Connexionn bloc above the header

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Posted: 11/8/2012
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I need to add a connetion bloc outside of the sheet on the top the page (above the header). Is this possible?


Posted: 11/8/2012
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Hey hbhf, Yes this is possible.

1st. create a new module position in the templateDetails.xml like so:

2nd. In the index.php add the top line right below the <body> or below <div id="art-main" but above the art-sheet.

height: auto;


<?php echo $view->position('topbanner'); ?>
<div id="art-main">
<div class="art-sheet clearfix">
<header class="art-header clearfix"><?php echo $view->position('header', 'art-nostyle'); ?>
<div class="art-shapes">


3rd. Create a custom style and insert in the template.css file. A custom style may look something like this:

.art-connection {
background-color: transparent;
width: auto;
height: auto;

You can style it anyway you desire.
Now if you want to include the style in the index.php instead of joomle module class suffix, you can do this;


<div class="art-connection">
<?php echo $view->position('topbanner'); ?>
<div id="art-main">
<div class="art-sheet clearfix">
<header class="art-header clearfix"><?php echo $view->position('header', 'art-nostyle'); ?>
<div class="art-shapes">


To view your module positions, enter ?tp=1 in the url
This will only work if you have it activated in joomla template manager.


Posted: 11/8/2012
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Thanks jrgweb. This seems complex! I'll try it any way :-)