Artisteer V. not working on Firefox, Safari and Chrome using joomla template

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Posted: 8/2/2009
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Hello NG

I downloaded the new Artisteer V. Standard Edition on my Computer to create a test Template.

I created a Joomla Template an tested it. Now the problem is, that the template is shown correctly only with internet Explorer. When I use the following browser as firefox, safari or google chrome, it's not possible to see anything there. The menues are hiden from the menu titles. On the space where it should be the menues it is only a empty space. No menu items are visible. Only Internet Explorer works correct.

Could you help me to solve this issue?


Posted: 8/2/2009
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You may like to post your website URL here

Posted: 8/3/2009
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Here the link to the website

I remember you... With Internex Explorer it works
With Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome it doesn't work

Posted: 8/3/2009
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What changes did you make after exporting it from Artisteer

Posted: 8/4/2009
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I changed only colour, and Menu style.. This it's all

Posted: 8/4/2009
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Strange is, that the preview in the artisteer do not have some problems

Posted: 8/4/2009
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Try installing your template exported from Artisteer without making your changes to test whether it works or not.

Otherwise you should try installing a suggested template by Artisteer for testing purpose.

Posted: 8/5/2009
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I'm having exactly the same problem as Ramon! I had no problems with Artisteer 2.0 -- all 4 browsers were rendering my Artisteer template correctly. Now that I've updated to 2.2, only IE 8 renders it correctly on my server. BUT, when I preview in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, locally on my computer (using preview function in Artisteer), everything renders correctly -- except the buttons are completely wrong in Firefox.

Here's more details from a post that i posted to the "General" forum. I'm reposting in Joomla templates because it makes more sense. I've also e-mailed Artisteer Tech support. Beginning to wish I'd stuck with Artisteer 2.0, right now...
I've created a 3-col layout in Artisteer. The template is loading correctly with three columns in IE 8, Chrome, Safari, and almost correctly in Firefox (the buttons aren't displaying right) on my computer when I use joomla (1.5.6) locally on my computer.

It's loading correctly in IE8 after I upload it to the server (

However, Chrome, Safari and Firefox are all trying to push the template into a 2 column layout when pulling it off the server on which it's sitting. Again, they do not do this to the template when I preview it through Artisteer on my computer -- although Firefox is doing very strange things with the buttons, which essentially are reduced to a vertical image about 1 pixel wide and maybe 30 pixels high.

Here's the URL to the site I'm building (I'm doing the content too). Please bear in mind that it's under construction, but I'll make it available for the next 24 hours so that others can look at it for reference in terms of the problems I'm describing-->

I think my problem probably has something to do with a php file somewhere (I hate these things). I made the mistake of trying to follow some advice on the Artisteer forum about how to make your header image linkable (which I'd really like to see as an option in Artisteer), and fooled around with my index.php file.

I've done all of the following, but it hasn't helped:

- deleted my Artisteer template folder off the server
- then reloaded my Artisteer template onto the server

- copy and pasted all the code from my index.php file in my template folder locally into the index.php file on the server
- copy and pasted all the code from my template.css file in my template folder locally on my computer to the template.css on the fatcow.server

Nothing has worked. The template still displays in corrupted form in Safari, Firefox and Chrome (when they're drawing it off of joomla on, but oddly not in IE 8. IE 8 is rendering it correctly.

Again, except for IE 8, my template is displaying completely differently than how it displays locally on my own computer -- through Artisteer.


Posted: 8/5/2009
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It's not often you hear IE, being the ONLY browser that works lol. This is very worrysome, I was about to purchase artisteer but I will wait for the outcome of this to play out.

Posted: 8/5/2009
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Haha, not very often. You´re damned right.
In my oppinion they shuould throw it on the dump.

Because it always, thats for sure, even when other way round, makes it different from the other browsers. :-)

Posted: 8/5/2009
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Was this issue resolved?

I don't want to drop $150 for something that doesn't render in browsers other than IE...

Posted: 8/5/2009
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I'm still waiting for a response to an e-mail I sent to Artisteer last night. If you've looked at my site (again, it's under construction) -- in IE, then again in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, you saw the problem.

The same problem is also apparent on Ramon's site -- . Load it in IE 8. No problem. Load it in any other browser, yikes!

At first I thought I'd screwed up a php file or something. But given that others like Ramon are having the same problem with v2.2, I think the issue lies with Artisteer, and its software.

Obviously, this is a HUGE issue. You can't have your site only rendering properly in one of 4 browsers, even if it is currently the most popular (but IE's popularity is rapidly dwindling).

If I don't hear back from Artisteer soon, I'm going to try and re-do a template in v2.0 -- which, luckily I still have a trial version of on my work computer. Hope that works.

But obviously this is not a great solution. In fact, I don't know if I'll be stuck with 2.2 if I buy Artisteer (kind of stuck after all the work I've invested into my template) , or, if I take the purchase option off of my v2.0, if I'll get 2.0 -- which I'd prefer at this point.

Anyway, again, this browser rendering issue is a HUGE problem.

