Major Problem with wordpress created with this software

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Posted: 7/7/2011
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Firstly the good points. This software is awesome for creating wordpress themes with ease.

Now the bad part and this actually make the above pretty redundant. Any theme created by artisteer 3 for wordpress is next to useless... why?
becuase any text you add in your pages or posts will lose all formatting and end up a jumbled mess with no line breaks or anything. This makes any theme created ugly.

Now this is version 3.0 of artisteer and surely this major bug should have been fixed by now? if not I would urge the team, who have created what could be an awesome piece of software, to correct this issue because I am sure when people hear of it they will not buy the software and people will be unlikely to buy future editions if this problem is not fixed.

This is not a complaint and is given in good spirits because I WANT your product to be a success as it has great potential, but as it is I feel that i wasted my money on it because a theme that cannot handle text properly is useless to me.

if I am wrong and there is a simple solution to this then please point it out to me as I need to know how to correct this.

Best wishes

Posted: 7/7/2011
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having created many websites with Artisteer, I've experience non of the issues you're complaining about.

Posted: 7/7/2011
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Hi webguygary

I have seen others on this forum complaining of the same thing so it is not just me pointing this out.

If there is no problem, then can you explain why all the text just ends up as one big mess and not formatted as in wordpress visual editor. Heres one of my sites where you can see this problem:


Posted: 7/7/2011
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have you submitted a support ticket?

Posted: 7/7/2011
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and I'm just assuming you already tried opening the project in Artisteer, then:

articles > text formatting > font > font options > paragraph > spacing before / spacing after
Digital Raindrops

Posted: 7/7/2011
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Fix the post html and see if it is any better!

Line 871, Column 25: end tag for "p" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified!

871 = <p><!-- yog-llu --></div>


Digital Raindrops

Posted: 7/7/2011
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You have no paragraph margin?

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, a, ul, ol, li {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

Add to the end of style.css

body, p {
margin: 1.5em 0;


Mr Parrot

Posted: 7/7/2011
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Are you copying and pasting your text content from Word or something similar?


Posted: 7/7/2011
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I can create a new Wordpress template in 3.0 with no problems.

But today i loaded one i built with Artisteer 2 in the new Artisteer 3 and made a header image change and a few color changes, and now the text in my pages and articles are all run together.

I have tried every option under articles text settings etc. I can add more spacing between the letters, but there is no toggle to add a <p> between sentences.

Even worse is i can't load a template in V2 that has been modified with V3.

Posted: 7/7/2011
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sounds like you used a very old depricated version of Artisteer and tried to leap-frog to the current version. Artisteer and Wordpress are evolving too fast for you.

Posted: 7/7/2011
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OK.. I added a 5 to spacing after under paragraph as suggested above and that seemed to fix it.

Weird the setting somehow got changed after i imported my V2 created template in V3.

I really like this theme builder.. :-)

Thanks everyone!

Posted: 7/7/2011
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Quote webguygary:

sounds like you used a very old depricated version of Artisteer and tried to leap-frog to the current version. Artisteer and Wordpress are evolving too fast for you.

I'm no newbie.. I bought Artisteer late last summer and downloaded it here. It's Standard Edition. And are using Wordpress 3.2 presently.

There's always a smart azz in the crowd.. O:)

Posted: 7/8/2011
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Wow! Thanks to you all for all this information.. I really appreciate you all taking the time to help me out. i am going to try all that you suggested and will let you know how i get on,

i am glad to see that it is maybe something i am doing wrong, rather than the programme itself.



Posted: 7/8/2011
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G'mornin Everyone.. :-)

I was able to tweak the paragraph before and after settings, with before set at 4 and after set at 5.

However this works good for posts, but my pages have their page title, an add this widget insert, and the page text all ran together.

I don't see any paragraph settings for pages, just posts. So how would i modify just the page paragraph settings?

Thanks.. :-/

Posted: 7/18/2011
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Quote webguygary:

and I'm just assuming you already tried opening the project in Artisteer, then:

articles > text formatting > font > font options > paragraph > spacing before / spacing after

Hi Webgaryguy

Your a star! I tried what you said and from first look it has solved my problem. This is great news, you have really saved me a lot of hassle and time. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.;-)


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