Vertical Menu sub item does not show either !!!

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Posted: 4/7/2010
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I try to get used to the new vertical Menu feature and I put a vertical menu in the left column of my future Web site.

For info, I allready have an horizontal menu (in user3 position) with sub item in it and this one is working just as it should.

I Know :

that the module Class need to be : art-vmenu
that the Menu Style need to be Legacy-Vertical in the Module parameters
that Expand Menu need to be placed to Yes in the Other parameters in the Menu Module.

all the above are applied within Joomla ;-)

But even with all the above knowledge ...
the only thing I can achieve is to make the Vertical Menu Visible ..
and not the sub item included in it.

when you click on one Item ...
it does not expand to show the sub items included etc ...

One last thing is that of course all item place in my left Vertical menu are valid and active and are pointing either to articles, categories or sections stuf etc... typical menu use in fact ... but even with that it does not work.

Getting crazy has I don't see what I am missing ...

Posted: 4/8/2010
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Hi Coolplay,

Modul Parameters
Always show sub-menu Items: yes


Posted: 4/8/2010
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that was done but it does not change !

Posted: 4/8/2010
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Hi Coolplay,

I am in the same position. The Vertical Menu is not visiblee with the right style.

I am new to Joomla but not for web design.

Would be possible to tell how and where to change to get the vertical menu in the left column showing in the style that Artisteer creates but we can't see when the site is in Joomla?



Posted: 4/8/2010
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Hi VictorD,

Make sure off course that your Artisteer Template has a right column ;-)
and type : art-vmenu in you Menu Module under Modue Class suffix
Set also to YES your "Allways show your sub menu Item" in your Menu Module and the menu should normaly show up.

Posted: 4/8/2010
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Bingo ! I found the trick to make the Left or right Vertical menu working as it should !!!

Step 1: Make sure that art-vmenu is placed if in your Module Manager for the Vertical Menu you want and type that "art-vmenu" under Module Class suffix

Step 2: of course make sure that there is a left column in your Template (quiet logical so far)

Step 3: Allways in the appropriate Menu in the Module Manager in the Advanced Parameters set to "Allways show sub menu items" in the Menu Module you want as the vertical Menu

Step 3' : double check that your Menu Style is well : Legacy Vertical in the Module parameters of your Menu Module.

Step 4: stay in your Menu Module Manager and go to Advanced Parameters and there place :

Expand Menu and Activate PArents to "NO"

All this make it work for me finaly !!!

That should be mention somewhere in a FAQ section somewhere on Artisteer Web site as this post was quiet discussed allready...


Posted: 4/8/2010
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Did all the steps but still doesn't work for me when I set the parent menu type as "separator".

Posted: 4/8/2010
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Quote Charles:

Did all the steps but still doesn't work for me when I set the parent menu type as "separator".

Followed the above too and it still didnt work, then realised there's an option on Artisteer.

Vertical Menu > SubItem > under style, tick the option Open Levels

It then display for me, not sure if this is what you mean?


Posted: 4/10/2010
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Hi Coolplay,

You mentioned " Step 1: Make sure that art-vmenu is placed if in your Module Manager for the Vertical Menu you want and type that "art-vmenu" under Module Class suffix"

Should I create a menu first and after that do what you say or I use the Main Menu?

Any help is appreciated.


Posted: 4/11/2010
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Well i'm in the process of doing my first site with a vertical menu.

checked all the above settings etc and I still cannot get the vertical menu to work!

all i want is as normal, for the parent item on hover to open and show the submenu items!!!

any help on this would be greatly appreciated!
Karl Shaw

Posted: 4/12/2010
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This is my list to make it work. I have setup on 3 sites and works as it should.

Step 1: Make sure that there is a left column in your Template

Step 2: Create new menu. (Menus.. Menu Manager... New... Name it etc)

Step 3: Add menu items to the new menu. Here is the important part. You need one top level item and submenu items under it. See this link it you don't know how.

Step 4: Go to Module manager. Notice that the new menu has been created. Select and edit.

Step 5: Check Module Parameters
Menu Style = List
Always show sub-menu Items = Yes

Step 6: Go to Advanced Parameters
Type that "art-vmenu" under Module Class suffix

Step 7: Go to Other Parameters and there place :
Expand Menu and Activate Parents to "NO"
Full Active Highlighting to "Yes"

Posted: 4/12/2010
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Just done all this and it work fine. Yes, it got my menus going in the left hand side. So thank you very much.

