Error: "Object Reference Not Set" After Moving To

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Chris Gory

Posted: 4/6/2010
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Ever since moving to Artisteer, I'm unable to open previously saved WordPress themes. I receive the following error:

Unable to open file.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Any ideas??

Posted: 4/30/2010
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I've got the same issue Can anybody advise?

I managed to open an "artx" file that I made in a previous version and a messgae stated that it was going to open up in compatible mode. I subsequently made some changes, but now when I try to open it I get the message,

Unable to open file.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I presume it's to do with the fact that the previous "works" are not actually compatible with the latest version once alterations are made :-<

Posted: 4/30/2010
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There have been a couple of new versions added this week!


Posted: 5/27/2010
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Upgraded to Artisteer. and it fixed my "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" problem.

Posted: 6/17/2010
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i just downloaded 27666. i am still unable to start the program and getting the object reference error. Need help urgently. Thanks:-(

Quote dmcmeans:

Upgraded to Artisteer. and it fixed my "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" problem.


Posted: 6/18/2010
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:-< Frankly said, this is not nice. No answer yet. Neither via the inbuild support report nor here. I purchased the version yesterday, but i am unable to use it. Please help!

Posted: 6/21/2010
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@ dmoreno

You should contact Artisteer support.

Posted: 5/6/2011
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Did anyone get anywhere with this? It's an ongoing issue for me and desperately needs sorting.

Posted: 12/22/2012
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Trying to save my work
Unable to save
Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Posted: 12/4/2013
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Artisteer 4.0, I'm unable my project. I receive the following error:

Unable to open file.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Any ideas??

Artisteer Team

Posted: 12/4/2013
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I suggest that you contact us via our support system:
We need to test the problem .artx file. Also please let us know the exact Artisteer version you're using.