Horizontal menu not displayed as designed (Joomla 2.5)

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Posted: 4/3/2012
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I still use the "not updated" version of Artisteer. I'm using Joomla! 2.5 for the first time and it's great. Exept that my horizontal menu is not showing as it should be.

I designed an horizontal menu, with sub-menu, with specific colors for hover, visited etc... The whole stuff is colored in grey.

In Joomla!, I published my menu in user 3 position, with " art-menu" (without quotes) as Menu CSS Suffix.

What is showing up is an horizontal list of links... with no color, with nothing I designed. Just like a "native Joomla! Stuff"... There must be something in the CSS code, or maybe some parameters I didn't understand.

Can someone help?

Posted: 4/5/2012
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Make sure to select correct Joomla version while exporting the template.

Artisteer 3.1 version is needed for Joomla 2.5

Posted: 4/9/2012
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I am finding the same problems as other users with buttons not showing as designed in newer versions of Joomla.
For the most part I am using Joomla 1.5 because it works with Artisteer quite well. I have lately been trying out other versions of Joomla 1.70, 1.73, 2.5. Of all 2.5 is the worst for compatibility. all other new versions of Joomla since 1.5 all have the same problems. In 1.7 horizontal top menu shows as a bar with text links and no buttons. Something in the Joomla is not communicating with all of the CSS. I have tried the "art-menu" but it still will not show. I would love to find some solutions.

Posted: 4/9/2012
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I have been playing with Joomla 1.70 looking for a solution I did find that the vertical bar will show with buttons by assigning it to left or right position for the main menu. Also you have to assign if all pages will have it. Also needed is the "art-vmenu" in the module class suffix for the CSS style to show the buttons in the module manager.

The top menu bar is a different story. The CSS class should be "art-hmenu" but this does not work as Joomla 1.7 - 2.5 seems to not to show correctly. I tried to use the art-vmenu and it actually takes on the vmenu CSS. The position to use is top1, 2 or top3 but the class suffix does not work for the style.
Anyone got an answer?

Posted: 4/9/2012
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O:) O:) O:)

I also experienced the same thing, for sure at the time of export for the selection of joomla version, it turns out that the choice column why is not there?

so come confused .... :-X

Posted: 4/11/2012
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@ xahe

Not sure I understand your last post completely but the version selection is there in export dialog box.

Posted: 4/13/2012
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I'm having similar problems....I designed a menu which show the main menu in user3 (position-1) and want to have a second (also horizontal) menu open up in position-2, when a menu item with subitems is selected.

But all it does is show the subitems as a simple list, even though I used the module suffix to have the same CSS properties as the main menu...Any help with this one please? Please check out http://testiranjetemplate.comuf.com/index.php/dogs.html to see what I mean...

BTW I'm using Artisteer 3.1 and Joomla 2.5.3.

Posted: 4/13/2012
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I'm having the same problem as ZiAn,

Vertical Menus are not working with Artisteer and Joomla 2.5.4. You just get a simple list even though you've used art-vmenu module suffix.

Posted: 4/13/2012
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Okay got it to work :D Cheap trick and not completely SEO friendly as I extended my CSS quite a bit but here it goes.....For some weird reason the template keeps adding "menu" before the given suffix. Wondering if it may work I went for the simplest solution possible:

1.I copied complete menu css (everything containing Zian-hmenu)

2. just add menu before every Zian-hmenu class or id:

.Zian-hmenu --->>> .menuZian-hmenu

3. enter Zian-hmenu as the "Menu Class Suffix" and you are almost done :)

4. I still needed to sort out the menu background img so I opened index.php and changed

<?php   if ($view->containsModules('position-2'))  echo $view->position('position-2'); ?>


<?php   if ($view->containsModules('position-2')) ?>   <div class="Zian-bar Zian-nav">   <div class="Zian-nav-outer"> <?php  echo $view->position('position-2'); ?>   </div>   </div>

p.s. I changed my prefix from art to Zian so you should use art or whatever prefix you used to see results ;)


Posted: 4/14/2012
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@Frank, No problem, glad I could help ;)

I'm still working on the active subitem not showing :/ I don't have a clue why it doesn't show as all the css rules are already given. Probably another simple thing we're all missing :)

Posted: 4/14/2012
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Hi ZiAn,

it looks like a problem in Joomla or perhaps the mod_menu module from Artisteer, because the 'Active' class is missing from the active <a> tag of the sub-menu item. If you add the active class to the menu item from the joomla administrator then it shows as active (but always of course), so the CSS is fine. Only Joomla 'forgets' to insert the 'Active' class on the submenu item. See source code of the page.


