the cloud is not about a better product or improved service delivery. it's about economics. in some cases the cloud is useful but for software access it's the next step of build once and get paid thousands of times. The evolution is how to streamline the process of getting paid a thousand times.

Posted: 7/18/2014
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Quote Nick:

The new cloud app. is going to be $99/yr.

To see a comparison chart between Artisteer and the new app, go to their web site and add /features to the end of the url, it is not letting me to type it here.

Please, what is the URL of the website?


Posted: 7/19/2014
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Quote Purple:

Please, what is the URL of the website?

Just type the name "Themler" and add ".com".

Posted: 7/22/2014
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Yes it should say 4.2 Bug fix Beta..I like the Artisteer software , but this cloud thing, is not good period!, give me my upgrade Please!

Posted: 7/23/2014
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Quote freget:

Quote freget:

Quote :
Bootstraps scripts support in Artisteer themes

what does it mean exactly ? Is it for joomla 3 ?

I am wondering what this is myself

Life Ok

Posted: 7/23/2014
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are your ready ? Themler

its work in 2016 proper that time its slow not work for Artisteer
if you want production final wait for 2015 and other

at Artisteer
Your management where we happy ?

Artisteer 10/9 Themler 10/3 do improvement fast
Dave B

Posted: 7/23/2014
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No Bootstrap. This is a total misstatement. I asked and they said:

It not really support but more like "compatibility". There was a conflict with bootstrap scripts(js) and Artisteer slider. We solved this issue.

Posted: 7/29/2014
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Quote Dave B:

No Bootstrap. This is a total misstatement. I asked and they said:

It not really support but more like "compatibility". There was a conflict with bootstrap scripts(js) and Artisteer slider. We solved this issue.

Thank you to post that answer, I almost renewed caus of bootstrap support. Guess I will wait.

Posted: 7/30/2014
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When do we get the 4.3 upgrade?

Not bug fixes.. smells like a rip!

and now we upgrade and need to buy templates, everyone's giving them away, what's up?
I still like the software, just don't like what happening! :)

Posted: 7/31/2014
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I am quite sure that sooner or later we will get 4.3 ...EOL version... There is no point in keeping to products that are doing exactly the same things. It is no problem for me to work "on a cloud". I only expect this new product themler to be extremely good and let me make great websites using it...

Posted: 8/1/2014
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Do you know what kind will be the next version of artisteer: beta 2, RC or stable version? And when it will be realised?
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