NEW: Customize Artisteer Exported Theme With Microthemer Plugin

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Posted: 4/17/2012
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Hi Sebastian,

Your product looks very promising. However, isn't WP 3.4 going to offer similar theme options, may be not to the extend of your plugin?

And if Artisteer 3.2 adapts itself nicely to WP 3.4, will we ever need your product?

Although, at $22.50, it is a steal of a deal, the price is more than fair, for what it promises to deliver. The videos show a well thought and designed plugin, you deserve my full respect.

Posted: 4/18/2012
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Hi Nick,

Thanks for joining the discussion.

WordPress 3.4 will have some Theme Customisation options, but as you say, not to the same extent as Microthemer. In fact, not even close. To put things into perspective, here are some numbers:

WordPress 3.4 actually only has 4 customisation options:
- Display Header Text (yes or no)
- Header Text Color
- Header Image (upload an image)
- Background Color
The other customisation options change the content rather than the design.

Microthemer has an enormous number of customisation options by comparison. With the Blank Slate Micro Theme for Artisteer ( loaded, Microthemer has:

- 16 Sections of grouped customisation options (e.g. Main Body, Header, Main Menu, Posts, Single Posts, Sidebar, Comments, Footer etc etc)
- Spread among these 16 sections is 197 Selectors. So for instance, the Header section contains (among other selectors): Site Title, Site Title Link, Site Title Hover, Site Description.
- For EACH selector, Microthemer gives you 67 styling options (e.g. font-weight, font-family, background-color, background-image, background-image position, border-radius, Gradient A and Gradient B color, padding, margin, border etc etc)
- So in total, Microthemer gives you 197 x 67 = 13,199 styling options!
- Some of you might be thinking Microthemer is pretty slow with all those styling options - don't worry, the interface loads dynamically for exactly that reason.

So if my calculations are correct, Microthemer has 3299 times the number of styling options you get with WordPress 3.4.

The level of artistic control you get with Microthemer is actually much closer to that of editing a CSS stylesheet than it is to Theme options.

I hope that clarifies things. And thanks for your kind words.



Posted: 4/18/2012
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Quote Nick:

Although, at $22.50, it is a steal of a deal, the price is more than fair, for what it promises to deliver. The videos show a well thought and designed plugin, you deserve my full respect.

Remember though that it's only a licence for multiple domains if you own the domains so if using it for client sites it'll be a licence per domain owner.

Posted: 4/18/2012
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Hmm. You make a good point. Especially when you consider that Microthemer is $45 at full price.

When I was developing Microthemer I didn't actually envisage it being used by developers for client sites. I originally only thought it would appeal to non-technical WordPress users for whom it opens a whole new world of design control. I've since discovered that plenty of people who know CSS are also interested in Microthemer.

An option I'm considering now is to offer a developer license for Microthemer. This would permit web developers to use it on (say) 50 client domains.

On CodeCanyon, if I enable the Extended License option, Microthemer can then be purchased with a more permissive license for $125. Do people think that's too much or about right?

Any feedback on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: 4/18/2012
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Hi Sebastian,

I have just started testing Microthemer with a Artisteer generated theme.

So far it looks pretty good, but I will need to spend more time testing it before I have a good sense of all it has to offer.

Initially it seems like it will be a good way to set css settings quickly without having to touch the editor or hunt through code to find the setting.

I personally feel if it proves to be something that would improve a clients ability to work with their site and not overwhelm them then $125.00 for a developers license is fair.


Posted: 4/18/2012
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Hi Sebastian,

I agree with everything you mentioned. Two last question though:

1. It seems to me that your plugin only makes changes to the CSS files. That said, do the changes also happen with ie6, and ie7 css files?

2. Do you have any plans of releasing a stand alone version? So any type of Artisteer template can use this impressive product? Besides WordPress, I am a QuickerSite user, who accepts html templates made from an Artisteer project. The type of template should not make a difference, since the changes happen only in the CSS files. As a result, a Joomla, Drupal, or html user using an Artisteer template, can simply point to the location of the CSS file, and start editing...

Posted: 4/19/2012
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Wait a minute, I just bought this yesterday. You are saying that I can only use it on ONE SITE?

If that is true, you should have been clear about that. That is completely unacceptable. I already installed it on a test site to check it out.

As far as a price for an "extended license", Visual Composer, which does a LOT more, goes for $25. Templateer, which also does a LOT more, goes for $29.

Now can you understand why I might have thought this was an "extended license" too?

Posted: 4/19/2012
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I agree that it should be more clearly stated on it's usage.

I did only pay like $22 dollars for it though.

I honestly don't know if and whether I will use it but bought it to support a developer that is developing improvements to Artisteer.

That is the same reason I bought Templateer. It is a great software as well and worth much more. I have never used it for anything but testing. But I believe Bud deserves the support of the Community he is supporting.

