Templateer V4.1 now Available

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Posted: 3/8/2013
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Yes, of course, included a Headline AND slogan in the header,
does not work ... : (
in wordpress network...

Lorraine McNulty

Posted: 3/9/2013
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The Templateer with the new 4.1 seems to override the favicon option - does anyone have a solution so we can keep the customized favicon uploaded in the export options

Posted: 3/9/2013
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Quote Nick:

@ ddye: If you read the forums, you can conclude that 4.1 is pretty solid. The new responsive menus alone is worth upgrading.


I took your advice... a couple of issues:

1. I can't find where to add "Custom CSS Code" in the Templateer Theme Options. This is kind of important... I REALLY need that option.

2. I am using a page wide menu bar, and the sheet uses a "No Outline" margin, so it looks as if it is attached to the bottom of the menu bar. It looks right in Artisteer, but on the actual site it is about 20 pixels BELOW the menu bar. Here's a link:

3. It's annoying that I have to edit the admin/options/general.php file to turn off Compatibility View. Hopefully that will be fixed.

Posted: 3/9/2013
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Also, I can't get a custom sidebar to show up on a page, no matter what I do. Not terribly happy so far...

Posted: 3/9/2013
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Hi, ddye,

Quote ddye:
2. I am using a page wide menu bar, and the sheet uses a "No Outline" margin, so it looks as if it is attached to the bottom of the menu bar. It looks right in Artisteer, but on the actual site it is about 20 pixels BELOW the menu bar. Here's a link:

Try adding this to your style.css:
.nav, .desktop-nav {

margin-bottom: 0px !important;

Inspecting it seems to show it's getting a 20px margin-bottom from another style sheet.

Posted: 3/9/2013
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Quote Abland:

Hi, ddye,

Quote ddye:
2. I am using a page wide menu bar, and the sheet uses a "No Outline" margin, so it looks as if it is attached to the bottom of the menu bar. It looks right in Artisteer, but on the actual site it is about 20 pixels BELOW the menu bar. Here's a link:

Try adding this to your style.css:
.nav, .desktop-nav {

margin-bottom: 0px !important;

Inspecting it seems to show it's getting a 20px margin-bottom from another style sheet.

Thanks, I just saw that and came here to ask. It's from "bootstrap.css". What is that, and why is it giving me that margin? And why doesn't the margin show in Artisteer?

Sorry about all of the questions, it reads like I think it's your fault... :-)

Posted: 3/9/2013
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OK, I went and edited bootstrap.css.

It seems to me that this version of Templateer is somewhat unfinished. The option to add CSS styles to Theme Options is apparently gone, you have to edit the admin/options/general.php file to turn off Compatibility View and again, I can't get a custom sidebar to work for a page. And now I seem to have to edit bootstrap.css manually too.

I haven't checked out the responsive improvements, but not counting that, I am not seeing a big upside fro upgrading yet... this is the first time I can remember being disappointed by Templateer. This version isn't done yet.

BTW, thanks Abland!

Posted: 3/9/2013
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Your theme is not responsive. Bootstrap is a responsive design framework used by templateer. That could be the reason why the custom sidebars are not working as well. Try turning the responsive design on to see if things work out. Also, contact Bud to get more details how things work in more detail.

I know as a fact that the custom sidebars is the product of bootstrap, which means responsive design...

Posted: 3/9/2013
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Quote Nick:

Your theme is not responsive. Bootstrap is a responsive design framework used by templateer. That could be the reason why the custom sidebars are not working as well. Try turning the responsive design on to see if things work out. Also, contact Bud to get more details how things work in more detail.

I know as a fact that the custom sidebars is the product of bootstrap, which means responsive design...

Well, that sure looks weird. I will read up on the responsive thing, right now it looks terrible.

Have you used custom sidebars yourself with Templateer 4.1 yet? I am curious, because it still doesn't work for me. The sidebar shows up in Widgets, and I can drag stuff onto it, and I can select it by name in the page edit. But it still doesn't show up on the page. It's not like this is new to me, I often use a Quick Contact form on sidebars, then use a different sidebar on the Contact page. It's always worked until now.

