Artisteer with HTML5

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Posted: 3/1/2010
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It will most likely be there, WHEN the HTML5 standard have been set and not before.
Roderick Andriessen

Posted: 7/18/2011
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HTML5 standards have been set, are you guys going to have this option soon?

Posted: 7/20/2011
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I'd also like to know when HTML5 and CSS3 will be implemented.

Posted: 8/2/2011
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I plan to buy your software as soon as I could export in html5 and css3. Do you have an date planned for this to take place?

Posted: 8/3/2011
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The news page says: "We are also researching HTML5 and CSS3 support to create simpler HTML output, for those users wanting to support newer web browsers only."

Posted: 8/6/2011
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Hi everybody,

Do you have some specific ideas what do you wait from HTML5/CSS3?
Or this is just because it's modern words now?
Michael Burke

Posted: 9/2/2011
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Quote Mike:

Hi everybody,

Do you have some specific ideas what do you wait from HTML5/CSS3?
Or this is just because it's modern words now?

Actually, I have some ideas. I would also want it to be able to be exported into a wordpress layout with HTML5. It would be cool if we could set up some HTML/CSS3 animations between navigation and able to place HTML5/CSS3 code into articles, and put features in the header instead of flash.

Posted: 9/2/2011
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+1 to HTML5 and CSS3


I have posted a tutorial here

on how to add CSS3 to artisteer themes.


Posted: 9/9/2011
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Quote Mike:

Hi everybody,

Do you have some specific ideas what do you wait from HTML5/CSS3?
Or this is just because it's modern words now?

yes we need

- Semantic tagging e.g. <header><nav><footer> etc
- support for html5 <video>
- css3 drop shadows, rounded box borders etc
- moz & webkit variances
- graceful fallback for older browsers


Posted: 9/28/2011
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Hi Artisteer Team!
I wish a features html5 on Artisteer. In order to a number of smartphone clients who ask me for it . Tell me that should be great isn'it?

Posted: 2/17/2012
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No reply from Artisteer as usual ...
Luiz Carlos

Posted: 3/1/2012
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Quote Mike:

Hi everybody,

Do you have some specific ideas what do you wait from HTML5/CSS3?
Or this is just because it's modern words now?

Yes, We have some. I want my clients to see my websites with their pretty and expensive Ipad, which doesn't support flash view.
When do you intend to do it?

Posted: 3/2/2012
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It has been stated over and over, the standards for HTML5 have not been set. So why do you people keep insisting on them to give an answer for something that can't be settled till HTML5 is?

I'm sure they'll support it the moment it's a standard. It would be quite a setback to do it before, because everything would just end up changing on them and then everyone here would do nothing but complain that the code is broken.

Posted: 4/22/2012
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Its Peaking up too fast than before and HTML5 is now a necessity for developers to stay in race. Adobe is prompting highly as well Microsoft seems will join hands for HTNL5 development soon. NOW IS THE TIME.

Posted: 4/22/2012
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"HTML5 is now a necessity for developers to stay in race." Complete BS.

Most clients doesn't give a damn so long as their websites works the way they're supposed to. No one has come to me saying "You must use html5".

Posted: 5/3/2012
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I have had several requests from clients for HTML5 during the last months. I hope to see this included soon.


Posted: 5/3/2012
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Really? What do the clients know about html5? If they knew what they were talking about, they would build the site themselves. I agree with Kris. It's nice to have html5 obviously, but it is not the end of the world if you don't - at least not yet.

Besides, I don't think html5 is ready yet, right? I could be wrong on that one...

What we really need, is Artisteer to generate responsive templates.

Posted: 5/3/2012
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From the HTML5 wiki.

Quote :
The W3C is developing a comprehensive test suite to achieve broad interoperability for the full specification by 2014, which is now the target date for Recommendation.

Can we move on please from HTML5 discussions UNTIL it is issued as a standard?



Posted: 5/4/2012
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Quote Rock:

From the HTML5 wiki.

Quote :
The W3C is developing a comprehensive test suite to achieve broad interoperability for the full specification by 2014, which is now the target date for Recommendation.

Can we move on please from HTML5 discussions UNTIL it is issued as a standard?


So what do you suggest we do when everyone is now suddenly asking for thml5 templates?

Should we just buy them already made from somewhere else?

So everyone else is already using html5 templates and we are supposed to wait...

How is that going to work?

Please tell me.


Posted: 5/4/2012
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Sam, I'm not being sarcastic here, just trying to understand. What is html5 such a big deal? What are we supposed to have that we don't with html4? all of the templates that I saw from your link above, can easily be re created in html4.

What am I missing? Why is html5 such a big deal?

Posted: 5/6/2012
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Quote :
So why is HTML5 such a big deal?

Originally introduced under the name ‘Web Applications 1.0,’ one of HTML5’s main goals is to reduce (and hopefully fully eliminate) the need for proprietary web plugins. Services like Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight are arguably necessary to browse the web as it exists today, but these services are owned and trademarked by private companies — not a great situation for a public service like the web to be in. HTML5 aims to replace these proprietary services with new tags, including <audio>, <canvas>, and <video>. This will allow sites like YouTube to display content in a browser without the user having to download someone else’s plugin (in this case, Abode Flash).

Posted: 5/6/2012
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I don't use these plugins right now as it is. Have you heard of jquery? So, again, what is the big deal with html5?
Come on, people now, smile on your brother etc.

Posted: 5/12/2012
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Quote Nick:

I don't use these plugins right now as it is. So, again, what is the big deal with html5?

If you don't serve video to mobile devices, it may not be useful to you personally. My clients, on the other hand, would crap bricks if I didn't offer HTML5...

