WP Tuxedo 1.0 Released (Artisteer Export Plugin)

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Posted: 12/3/2013
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Hey guys, WP Tuxedo 1.0 is now available, lots of cool new features including the brand new Style Switcher! Create a theme with multiple CSS style sheets and let your users choose the design they like best.


Posted: 12/3/2013
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Thanks Trevor for best Plugin available for Artisteer WordPress users...

Posted: 12/3/2013
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The new version is unbelievable. I will make a demo video tomorrow:

The main new features that I like:

- The style switcher.
- The ability to add a word on the responsive menu button, like "MENU", and it's alignment, center, left, right.
- The ability to display a widget to logged in users, logged out users or both, we already had the ability to display the widget selectively on any page, and also we could select which devices would see the widget too (desktop, tablet, phone).

Posted: 12/3/2013
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Quote BestPlugin:

Thanks Trevor for best Plugin available for Artisteer WordPress users...

+1 Agreed.

Pekka M

Posted: 12/4/2013
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Imagelink image does not show, if you export your theme with this plugin. That bug is not corrected...

Posted: 12/4/2013
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@Pekka M: Image links work correctly for me. Are you using version 1.0 of WP Tuxedo with Artisteer

Please use the WP Tuxedo support forum so I can keep track of these issues, the link is available on the Export window for the plugin or here: http://wpthemecity.net/forums/forum/wp-tuxedo/
Pekka M

Posted: 12/4/2013
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I'm using the latest versisons of both.

Posted: 12/4/2013
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For those who are interested to see WP Tuxedo in action, here is a boring, unprofessional video!


I'm describing how to prepare the style, and how to use the style switcher (very easy), The new Responsive design controls, and the new widget controls, among other things.

@ Pekka M: I also have a section describing how I handle logos dynamically. Create a position in the header for it, and use the "Image widget". http://wordpress.org/plugins/image-widget/

I left some things out, like Artisteer content support, child style image support, and how to customize the help screen, and all the shortcodes (button, grid and font-awesome). Realistically though, if I discuss in detail everything, and the things that I add on top of the exported code, I can go for many hours...

Just Wondering

Posted: 12/5/2013
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If I'm using 4.2, do I need to be connect to the Internet to export WordPress themes with WP Tux?

Posted: 12/5/2013
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- You don't need internet connection to export the themes.

- Unlike Artisteer, and Templateer themes, the WP Tuxedo made themes do pass the WP Theme Check, and the Themeforest Theme check. What does it mean? It means that some of the plugins that refuse to work with Artisteer themes, will now work, ie: Woocommerce menu cart. It means that if a certain plugin works with any of the WordPress default themes Twenty Twelve, etc..., it will work with a WP Tuxedo theme. Artisteer cannot make the same claim. I'm not saying that Artisteer generates junk code, but if you want to claim your themes as "premium", it might as well be. Of course, they will spin this, do damage control and pass "their awesome generated code" as a "feature". Can't wait for that argument!

Everything else and all the extra features that WP Tuxedo has, are just icing on the cake.

Posted: 12/5/2013
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Version 1.0.1 is now available which fixes a bug for header image links where only the first image link would work if there were multiple image links in the header. Also fixes a bug in the EDD Licensing support.

Posted: 12/6/2013
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really great to have this plugin on hand as well as Artisteer (surely what will be doing wptuxedo without Artisteer).

first project out with (Artisteer 4.2 and WPTuxedo 1)

John you should be happy to see how things coming ... yes.. i know we still waiting for confirmation.. just curious to test WPTuxedo and it turns great.

Posted: 12/6/2013
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I understand that it's not a finished site and only an example, but that is one beautiful looking site! Nice work.

Posted: 12/6/2013
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yes, it's not a finished site.. needs lot of improvements.. i was just checking out Artisteer 4.2 and WP Tuxedo 1

Posted: 12/7/2013
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Nice design Bazish.


How did you get the arrows in the subitems of your menu???

Posted: 12/7/2013
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few lines of css code, you can easily integrate in your theme menu too..

ul.art-hmenu li li a:before {   color: #C9151C !important;   content: "→";   margin-right: 10px; }


Posted: 12/7/2013
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Thanks Bazish,

Can you give me also the css for the main menu item ??