My feeling is that as a developer I develop sites for hundreds or thousands of dollars that are used only on one domain. For me it seems only right to pay software developers more for unlimited use of their software if it some how improves my business? I personally would rather pay more and have support and future developments then see the developers go else where to earn their income.

BTW Visual Composer is $125.00 for the extended license and Templateer is under priced but does require a yearly subscription to get updates.

Posted: 4/20/2012
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OK, here's what I'm going to do:

I am moving house today, but on Monday 23rd April I will add a Developer option to the Microthemer product page: The Developer License will cost $90 and will permit the use of Microthemer on unlimited client websites as well as unlimited domains owned by the user.

For those of you that have already purchased Microthemer and would like a Developer License for it, you will NOT be required to spend any more money. Instead, please send an email to Themeover's support@ email address requesting a free developer license (quoting your PayPal transaction ID). I will then email it to you with written confirmation that you are entitled to use such a license.

As I won't be making the Developer License available until Monday 23rd April, anyone who purchases Microthemer before that date can legitimately grab themselves Microthemer with a Developer License for only $22.50 by emailing me as per the instructions above.

I hope that this seems fair to all concerned.



Posted: 4/20/2012
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Thanks Sebastian

Posted: 4/20/2012
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Hi Sebastian. I am one of those non-coding, non-technical people for whom you originally designed your product. You have already touched on my question but I would like more details. I was very excited when I first discovered styling and other plug-ins. Then I learned the downside, which is compromising speed, and became a lot less excited. It was really a bummer. But anyway. You said that yours is dynamic or something along those lines, so not slow. What exactly does that mean? How exactly is your product not going to slow down my site? Because I would love a styling program that will not slow me down. Do the features still work when it is not activated? I just learned all of this slow down stuff this week so maybe I'm just missing something, but so far my only solution has been to delete all plug-ins that I don't really love (including a front page slider that I didn't want to lose) AND deactivate those plugins that I don't need unless editing (like SEO). Maybe that's not a great solution but that's what I've been doing. What would I need to do with your plug in to keep my site speed up? And again how exactly have you ensured that your styling program will not compromise website speed?

Thank you for bearing with my questions. I have been looking for a good styling program so this has potential if questions answered. :)

Also I'm going to check above but wondering what styling features offered, like boxes, columns, and all of the other things you see on plug ins like styles for shortcodes...

Thank you again for your work in making this!

Posted: 4/22/2012
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Hi Tina,

Sorry for the delay in responding, I've been moving house.

When I said Microthemer was not slow what meant was that the page does not try to load over 13,000 styling options in one go when the page first loads (that would take a really long time). Instead, styling options get pulled into the interface dynamically via ajax when they're needed.

I wasn't actually referring to how Microthemer doesn't slow down your WordPress site by adding lots of database queries or running tons CPU intensive of code on each page load. But as it happens, that is also true. I followed WordPress best practice when coding Microthemer. And in any case, if you install Microthemer and find that it slows your site down I will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Regarding your last question about what features are offered, please watch the "Full Program Walk-through Video" on Microthemer's product page: However, I can tell you now that Microthemer doesn't give you any additional shortcodes or give you any easy way to split your content into columns. What is does is give you is a way to precisely style the content on the page, but you are limited to styling the HTML structure that already exists on the page. That's how CSS works. And Microthemer is just a mediator that allows users to apply CSS to their WordPress sites without having to actually understand CSS code.

I know that you said you weren't technical and so that last explanation may not make much sense to you. Apologies, I don't have the words to explain it better in layman's terms.

Does any of that help answer your questions?


Posted: 4/22/2012
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You're welcome Richard.

I received your email and have sent you the Developer License.

Just shout if you need any help with anything!



Posted: 4/24/2012
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FYI the Developer License is now available on

Posted: 5/14/2012
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Just to give you all a heads up, the 50% discount code (ofTOC295f) expires on May 24th 2012.


Posted: 5/30/2012
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For the 50% off, any extension? I just came across it just now. I plan to purchase the plugin.

Posted: 6/8/2012
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Been away for a while and missed this thread totally - until now. Missed the developer discounts :(

Posted: 7/10/2012
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Thanks for the positive review Abland! As I mentioned on Themeover's forum, I'll look into Microthemer-Multi-site issues.

For everyone else, it seems a bit mean to ask people to keep an eye out for random promotions on Here's an Artisteer exclusive 50% discount code:


Redeem it here:

It's valid until 31 Aug, 2012. It will work for regular and developer Microthemer licenses.



Posted: 7/14/2012
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Hi Renny,

Thanks for your purchase!

Yes Microthemer should work fine with an Artisteer/Templateer designed site. Their used to be an issue with the color picker but then I fixed that after a customer reported the problem.



Posted: 7/14/2012
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Just a few quick questions to make sure I'm understanding everything clearly.

1. Does Microthemer do anything or allow developers to do anything that Artisteer/Templateer and knowledge of HTML and CSS don't, or is it more of an efficiency and speed tool if you do know CSS? (Obviously, I also see the value in it allowing clients to edit the theme of their sites once they sign off on our designs.)

