Export HTML Feature Missing

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Posted: 9/22/2011
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Beta 2 version of Artisteer 3.1

Cant export a wordpress theme to HTML anymore. Previous versions one could export any theme to an HTML version. now Export HTML feature is missing.

Posted: 9/23/2011
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You should be able to convert your template to HTML one from File-> Change template type-> Select desired template type.

Posted: 9/26/2011
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Quote Garry:

You should be able to convert your template to HTML one from File-> Change template type-> Select desired template type.

Hi Gary!

I design websites for wordpress. Before I deliver the wordpress website I export the HTML version of the design to present to clients as design draft. I used to be able to do that no problem with previous versions as there was an option to export your wordpress design to an html version.

Now this export feature is gone when in wordpress design mode. I only have an export as wordpress now and not the HTML option anymore.

Artisteer, please can you guys put the "Export HTML" button back when in wordpress or joomla design mode as it was?

Posted: 9/26/2011
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PS : Gary, please note, I do not want to change the template type, the template type should still be WORDPRESS, i just want the button that allowed me to "EXPORT > HTML PAGE" for the wordpress theme back as it is no longer available and it used to be there in the previous versions. I do not want to change the template type to HTML.

Posted: 9/28/2011
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no one else has an issue with this? why the EXPORT > HTML page button was removed?

Posted: 10/7/2011
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I also need HTML export, is a critical feature fo me!

Posted: 10/7/2011
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I can understand that Artisteer cannot support every single cms. But there are more cms than Wordpress and Joomla, etc... Some, are way better than your supported cms. Some of these unsupported cms depended on the html exports to make Artisteer templates to work with them. Taking out this feature, you made things not impossible but harder.

Are you sure driving away paying customers is the way to go? I'm currently using 3.0, and because of this problem (and only this), I have no desire to upgrade my subscription. V3.0 works fine, and updating to 3.1, it will make my life harder, not easier. The number of customers with similar problem, are greater than you think.

Artisteer is the best software by far for what it does, please don't mess up this beautiful program.

Posted: 10/8/2011
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The comments about there being more than just Joomla and Wordpress out there is spot on.

I use many different platforms but my preferred is not one of the core ones Artisteer support. Therefore I rely on the HTML Export function.

Also I agree with another comment that Artisteer is the best software for template building and much more. Artisteer, you are running the risk of loosing money by people not needing to upgrade.

Please hear this request for HTML Export - it comes from many different people. For every single person who comments in the forums there will be tens or hundreds who are not voicing their opinions.

Posted: 10/21/2011
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:-) Thank you! Latest release has the Export HTML feature back! Artisteer listens.....

Posted: 12/10/2011
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How can I export the website I made using Artisteer to HTML?