Posted: 12/8/2013
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That's not hard to do it in Artisteer... i guess..

Create your menu with transparent background, set your menu item Active, Passive and Hovered Colors...
Set your Submenu Area color, set it's Active, Passive and Hovered Colors..

you will get simple menu which i created... just add above code (make sure you replace .art in the menu with your perfix if you changed it..
Pekka M

Posted: 12/8/2013
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Wp Tuxedo is good, but in Woocommerce the responsiviness is not very good. Forexample product pages, buttons etc are not very good in phones. In Checkout page there is a table which is not responsive etc....

Posted: 12/8/2013
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It's not WP Tuxedo that controls the layout of the Woocommerce pages. It is Woocommerce itself. You can always turn off woocommerce CSS controls (from the Woocommerce Settings page), and use your own css selectors and values as you see fit.

As far as the checkout page is concerned, the table is responsive for 480px and above. even for most phones that will do. But again, you can always turn off the Woocommerce css settings and you decide how you want the pages to be shown.

Let me warn you though, it will be too much work, for very little gain. I sometimes adjust the button colors, the color and sizes of the prices, etc... but never mess with the page layouts. None of the premium themes that support Woocommerce do bother with the page layouts either, ie: the 1-2 woocommerce themes from Elegant Themes.

Posted: 12/8/2013
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It's up to you to style WooCommerce as you see fit. Please see my reply here http://wpthemecity.net/forums/topic/woocommerce-responsive/ for a starting point.

Posted: 2/17/2014
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Hi, I recently purchased Tuxedo for a customers project I'm working on, the project contains pages built in Artisteer with content as it is much better at controlling the layout. I tried to export a modified version of the theme with Tuxedo 1.1 (I'm on ART 4.1) but there is no option to export content, a, I missing something or does Tuxedo not support this option?

Posted: 2/17/2014
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ps when I tried the Tuxedo template it broke the design on the pages that were made in Artisteer?

Posted: 2/18/2014
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Tuxedo will not export layout design created in Artisteer..

what i do if i needed to take Artisteer design into WordPress but use Tuxedo..

1. I export Artisteer theme using Artisteer default WordPress Export Plugin.. choose different name (not required but good to have different name than the original theme name we will be using for Tuxedo Export) and select Include Content while exporting..

2. Install theme on WordPress.. Activate theme, Click on Add Content button.. your Design Pages in Artisteer now shown exactly on WordPress site.

3. Go back to Artisteer. Choose Tuxedo Export Plugin, Click On Options Button. Go To last option "Extras" Select Option "Previously Installed Artisteer Content Support".

4. Click, Ok, Export your Tuxedo theme. install it on WordPress.. Activate... and you see your site again look exactly in Artisteer Design but with Tuxedo Export.

Happy Blogging :-)

Posted: 2/18/2014
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Thank you Bazish, your explanation is perfect.

Posted: 2/18/2014
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Thank you Bazish for taking the time to explain that I'll go and try it now :-)

Posted: 2/19/2014
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Posted: 2/19/2014
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So will this Tuxedo thing let me use the latest version of Artisteer in offline mode and test all my creations in an offline wordpress development platform?

That's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for non cloud based software.


Posted: 2/19/2014
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@Bazish & @Trevor re Artisteer content.

I followed your excellent step by step and everything worked barring the collages that I have on the front page, I just end up with:

[collage id="collage_476307d0c53340b69751b333b78a3d49"] [collage id="collage_c1800a023bc14f3cace87ce09907d5fa"] [collage id="collage_f5fcaa2151b546cdb0491bb3a3f04a59"] [collage id="collage_46a93e776b134dd9b9fa289526426c73"

where the row of small collages should be.

There were a few minor things too such as images and text moving out of alignment?

@Dave I've not tested it on an offline computer yet I'm afraid but will post here when I do.

Posted: 2/22/2014
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@Angela It doesn't matter at this point. I found out the software is self sabotaging after the year expires. Support staff told me you cannot install plugins you paid for in the software you paid for after the first year is up without paying more money.

Artisteer is a subscription based software. I was misled. Thanks anyway.
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