Posted: 4/14/2012
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Found it!

the default.php from the Artisteer template menu module (in templates/<your template>/html/mod_menu) only runs for menu's at position-1. Line 9 states:

if (isset($attribs['name']) && $attribs['name'] == 'position-1') {

In my case I changed it to:

if (isset($attribs['name']) && $attribs['name'] == 'position-1' || $attribs['name'] == 'position-19') {

I also changed line 21:

echo '<ul class="art-hmenu"' . $tag . '>';


if ($attribs['name'] == 'position-1') {
echo '<ul class="art-hmenu"' . $tag . '>';
if ($attribs['name'] == 'position-19') {
echo '<ul class="menuart-hmenu"' . $tag . '>';

because my submenu items are slightly different styled than the main menu items.

I now have active submenu items.


Posted: 4/20/2012
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I had joomla 1.5.22 and upgraded to joomla 2.5.3 (with Jupgrade). I made a new template with Artisteer 3.1 and exported as joomla 1.7-2.5. (both choices in positions)
However when i upload the template to joomla i have the following message in my web page

Fatal error: Cannot access protected property ContentViewArticle::$user in /home2/parentsi/public_html/jupgrade/templates/parents2/functions.php on line 436

As i do not know much, and many effort i decided to leave only the front page in joomla (just in case i had mistakes in the other pages). However i still get the same message. Can you please tell me what to do? I use both English and Greek in my site.
Thank you

Posted: 4/28/2012
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BTW- I forgot to mention that at first my menu was not working in the position I selected. My menu is at the top of the screen, so I had a choice between 'position-1' floating to the left, and 'position-29' floating to the right. Since my menu was floating to the right in my artisteer design, I chose 'position-29' and the menu did not appear. I went back and selected 'position-1' and my menu finally appeared as designed and where it was suppose to be. For some reason, it sounds like if you have to choose between 'position-1' and another position for your menu, 'position-1' will do the trick. Hope this helps! Adios!

Posted: 4/29/2012
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Just realized I missed a step in Part 1. :-O

I've included it again below and bolded it out. The complete instructions should read like this:

Quote Rene:

1. When exporting from Artisteer, in the export window be sure to select your version of Joomla. In this case it is Joomla 1.7- 2.5.

2. Select "position-1, position-2, ..." from the positions drop down menu.

3. Be sure to check the "ZIP archive" check box.

4. Click export.

5. Import into the back end of your joomla site using 'extension manager', and designate your template as default.
1. In the backend of your site, go to: Extensions> Template Manager> Options (light switch icon to the far right of upper window). In the Options panel, be sure "Preview Module Positions" is 'enabled'. Click 'save'.

2. Back on the 'Template Manager' window, click on the item 'Templates' in the second menu from the top (next to "Styles").

3. On the next screen find your template and click 'Preview' to launch a new window that will show the positions for your Artisteer generated template.

4. Make note of which position your menu should live.

1. Go to: Extensions>Module Manager. From this window select your menu (by default I think Artisteer generates it as 'Main Menu')

2. Under 'Details', go to third line item from top labeled 'Positions' and click on the 'Select position' button.

3. Within new window select the position of your menu from step 2.4 above.

4. Refresh the page you are previewing your site from and your menu should appear (be sure to clear cache if needed)

Please let me know how it goes! Good luck!


Posted: 5/11/2012
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Frank if you're still around, could you please help me out. On a new site I have 3 different menus all linked together.

Main menu is in user3 (horizontal), submenu in subnav (horizontal) and the side menu (if the submenu has further sub elements) in left (vertical).

I did exactly as you wrote, but the active menus only show up in the side menu, doesn't matter if I use the original default.php file or the modified one :S

Quote Frank:

Found it!

the default.php from the Artisteer template menu module (in templates/<your template>/html/mod_menu) only runs for menu's at position-1. Line 9 states:

if (isset($attribs['name']) && $attribs['name'] == 'position-1') {

In my case I changed it to:

if (isset($attribs['name']) && $attribs['name'] == 'position-1' || $attribs['name'] == 'position-19') {

I also changed line 21:

echo '<ul class="art-hmenu"' . $tag . '>';


if ($attribs['name'] == 'position-1') {
echo '<ul class="art-hmenu"' . $tag . '>';
if ($attribs['name'] == 'position-19') {
echo '<ul class="menuart-hmenu"' . $tag . '>';

because my submenu items are slightly different styled than the main menu items.

I now have active submenu items.



