SilverStripe compatibility

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Posted: 8/24/2010
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I wish the forums were true forums, where you had to register and where there were moderators - preferably customers that have a stake in the success of this software! - to keep all of the rude, filthy and ad comments out. I think it's going to get worse.

Posted: 8/24/2010
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I agree, you shouldn't be allowed in here (even read-only) without a valid license.

Posted: 8/24/2010
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Maybe we need a forum only for those who...

1. mainly focus on how Artisteer can help a website business grow (no hobby-people, but professional users who don't have the time to post 20 replies/day and/or act like some sort of forum-cop)

2. bought at least 50 licenses of Artisteer for their customers

3. sold at least for 2000$ of licenses via the affiliation program

4. are selling commercial CMS solutions and like to integrate Artisteer templates, but need help to do so.

Maybe... But I would probably be one of its very few members... So this forum could be somewhat lonely.

And maybe we need another forum for all those who do not meet any of the criteria listed above. That second forum would be very crowdy for sure :-D

For the record: I'm not gonna reply to any of the following replies anymore. I just sold a 4000€ site, I'm finishing a 2500€ site, and I need to start a 800€ site. They all have to be finished within 2 weeks. So I am gonna be busy... Except for the 2500€ site, it's all Artisteer/QuickerSite based.

Have fun with this topic!!! ;-)

Posted: 8/24/2010
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And next week, he'll be out on the street with all the rest of the bums, because he's full of it. He makes himself look more and more foolish with each post. For someone who owns a business, he sure is pretty idiotic about his promotion work and his reputation. That should speak volumes enough as to his last post about income.

Posted: 8/24/2010
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Quote Pieter:

Stop hijacking the thread. Nobody cares.

Posted: 12/15/2010
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I'd love to get the SilverStripe compatibility too..
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