Bootstrap for Joomla 3.x

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Posted: 2/27/2013
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Hi All

Anyone heard if Artisteer folk are planning to use Bootstrap for Joomla templates?

This needs to be included ASAP for true responsive design.


Posted: 2/28/2013
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Quote David:

Hi All

Anyone heard if Artisteer folk are planning to use Bootstrap for Joomla templates?

This needs to be included ASAP for true responsive design.


Second that David! Time's moving on, need it pretty soon now.


Posted: 3/1/2013
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What do you mean, isn't bootstrap part of Joomla! 3, I assume all the bootstrap functionality will be already there and the template created by Artisteer 4.1 will integrate fully.

Or have got it all wrong
I smell bullsh*t

Posted: 3/1/2013
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Quote David:

Hi All

Anyone heard if Artisteer folk are planning to use Bootstrap for Joomla templates?

This needs to be included ASAP for true responsive design.


So what is a true responsive design? How are Artisteer templates not true in that regard? Are we going to start making stuff up and start saying it, so if enough people repeat it, it will become the truth? Do you work for the US government?

A Guy

Posted: 3/18/2013
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I for one and having issues with not having my template load bootstrap concerning a responsive contact forms use of images for captcha. There are a number of buttons with images on them, the person submitting the form must select the right picture for the captcha. Well, the problem with bootstrap not loading is that the images are not seen on the buttons so this popular function does not work. The template I rendered with Artisteer 4 on a Joomla 3 site. Bootstrap seems like a worthy investment at the time since most Joomla 3 responsive extensions utilize it in one form or the other.

Posted: 4/1/2013
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@A Guy

I had similiar problem using hika shop because hika shop also requres bootstrap fpr columns to work. I have found this little plugin that loads bootstrap into the template and does not seem to conflict with anything else on the site (if any conflicts you can turn off the jquery loading from the plugin management and this does not effect the plugin either)

My site and hika sho works okay thank to this little plugin. You can see details on the developer's page @

I hope this helps you in using the responsive form component
Bill Slaughter

Posted: 6/25/2013
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Yes - Joomla 3.x is capable of being responsive through native support of bootstrap. But it is up to the template to implement the bootstrap design paradigms.

So if you put a non-responsive template in J3.x it will still be a non-responsive site.

It takes both parts to work together to make it happen.