Second Menu

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Posted: 11/24/2012
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I am looking to create a second horizontal menu that shows on all pages other than the home page, where I want to display the regular main menu.

I have tried creating a second module, which I called home and asked that it displayed on all pages other than the home page.

I am looking for both menus to display in Position-1

I cannot get it to work, any suggestions.

Posted: 11/24/2012
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Artisteer support one horizontal menu on user3 position only .

Posted: 11/24/2012
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Thanks for your reply.

Posted: 11/24/2012
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This is not true. I have 2 horizontal menu's in user3 position.

This is with artisteer4

Posted: 11/24/2012
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Hi jrgweb

Great looking website, I like the two horizontal menus, how do you do this. I see that you are using Joomla 2.5.6 and Artisteer 4, I am similar, other than I am using Joomla 2.5.8.

In my set-up, for the horizontal menu, I have tended to use position-1 and not user-3, I am assuming that there is no difference?

I am trying to achieve something similar other than I only want the main menu to appear on the Home page and for the second menu to appear in its place on all other pages.

The reason is I am creating a mobile website, with a responsive web design, but I don't want the display, other than the home page, to be taken up with, what is in affect a vertical menu.

In Twitter Bootstrap the main menu collapses when accessed by a smartphone user, this would be the ideal, but I cannot seems to get this to happen in Artisteer 4.0

Any advise would be welcomed.


Posted: 11/25/2012
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@mightec - This site is for experimental and testing.
I do a great deal of testing joomla extensions and template customization.

position 1 is just fine.
I have done nothing special for 2 horizontal menu's in this module position.
If one wants to have 2 horiz. menu's in different module position then additional code is required. That said, this is artisteer4 and not artisteer3.

I'd be more than happy to take a look at the site if available. In the mean time I'll download joomla 2.5.8 and test on a local server.

If you want to contact me via e-mail, jrgweb [@]

Posted: 11/26/2012
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Thanks for the offer to contact you by email, I will do so, with a link to the development site that I am working on, thanks again.

Posted: 11/27/2012
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thanks for your help today, I now have the menus as I want them.

Posted: 11/27/2012
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@mightec - I took a look earlier and your site works good with the menu's.
As I said earlier I just finished a project where I converted the horizontal menu to a dropdown menu only for screens for smartphones. below 480px
I also turned off the vmenu in responsive mode since most links are the same.

Posted: 11/29/2012
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@ jrgweb -
Hello, I see your site with the 2 horizon menu. I use Artisteer 4 + Joomla 2.5.8. How does it work? I've been looking everywhere, but I can not find instructions.
Please help me!
jrgweb [@]

Posted: 11/30/2012
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@san - Artisteer4 has done a great job with horiz menu features compared to version 2 and 3. The site you are looking at uses the same module position(position-1 or user3) and there is no special code to add. Now, if you want to insert one of the horiz menu in another module position you will have to style the menu.

let me know what your needs are.

Posted: 11/30/2012
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@ jrgweb
thanks for the quick response.
I want a horizontal menu above and one below the banner.


Posted: 12/2/2012
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@san - You can view the same demo site. I changed the 2 horizontal menu to banner1 and left the main horizontal menu in user3 or position-1.

I made a few changes to the css for horizontal2 like the background so that you would have an idea.

In the horiz2 menu under advanced/menu class suffix, enter your class like this: art-hmenu art-menu2 I pulled 2 classes in only for this demo.

Anyway, hope this helps.

Posted: 12/3/2012
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@ jrgweb,

I am also having issues with a second menu-bar.
I added a new position, and it works, but:
in stead of an horizontal menu, is shows vertical.
I can not find where to change the code for this.
Could you help me, the website is :

Regards, Peter

Posted: 12/3/2012
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sorry, wrong link :-/ , this one works:

It is the topmenu, that I want to have horizontal in stead of vertical.
Regards, Peter

Posted: 12/3/2012
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@ jrgweb
thanks for the changes, you are so generous.
your demosite is like my idea. i have also change in the template.css the art-menu2 and in the backend the menusuffix.
but it shows the second menu vertical. i have it on position 18, also for tests in 30 or 1. everywhere shows vertical.
can you show me your css?
are the changes for the menu just in css oder also in php or xml?
greetings from switzerland, san
jrgweb [@]

Posted: 12/3/2012
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@Peter - If you send me your artx file I can insert the code for you after testing.

@san - When on the demo site, right click and view source. Find the link to template.css and right click and open in new tab. You will then be able to view entire css. I put most thing at the very bottom of css.

Also, keep in mind that I am using 2 classes.
<ul class="menu art-hmenu art-menu2">

I'm only doing this so that I don't have to style the 2nd menu for this demo.

If you can't figure out how to view the css, email me and I will send a copy.

Posted: 12/4/2012
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@jrgweb - i have send you a email.

Posted: 12/4/2012
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Haven't received one yet. Make sure you remove the brackets. [ ]

or contact me here.

Posted: 12/29/2012
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After a lot of searching, this was the solution for me;

Change file:

Line 121 reads:
if (isset($attribs['name']) && $attribs['name'] == 'user3') {

all you would have to do in your case is add a conditional for the other module position like: || $attribs['name'] == 'YourModulePositionNameHere'

so it would look like:

if (isset($attribs['name']) && $attribs['name'] == 'user3' || $attribs['name'] == 'top1') {

just replace top1 with your module position. and you can add as many of these || brackets as u want.


user3 = position-1 in the Joomla 2.5 and higher templates.
After this change the menu items are shown.
To also apply menu bar layout add this to your menu module class suffix;

art-hmenu art-nav


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