This information however needs to be in a more prominent place on the website. It is so fundamental to actually making it work..

But thank you again...

Posted: 4/13/2010
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Здесь кто нибудь говорит на русском? :-)

Posted: 4/14/2010
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hey guyz i have figure out how make it work!!!

see the setting in the picture do the same it will work

here the website:

Posted: 4/14/2010
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This issue is not as simple as you are saying. I have loads of sites the vmenu works on without a problem (20 plus)

Yet today i have one site that it will just not work on whatever i do. Even though i have added art-menu it does not appear in the source code.

Posted: 4/14/2010
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Found my problem. Its was a site done in an earlier version of artisteer and not save right so was still in compaterbility mode
Sherri Austin

Posted: 4/20/2010
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I too am having problems with the new vertical menu. I have eventually got it to show in the correct position, but it does not have any of the styling as designed in Artiseer template.

Can anyone help?


Posted: 4/20/2010
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@ Sherri

You should visit following thread:

Posted: 4/21/2010
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Thanks to ^^ Hazara :) taking the time to screen cap the selections, I have finally stopped pulling my hair out.

I assumed that art-vmenu was to go in the menu-class-suffix WRONG no matter how many time above this its quoted as Module Suffix...stupid me

Cheers Hazara

Posted: 4/23/2010
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This Vertical Menu looks like a good feature, but getting it to work is a nightmare - I still can't make it do what I want despite all the useful posts. It should be simple - I want a side menu with sub-items where the sub-items only show if you hover over the parent - exactly as one can do with the horizontal menu. Has anyone done that specific thing?.

Posted: 4/23/2010
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Why can not I see the sub menu vertical? I set the following parameters:

1. style menu: Legacy-Vertical
2. show sub menu items: yes
3. shows white space: yes or no makes no difference
4. menu class suffix: art-vmenu
5. module class suffix: art-vmenu
6. maximum depth menu: 0
7.espandi menu: yes
8. active parten: yes

What should I do?

Posted: 4/24/2010
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@Sevda -

See my reply to this post


Posted: 4/26/2010
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YES, is this is a solution, but it is not the best solution for me, because in this way, submenus are seen more and there is no effect if I click on menu item.

Quote David Johnson:

I noticed that none of these posts ask the question whether the template was published with Vertical Menu/Subitem set to "Open Levels". You can check this by opening your functions.php in your template folder. Go to line 11 and see this code:

'vmenu' => array('show_submenus' => true, 'simple' => true)

Notice the last word says "true". Originally, I had published my website with "Open Levels" set to OFF. When off, line 11 will say "false".

'vmenu' => array('show_submenus' => true, 'simple' => false)

I just changed my line 11 to "true" and my Joomla vertical menu shows all menu levels now.


Posted: 4/27/2010
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I have tried every different setting in the above thread to no avail. I mean every variation.
I cannot get this to work.
Can anyone help?

Posted: 5/4/2010
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I've tried all the variants of settings and submenu doesn't work for me. Maybe, it depend on Joomla version or any server preferences?..

Posted: 5/5/2010
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Quote Bormotoon:

I've tried all the variants of settings and submenu doesn't work for me. Maybe, it depend on Joomla version or any server preferences?..

To all who still have problems, make sure that you do NOT have a duplicate menu item in a different menu. (Such as the Top Menu). IF YOU DO, change the "alias" in that menu item to something different.

This only really matters if you have SEF turned on. Joomla gets confused at showing the exact same URL two different ways...

To quickly see if this applies to you, unpublish the duplicate item in the top menu and then see if your vertical menu works as expected.

Posted: 5/5/2010
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Thanks for an advice, but I have only one menu. Just checked it.

Posted: 5/6/2010
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I finally fixed my problem that many of you are also having. I upgraded Joomla itself, to the latest version 1.5.17 and that fixed it! I had Joomla 1.5.15 previously and nothing I did made the vertical menu work. I spent hours looking into this and nothing worked until I did this upgrade.


Posted: 5/11/2010
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Hi Everybody,

did anyone find a way how the seperator in vertical menu works?

Posted: 6/8/2010
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Yeah tried everything above and nothing works. Any other suggestions?
Would be muchly appreciated. :(
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