Quote Nick:

Have you heard of jquery?

Even as a jQuery contributor, I'm not sure what its relevance is here.

Quote Rock:

Can we move on please from HTML5 discussions UNTIL it is issued as a standard?

Read up on W3C document maturity level, and keep in mind that Last Call ended May 22 of *last* year. Pragmatically, HTML5 is fully cooked - no new features are to be added, and any changes will be fairly minor.

If you (the general you, encompassing everyone here) don't want to use it and would gain no benefit from it, no need to waste your time.

The ubiquity of Apple devices convinced me to switch. Of course, I like to implement these things into my knowledge bank early, rather than playing catch-up later.

(We've all had those experiences when a client wants something new NOW and we panic to learn some new skillset before they outsource the project to some punk freelancer! Not sleeping, not answering the phone, taking the laptop to the bathroom, just constantly learning the syntax of whatever it is the client wants, and wishing you'd done it earlier.)

(No offense to punk freelancers; I'm one of those sometimes, too!)

As always, YMMV.

Posted: 6/12/2012
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Quote Kris:

"HTML5 is now a necessity for developers to stay in race." Complete BS.

Most clients doesn't give a damn so long as their websites works the way they're supposed to. No one has come to me saying "You must use html5".

HTML5 is much less (and cleaner) code to do what Artisteer does. Quite simply, Artisteer is now completely useless to anyone who has mastered CSS3 and HTML5. The ability to include more advanced features with less development and maintenance time allows reduced expenses and faster turnaround... so YES the statement "HTML5 is now a necessity for developers to stay in race" is completely valid.

Building a rounded corner text areas in HTML4 involves making a 3x3 table, minimum of 3 images (usually 9), and at least 9 CSS styles defined. If your client wants to change the border width, color, or curve radius, then you must re-do all 9 images and all 9 CSS styles.

The same thing in HTML5 is done with NO TABLES, NO IMAGES, and ONE CSS style, which can be applied to tables, divs, and spans. If the client wants to change the border width, color or corner radius, you simply modify the CSS style. (No need for Photoshop!)

As for Flash, Adobe has announced that Flash development has ended, and they will no longer offer or support that product. Why? Adobe's press statement stated that HTML5 can do EVERYTHING that Flash can, with less code, faster execution, wider acceptance, better platform independency, and the same (or expanded) feature set. (And is FREE!)

I was originally intrigued by Artisteer's ability to easily export rounded corner elements, and I like the library of textures, but unless Artisteer can export to the cleaner and faster HTML5 + CSS3, then its days are numbered.

Posted: 6/12/2012
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@ AdobeWanKenobi

Artisteer will support HTML5 and CSS3 from next release:

Posted: 6/12/2012
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A little correction to the false statements above: Adobe is not ending flash development. Adobe is ending flash development for mobile devices. There is a big difference.

And if you think Artisteer's code will be cleaner with html5, you must be really new.
SomeOf YouGuysAreClueless

Posted: 6/14/2012
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Rounded corners have nothing to do with Html5, but with CSS.

The css border-radius property has be around for YEARS.

Anyone using tables for any form of layout is most likely clueless or lazy.
Tables are for tabular data, not for layout! Some people use tables for layout, Artisteer uses CSS to accomplish a table-like layout "display:table-cell".

"Artisteer is now completely useless to anyone who has mastered CSS3 and HTML5"

This is ridiculous! I know Html5, CSS3, PHP, Javascript/jQuery, Actionscript 3.0 and Photoshop for layout.

I can actually create a design in photoshop and turn it into a standards based website, or CMS Theme (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, Magento), and I've been doing so for YEARS BEFORE I KNEW ABOUT ARTISTEER!

Artisteer, now allows me to get 1-2 weeks worth of work done in a FEW HOURS.
It doesn't mater if you know HTML & CSS or not, it's about time!!!

If a client wants a complete color change, it's a pretty simple matter in Artisteer!
Try doing that with a Photoshop Mockup, that will need to be re-exported, and the css needs to be changed, this can take HOURS!

A lot of you guys giving "Advice" sound pretty clueless.

Study more, talk less!


Posted: 6/2/2013
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I would like to export my templates in html5.

xhtml and html4 arent that different from html5 but still I don't get those two.
I would like to see html5 templates so I can edit them easier.

Posted: 6/3/2013
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Quote SomeOf YouGuysAreClueless:


Rounded corners have nothing to do with Html5, but with CSS.

The css border-radius property has be around for YEARS.

Anyone using tables for any form of layout is most likely clueless or lazy.
Tables are for tabular data, not for layout! Some people use tables for layout, Artisteer uses CSS to accomplish a table-like layout "display:table-cell".

"Artisteer is now completely useless to anyone who has mastered CSS3 and HTML5"

This is ridiculous! I know Html5, CSS3, PHP, Javascript/jQuery, Actionscript 3.0 and Photoshop for layout.

I can actually create a design in photoshop and turn it into a standards based website, or CMS Theme (Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, Magento), and I've been doing so for YEARS BEFORE I KNEW ABOUT ARTISTEER!

Artisteer, now allows me to get 1-2 weeks worth of work done in a FEW HOURS.
It doesn't mater if you know HTML & CSS or not, it's about time!!!

If a client wants a complete color change, it's a pretty simple matter in Artisteer!
Try doing that with a Photoshop Mockup, that will need to be re-exported, and the css needs to be changed, this can take HOURS!

A lot of you guys giving "Advice" sound pretty clueless.

Study more, talk less!

Amen my man Amen, you took words right out of my mouth ! :-)


Posted: 6/3/2013
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@SomeOf YouGuysAreClueless

100% on point with you answer. Thank you.
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