Posted: 5/22/2012
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OK, I've spent half the night working on this damn sub-menu problem, and have read all the message here. It wasn't until I was following Renes instructions, that I spotted the problem. It's stupidly simple.

In your modules menu, click on it and find your menu item (for me it was top). When it comes up with the options window (with Name,Position etc), look to your right.

Theres a tab there with 'Basic Options'. If you click that you will see a check called "Show Sub-Menu Items".

Click enable

Problem solved.

(well for me anyway, hope this helps someone else)

Posted: 8/17/2012
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I am using Artisteer 4 beta and Joomla 2.5.6 stable. After installing the template you made, go to template manager, click on template name, and then edit checkbox. There is a button "Import Content from Template". Click on it, and it imports all content, including custom made menu's from Artesteer. It actually makes the menu modules and all that you created with Artisteer.

Posted: 11/13/2012
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Hi again Joe - never mind my previous post, I figured it out, your trick helped! Thanks!!

Posted: 11/19/2012
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Quote Lana:

Hi again Joe - never mind my previous post, I figured it out, your trick helped! Thanks!!

And where You found it ? The import button ?

Posted: 12/23/2012
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In joomla 2.5 Template Manager : Edit style there is Basic Options and you can check blog layout type----> artisteer and press import content from template.

Worked for me :)

I use artisteer 4

Posted: 1/2/2013
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Yes in my case that was it.

I could not show the sub menus.

Thanks Shane!

Quote Shane:

OK, I've spent half the night working on this damn sub-menu problem, and have read all the message here. It wasn't until I was following Renes instructions, that I spotted the problem. It's stupidly simple.

In your modules menu, click on it and find your menu item (for me it was top). When it comes up with the options window (with Name,Position etc), look to your right.

Theres a tab there with 'Basic Options'. If you click that you will see a check called "Show Sub-Menu Items".

Click enable

Problem solved.

(well for me anyway, hope this helps someone else)


Posted: 1/6/2013
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vertical menu (buttons) missing bcouse artisteer does not expor it in zip file....
$style = isset($attribs['artstyle']) ? $attribs['artstyle'] : 'art-nostyle';
$styles = array(
'art-nostyle' => 'modChrome_artnostyle',
'art-block' => 'modChrome_artblock',
'art-article' => 'modChrome_artarticle',
'art-vmenu' => 'modChrome_artvmenu'

there should be art-hmenu like fire bug says ....
<nav class="art-nav clearfix desktop-nav">
<ul class="art-hmenu">
<a class="active" href="home.html">Home</a>
<ul class="art-hmenu">

but, it is only my thinking 8-)

Posted: 6/2/2013
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@ Angie

Make sure you have placed the menu module on user3 or position1.

I'll suggest you to either post your website URL here or contact support for overlap issue.

Posted: 6/3/2013
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Quote Garry:

@ Angie

Make sure you have placed the menu module on user3 or position1.

I'll suggest you to either post your website URL here or contact support for overlap issue.

But I didn't want my horizontal menu at position 1- according to the template preview, the thing right under header is position 28? or is that faulty information?

The website in question is at http://www.bakafox.com/main - it's supposed to look like http://www.bakafox.com/studio (which is my old Joomla 1.5 site that I am replacing slowly with the 2.5)


Posted: 6/4/2013
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@ Angie

Artisteer support horizontal Menu on user3 or position1 only, see this map: http://www.artisteer.com/?p=help_joomla#joomla4

Posted: 6/5/2013
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Thanks, my template showed that as a totally different place on the page, buit that did work. Sorry for doubting you!

Now I just need to figure out why my text is overlapping all images in the articles...

Posted: 1/20/2015
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This worked for me too. Thanks!!!

Quote Shane:

OK, I've spent half the night working on this damn sub-menu problem, and have read all the message here. It wasn't until I was following Renes instructions, that I spotted the problem. It's stupidly simple.

In your modules menu, click on it and find your menu item (for me it was top). When it comes up with the options window (with Name,Position etc), look to your right.

Theres a tab there with 'Basic Options'. If you click that you will see a check called "Show Sub-Menu Items".

Click enable

Problem solved.

(well for me anyway, hope this helps someone else)


Posted: 7/19/2015
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i had problem with menu not showing as it is design. instead i had list of menu items but no proper look :) yesterday spend allot of time trying to fix :) changed templates and different options didn't work :) an main thin of problem was in module in advanced options i put
Menu Class Suffix as main-mainmeniu( one of tutorials was showing this) as soon as i took it out i had no problem with menu apirence
happy days :)



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