Add module above header/top menu

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Posted: 9/24/2009
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I want to add a module position aligned right on top of the template, i.e. above the header/top menu positions. It should be used to display a row of Joomfish flags for language selection. Can anyone walk me through how I go about this? Your help is much appreciated.

Posted: 9/25/2009
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Hi again, following advise in previous threads, I have successfully added the new module position, called "Joomfish" into the template by:

1. Adding this to the template.xml file:
(as last item in the position listing)

2. Adding this to the template.php file:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="joomfish" />

as first item like this:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="joomfish" />
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="user3" />
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="banner1" style="artstyle" artstyle="art-nostyle" />
<?php echo artxPositions($document, array('top1', 'top2', 'top3'), 'art-block'); ?>
<div class="art-contentLayout">
<?php if (artxCountModules($document, 'left')) : ?>
<div class="art-sidebar1"><?php echo artxModules($document, 'left', 'art-block'); ?>

This adds the module position to the template, but places it hidden at the lower end of the menu (user 3) and not - as intended - above the header. Can anyone advise how I make it position like I want it to? The url is

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 9/25/2009
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The best way to add a module position to any place on your web page is to wrape it with DIV
like the sample below:

<div id="joomfish">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="joomfish" />

you can add it anywhere on your page, and to check if you added the position n the right place , you need to go to your web site and type:
then you will see all the positions.

to be able to put any module through the administrator you should do 1 more thing as mention abouve:
add this line to the file in your template that call- templateDetails.xml

to play with the width and height of the module, you need to create a parameter in the CSS file.

for example :
#joomfish{ width:200px;

any question, email me

Posted: 10/31/2009
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adi, I followed your instructions and the new module positionshows up when I use the index.php?tp=1 tag ( to see the positions of the module ) ,,,the position also shows up in the drop down menu of the module params but when I assign the joomfish leanguage selection module to that position it wont show up at all on the real site....any suggestions :-(

Posted: 10/31/2009
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Quote vortex:


adi, I followed your instructions and the new module positionshows up when I use the index.php?tp=1 tag ( to see the positions of the module ) ,,,the position also shows up in the drop down menu of the module params but when I assign the joomfish leanguage selection module to that position it wont show up at all on the real site....any suggestions :-(

Acctualy I manage to make the module show uo ( so I can see the flags) but they don't seems to be active , ...I can't click on them to be able to change the language... :-(
Big Cheese

Posted: 12/4/2009
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Vortex, I want to marry you and bare your child.
This was the solution for me, thank you!

Posted: 12/16/2009
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My thanks to adi also.

Posted: 1/18/2010
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Should anyone still cares about a possible solution:
Most probably the flags are not active simply because they have lower z-index than necessary. Try adding the last 2 CSS commands to the joomfish div styling:



Posted: 2/9/2010
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HI, I am a little bit confised with these explanations, and artisteer support is not answering :-(
adding this "<position>joomfish</position>" to the xml file really adds the possibility to place the joomfish flags in joomla

but I absolutely couldnt find out where to insert this in the template : <div id="joomfish">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="joomfish" />
so that the flags would show above the banner. the best I could make was to make them show on the right somewhere in the background.

it would help if someone could paste a larger copy of the code than the one being inserted so that i could find out where to put it.

Thanks in advance, Marc

Posted: 2/12/2010
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Quote Strahil:

Try adding the last 2 CSS commands to the joomfish div styling:


Which file is it exactly?


Posted: 2/15/2010
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In the CSS file I would imagine in the Joomfish div that you created there?

Posted: 3/20/2010
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The file is your template.css file in your default template. Also, I was able to adjust the sheet distance from the top after I got the module situated so it's in the perfect spot. Make sure you have your position set right too so it lands over your sheet.

Thanks for all the great tips!

Quote Joschkafischer:

Quote Strahil:

Try adding the last 2 CSS commands to the joomfish div styling:


Which file is it exactly?


Posted: 6/4/2010
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Quote vortex:

Quote vortex:


adi, I followed your instructions and the new module positionshows up when I use the index.php?tp=1 tag ( to see the positions of the module ) ,,,the position also shows up in the drop down menu of the module params but when I assign the joomfish leanguage selection module to that position it wont show up at all on the real site....any suggestions :-(

Acctualy I manage to make the module show uo ( so I can see the flags) but they don't seems to be active , ...I can't click on them to be able to change the language... :-(

Strahil: You need to put the code in your template.css file.