Thanks for responding though, do you have any info on the lack of the Custom CSS Code feature in Theme Options in Templateer 4.1?

Oh well. The site I showed you is a REALLY cheap, budget site without a lot of features. I guess I can leave that one as 4.1 and keep everything else as 4.0 until I get this stuff straightened out. What a bummer of a Saturday...

Seriously, thanks for telling me how to keep both applications at the same time. I'd be borked without that.

Posted: 3/9/2013
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I will try the custom sidebars on Monday. I'll post hopefully with more definite answers then...

I'll also try to find answers for the extra CSS codes. Obviously you don't want to append them in the style.css files, or with Artisteer in the export->Options->Additional CSS dialog box.

Nothing is easy nowadays, isn't it?

Posted: 3/9/2013
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Release of the next version of The templateer 4.1 is delayed. Release date is unknown. :(

Posted: 3/10/2013
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Yeah, there are some weird things going on with the beta release of templateer 4.1 beta.

I am planning of making a video tomorrow about it. In some instances (places), the sidebars show up, in some they don't. If you put the bootstrap classes on vertical sidebars, they show up horizontally, and their sizes change, probably we need to fix them with CSS, it's possibly another bug...

I obviously need to do more testing... the idea is good, execution not so good so far... hopefully things will get better with the next version.

Posted: 3/10/2013
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Quote Nick:

I will try the custom sidebars on Monday. I'll post hopefully with more definite answers then...

I'll also try to find answers for the extra CSS codes. Obviously you don't want to append them in the style.css files, or with Artisteer in the export->Options->Additional CSS dialog box.

Nothing is easy nowadays, isn't it?

Sorry, I have been out all day, I should have posted this sooner...

Bud emailed me last night. The Add Custom CSS Code will be added back in the next version, it was left out in his rush to get the beta out.

He's going to check into the bootstrap.css issue. In the meantime, I know how to fix that, so I am good.

He had me send him the ZIP file of my theme that had difficulty with custom sidebars. Still unsure about that.

Turning Compatibility View fix on again will be in the next edition.

As soon as the Add Custom CSS Code and custom sidebar issues are fixed, I will start using Templateer 4.1 full time. Until then I'll only use it on budget sites without a lot of features.

One possible issue... this is a theme that WAS 4.0. I opened is in 4.1. Maybe there's a problem with that? I am sure Bud will get to the Bottom of it.

I have to say here that considering the cost of Templateer, I could not ask for better service. Without it, designing sites for business clients would be a lot tougher, and those sites wouldn't be nearly as good.

Posted: 3/10/2013
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Thanks for the update ddye. You saved me from making the video and talking about the bugs...

Posted: 3/10/2013
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In the meantime, you can still add your CSS code. Go in to Theme edit screen, and load style.css, and add your code at the bottom of that file.

Posted: 3/12/2013
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Quote ramthas:

not working templateer v4.1,
Error creating new posts in draft

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/farmservis/domains/farmaservices.eu/public_html/demo/wp-content/themes/idposition/library/admins.php on line 362  Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/farmservis/domains/farmaservices.eu/public_html/demo/wp-content/themes/idposition/library/admins.php on line 362  Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/farmservis/domains/farmaservices.eu/public_html/demo/wp-content/themes/idposition/library/admins.php:362) in /home/farmservis/domains/farmaservices.eu/public_html/demo/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876

I'm getting the same error.

Posted: 5/22/2013
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Can't find where to add headline and slogan anymore....is it missing from the latest Artisteer or am I just blind? I remember seeing it before...but not finding it now!

Posted: 5/22/2013
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In artisteer - header / controls / headline & slogan :-)

Posted: 12/25/2013
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Quote imagei:

It's an Artisteer (not wordpress) plugin that adds a lot of extra templates, functionality and features to Artisteer. It adds them on export, so you don't see much difference at the Artisteer end, but a lot of value when operating the wordpress UI. Check it out:



Cool like Fonze in my opinion.


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