Horizontal Menu displaying as simple vertical list in position-1

Author Message
Chris Richard

Posted: 1/15/2014
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Joomla 2.5.14
Artisteer 4

Main horizontal menu suddenly displaying as a simple vertical text list, no styles applied at all.

Odd thing about this is that this is one of several templates already built for this site from the same ARTX file. I'm not sure if it was accidentally opened in an older version of Artisteer and that may have broken it, but...

P.S. This is a production site. I CANNOT leave it live like this so I can't just post a link to show what it's doing because I've had to take it offline.
Artisteer Team

Posted: 1/16/2014
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Hi Chris,

Please check whether the horizontal menu is in a correct position. It has to be either in "position-1" or "user3" position:

Horizontal menu works only in those positions.

If it doesn't work, please contact our Support Team http://www.artisteer.com/?p=support
with an admin access to your Joomla back-end and your .artx project.

Thanks for that.

Best regards,

Posted: 1/16/2014
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It is in position-1

That has not changed since the first version of this particular template.

I will contact support then. Thank you.

Posted: 1/17/2014
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For anyone interested:

The issue here was related to a cross-issue between an Artisteer update and a Joomla module setting.

For some reason, "hmenu" was entered into the menu module's menu class suffix, even though it shouldn't have been necessary. Before the November update to version 4, Artisteer templates ignored that setting. After the update, they no longer ignore it, so I had an older template exported before the update that ignored the setting and showed up correctly, but a newer post-update template was not ignoring it, which messed up the menu.

Once the Joomla module menu class suffix was removed, the menus now display correctly.

Jeff Hoffman

Posted: 2/2/2014
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Main Menu gone on all pages after updating Artiseer..

Menu-class is empty and menu is in position user3

Site is www.chicagostylemeet.com
Artisteer Team

Posted: 2/2/2014
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Quote Jeff Hoffman:


Main Menu gone on all pages after updating Artiseer..

Menu-class is empty and menu is in position user3

Site is www.chicagostylemeet.com


I see that an old Artisteer 3.1 template is activated on the website you provided above. But I assume that you're referring to the issue with Artisteer 4 template, right?
Please contact us via our support system
and provide an access to the Joomla admn panel so we could change the template and check the menu settings.


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