Artisteer Template into Facebook Iframe

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Posted: 8/5/2011
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@ Al

You need to have Standard edition for custom sheet widths.

Posted: 8/20/2011
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Hi, I followed the Digital Raindrops to the "T" but my site doesn't look the same as the Alpha motors or any other mini site. I'm getting scroll bars on the right side and on the bottom and I can even see the Facebook header at the top of my mini site. I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I'm missing and what's causing that. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Posted: 8/22/2011
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Quote myfacelocal:

Hi, I followed the Digital Raindrops to the "T" but my site doesn't look the same as the Alpha motors or any other mini site. I'm getting scroll bars on the right side and on the bottom and I can even see the Facebook header at the top of my mini site. I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I'm missing and what's causing that. Any suggestions? Thanks.

I just couldn't get this to work. I went back to using Static HTML: iframe tabs app and linked the Aristeer html file.

Posted: 8/23/2011
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<iframe src=""    width="510px" height="1024">     <p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>         </iframe>

I created a site of the proper dimensions although I wanted a bit of the bg image to show and used html. If you wish no bg image to show set it to 520 px. This is not a problem to embed a website in fb but it does not qualify as an app. Scroll bars is up to you but for a fixed site they are not necessary.
KISS= Keep it simple
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