I was able to include the new module into the header, but I need the joomfish flags in the top menu...

Can somebody explain how can I do that?/


Posted: 6/16/2010
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added those codes to positions in files...
<div id="joomfish"> (by me <div id="advert01")
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="joomfish" />
add this line to the file in your template that call- templateDetails.xml
for example :
#joomfish{ width:200px;

and now i want to move that module to the right side of the template.
i think i have to add to css file the absolute positions of module?
how can i do it?

Posted: 7/7/2010
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I have added a new position in the header and placed it where i wanted it following the instructions above loaded a menu module in it. The only problem im having with it is that the links dont work in firefox however they do in explorer????


Posted: 7/16/2010
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Is it possible to take an existing module and resize it? i.e. Banner 1. I would like to make is small to hard code something beside it.


Posted: 7/26/2010
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Quote sussex:

I have added a new position in the header and placed it where i wanted it following the instructions above loaded a menu module in it. The only problem im having with it is that the links dont work in firefox however they do in explorer????

Is there any surport here from the admins?????

Posted: 7/26/2010
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@ Eddy

Following related thread may be helpful:

Posted: 10/5/2010
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Quote adi:

The best way to add a module position to any place on your web page is to wrape it with DIV...

It work´s to me, excellent. With this technique we can ad more positions.

Posted: 12/14/2010
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I have one little question, I normaly edited template.css following adi & Strahil tips, and normaly, all is workig great, but i am little confused by other css files:


Is there a need to edit those css files too - for some preventive? - Or.. those 3 css files are not too important for normaly displaying "flags" in ie6 and ie7?

P.S - sorry for my bad english


Posted: 12/14/2010
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There is no need to edit IE style style sheets if your page is working well in IEs.

Posted: 12/15/2010
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Here is an example of an above the header module in Artisteer:

The top leaderboard position was added to the template.xml file and then called through a div in the index.php file..add some styling in template CSS file and voila....

I also set up custom <div></div> in the template CSS and published them in the user3 pos via a custom html module...(mod_j15html is my fave)

I also edited my banner 1 file so that I could publish a menu in that position with the same -nav styling as User 3....

The whole bottom of the page is a custom div published in banner 6 (four column css and also calling loadmodules)


Posted: 2/17/2011
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hello forum
i try to follow the instructions of this thread,
but i'm sorry, in my template folder i don't have a file named: template.php
please help
Thank you


Posted: 3/12/2011
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Quote adi:

The best way to add a module position to any place on your web page is to wrape it with DIV
like the sample below:

<div id="joomfish">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="joomfish" />

you can add it anywhere on your page, and to check if you added the position n the right place , you need to go to your web site and type:
then you will see all the positions.

to be able to put any module through the administrator you should do 1 more thing as mention abouve:
add this line to the file in your template that call- templateDetails.xml

to play with the width and height of the module, you need to create a parameter in the CSS file.

for example :
#joomfish{ width:200px;

any question, email me

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 3/27/2011
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Where exactly does the parameter:

#joomfish{ width:200px;

get inserted ?

Posted: 4/26/2011
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I've added two module positions on top of the header to display rotating images and a flash logo.

They work fine in FF4 and IE8, but the modules don't show up at all in IE7.

Any advice on how to make it show up in Internet Explorer 7?


Posted: 4/30/2011
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This works fine. But, i dont want to have it above the header, i wanna have it inside.

So who do i write the code to change the down position.

I just wanna lower the positon of the moudle :)


Posted: 6/13/2011
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Thank you so much - solved my problem

Posted: 8/1/2011
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Quote Strahil:

Should anyone still cares about a possible solution:
Most probably the flags are not active simply because they have lower z-index than necessary. Try adding the last 2 CSS commands to the joomfish div styling:


Hi Gary, what if adding this doesnt resolve... everything works only it still seems at a lower layerpositiion somehow?

I have this in my template.css

/* mijn modulepositie */
#joomfish{ width:autopx;
float: center;
height: 100px
position: relative;
z-index: 1000000;

What else can i possibly do?

Posted: 1/16/2012
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Quote Ada:

I've added two module positions on top of the header to display rotating images and a flash logo.

They work fine in FF4 and IE8, but the modules don't show up at all in IE7.

Any advice on how to make it show up in Internet Explorer 7?


Ada: Did you build that website with Artisteer? If so may I see or have the files? I am trying to build a website with the curve in the header and have not been able to find out how to do it yet.
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