How can I add text???

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Posted: 2/1/2013
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I think all you need to do is to go to the headers tab, select shape under insert section. Select one of the shapes. Then add the text you want in the shape area. Now there will be a block where you can enter your text.

There will be a color background, but if you don't want a color background to the textblock, just (still under the header tab) go to edit shape section, select effects and set transparency to 100% You can select font size, color etc in this section also

Posted: 3/14/2013
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To apply the changes the page refresh is required.
Simply switch to a different page.
I've been told that this issue will be fixed in a next release.
Hope that it helps.

Posted: 6/4/2013
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I used the default template from art and added 5 images to the header/slider. Then changed the default text that was in the template and added another shape with more text. The original text that was in the template is OK. The 2nd shape/text that i added only shows up when the last image of the slide appears. How to get it on all images or permanent.

Posted: 7/17/2013
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In a previous template I made, I think it was obvious and intuitive how to add one line of 'headline' text to the header, and one line of 'slogan' text. Then I had to key the real text in the back end of Joomla 3 for it to appear. All good.

I did this on my new creation, but thought it looked terrible due to not knowing about the refreshing the page due to the bug thing.

Now I can't find how to go back to adding the headline/slogan. I can add text using the 'shape' thing but I don't understand if this is the same as the 'headline/slogan' thing. Could someone clarify please?

And the 'shape' field text doesn't seem to appear to be edited in the back end of my Joomla (3) - but doesn't need to be; but neither does it show up on my mobile device, which is bad. The previous template I did with a 'headline' did show up on mobile.

What I actually want to achieve is a wide image, with three lines of text towards the right hand side, that appear both on a deskto and on mobile devices. Any clues please? I seem to be going round and round.

I'm using A 4.1 on Windows XP


Posted: 1/5/2014
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I've never had good luck getting image/text combinations to show up on all devices. I finally resorted to editing my image files to include the (static) text I wanted. Now, the finished image also includes the text.

This workaround is OK for now, but I'd certainly prefer a better solution.