2. I'm 99% sure I know the answer, but just to confirm, once a theme is edited via Microthemer, the *.artx becomes extinct, per se, since changes wouldn't be current on it any longer, correct?

Thank you.

Posted: 7/18/2012
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Quote Abland:
I'm currently trying it out on a multisite and it activates well enough, but it looks like each subsite requires its own parent theme - I'll need to confirm that. I had a parent theme, with all the subsites as regular child themes, and changes on the microtheme on one subsite went straight to the parent and affected all the child themes accordingly. So trying to grandchild themes won't work.

The plugin is working properly on a multisite installation, with each sub-site having it's own microtheme which can be updated without affecting the others. This is a good plugin, and from what I see it can't go out of date until css stops being used :-)

I think it's worth a reminder of Sebastian's offer exclusive to Artisteer users:

Quote Sebastian:
For everyone else, it seems a bit mean to ask people to keep an eye out for random promotions on Here's an Artisteer exclusive 50% discount code:


Redeem it here:

It's valid until 31 Aug, 2012. It will work for regular and developer Microthemer licenses.




Posted: 10/14/2012
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AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I am <very> slowly becoming a developer (Artisteer templates with WP) and just came across this thread! As much as I'd like to, I can't afford the $90 for a developer license, but could squeek out half that if a new coupon code became available... ??? Sebastian? Are you listening? :-)

BTW, I think this is an EXCELLENT site tweeker and rearranger and is well worth the full price for someone who can afford it. Congrats.

Posted: 11/17/2012
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I agree 100%.. budget is tight. Can't afford it at full price, but if the 50% coupon was available again, I would buy in a New York second!

Please do inform if that happens very soon.


Quote Patrick:

AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I am <very> slowly becoming a developer (Artisteer templates with WP) and just came across this thread! As much as I'd like to, I can't afford the $90 for a developer license, but could squeek out half that if a new coupon code became available... ??? Sebastian? Are you listening? :-)

BTW, I think this is an EXCELLENT site tweeker and rearranger and is well worth the full price for someone who can afford it. Congrats.


Posted: 3/28/2013
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Always try the coupon anyway that is posted on these tread. I tried the coupon that was suppose to expire in August and it worked. Got the 50%. coupon code: 2qGnart50T4 Give it a try anyway. Good Luck!

Quote Sam:

I agree 100%.. budget is tight. Can't afford it at full price, but if the 50% coupon was available again, I would buy in a New York second!

Please do inform if that happens very soon.


Quote Patrick:

AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I am <very> slowly becoming a developer (Artisteer templates with WP) and just came across this thread! As much as I'd like to, I can't afford the $90 for a developer license, but could squeek out half that if a new coupon code became available... ??? Sebastian? Are you listening? :-)

BTW, I think this is an EXCELLENT site tweeker and rearranger and is well worth the full price for someone who can afford it. Congrats.


Posted: 3/31/2013
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It worked for me too--I tried the coupon code and got 50% off the developer license 8-)


Posted: 3/31/2013
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Hi everyone,

Abland - thanks for notifying me about the activity on this thread.
Patrick - I am listening now, as people have mentioned the 50% off coupon works again: 2qGnart50T4

I re-activated it recently following a customer request. I'd forgotten that I'd advertised it here, but I see no harm in that and will keep it active until the end of August this year.

Thanks for your interest in Microthemer everyone!


Posted: 4/22/2013
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Quote Sebastian:
the 50% off coupon works again: 2qGnart50T4

I'm not an affiliate for Microthemer - I just found that this is an excellent add-on for Artisteer or any WordPress theme.

And with version 2 coming out soon with enhanced visual editing it's worth mentioning the 1/2 price offer from Sebastian again.

Posted: 4/25/2013
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Quick update:

I've just released a new settings pack to make Microthemer work with Artisteer WordPress Themes exported using version 4. I've kept the one for version 3. You can download which ever one you need for free here:



Posted: 4/26/2013
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Seems like an interesting product. I'm almost ready to buy a developer license. However, I have a couple of questions:

1) I know the site says "Free upgrades" but is this forever? Is version 2 going to be a paid update and if so, how much?

2) I've read through the thread and I'm not sure but is this something that's a compliment to Templateer or a replacement? Do the capabilities overlap or if I buy Microthemer, can I completely replace Templateer.

Posted: 4/26/2013
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Hi, MikeC

Quote MikeC:
1) I know the site says "Free upgrades" but is this forever? Is version 2 going to be a paid update and if so, how much?

It's free updates for life.

Quote MikeC:
2) I've read through the thread and I'm not sure but is this something that's a compliment to Templateer or a replacement? Do the capabilities overlap or if I buy Microthemer, can I completely replace Templateer.

I use both and they complement each other. Templateer is more php related while Microthemer is more css
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