I can't believe more people aren't talking about it on Artisteer's forums. Maybe it's because the majority are still using v2.0 -- and they're better off for it.
Dave s

Posted: 8/5/2009
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Hi Ramon, Chris, Andrew, 'Garry' et al

There seems to be some issues with 2.2. In my opinion it has some problems that should have been resolved before being issued as a stable commercial release.

Artisteer should have a robust beta testing program and such issues should have been addressed. There are other issues with this release:

*In does not save template files that are backwards compliant with 2.1 (If you roll back they won't work: this is from their tech support)

*The file structure that produces templates is changed so that many of the useful template hacks that worked with 2,.1 not longer work.

*The licence key needs to be re entered after the upgrade tho' no mention is mane of this in the instruction so have your original licence number handy. (They say this is for confidential security reasons (so i guess I can tell you this much))

*I've not received much help from tech support on these issues. They misread my question and then didn't answer another about the install failing on 99% which has been posted by at least one other person.

I also think the support system as it stand sucks. Anyone can post anywhere and the there is no real authentication, notification, editing, profiles, etc. It also looks very much like tech support post here and there but without identifying themselves. (I could be wrong but if this post is here in the morning I will know :-)).....

I think it is a great program if it is going to function in the way it is sold but so far my 'upgrade' has been a step backwards.

I also feel strongly that support needs to be more transparent and organised and I for one will be right behind this potentially great program.

All the best Dave

Posted: 8/5/2009
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I hear you. I think there's a tremendous desire for a product like Artisteer and it has definitely helped me. But I'm also frustrated. I just want my pages to look good in all major browsers -- but I don't have enough CSS knowledge to create my own template. On the other hand, I don't want someone else doing it for me. I like doing my own thing, and I do know some CSS. So Artisteer is a good medium for me -- if it would work right.

Posted: 8/5/2009
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Well, I'll be. After about 16 hours in which Firefox, Chrome, Safari were incorrectly rendering my template, it's now, suddenly being rendered correctly -- and I have no idea why.

No, it wasn't about me forgetting to clear the cache. I did that multiple times and, for most of today, Safari, Chrome and Firefox were rendering my page incorrectly, trying to force a 3-col layout into a 2-col layout.

Now, at least temporarily, they're rendering correctly (7:45 p.m. MST). I'm crossing my fingers that things stay this way -- although I'm wondering if they will, why there was a temporary rendering issue in the first place, and what the heck changed it. I didn't re-upload any files. Things just changed on their own.

I did check Ramon's page, and he appears to be still having the same problem (at 7:45 MST). Page loads correctly in IE 8, but not in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.

Of course, I'm still experiencing the menu shifting/template shifting issue I described in the general forum. But I'll take that relatively minor irritation -- if I continue to see my pages rendered in the 3-col format I put them in to.


Posted: 8/5/2009
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I tested my site and it seemed to be okay in Firefox -- granted, I only have a two column set up.

I also wanted to let you guys know I emailed support and told them to examine this forum, identify themselves as tech support, and respond.

As I said, there's several people here willing to spend $150 on the software, IF it works.

If any of you hear direct from tech support, let me know at

Thanks guys and good luck!

Posted: 8/6/2009
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I have to say, this issue is not common. Otherwise, we'd all be flooding the forums with the same issue. That being the case, it's hard to say the program is at fault until we narrow down what might be consistent with those that are sharing this problem.

I completely agree with the forum being in desperate need of a better system. This forum gets a ton of random remarks and unnecessary rudeness from those feeling the freedom of not having any registration required nor the fear of being banned.

Posted: 8/6/2009
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Man, panic attack when I came across this thread as I just upgraded my 2.1 yesterday, but had yet to try it. However, after testing, I have to agree with AdamR in that this issue is not common. Here's what I tried using 2.2:

1) exported as a Joomla ZIP the default template (that Artisteer creates when first stared) - only changes were to set the columns to 3 (left - center - right) and enable sub-menus

2) opened an existing 2.1 template file and just exported as Joomla ZIP

3) installed both on a live test server (Go Daddy Shared Linux)

This test site is set up so that all 22 module positions are enabled and filled with appropriate content, including a couple instances of an image slide show. Both templates rendered and functioned properly in the following browsers:

- Firefox 3.5.2
- Chrome
- Safari 4.0.2 (530.19.1)
- IE 8 8.0.6001.18702
- IE 6 (of all things! :-)

I had a look at the sites mentioned in this thread and they do indeed "break" in all but IE 8. I am at a loss to even try to explain, but all I know is that my install of 2.2 seems to be generating correct Joomla! code. Haven't tried any of the other CMSs ... will do that later today.


Posted: 8/8/2009
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I think there must be a bug in Artisteer software. When I load any joomla template that can be downloadet from as exaple, these templates doesn't make any problems

When i try to use any artisteer template then i get the problems with, safari, firefox and google.

In this case, this must an error in the artisteer software.
I'm still waiting for a solution from Artisteer support and I hope we will find how to solve this issue


Posted: 8/8/2009
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hello ramon, let me try to help you out

email me


Posted: 8/9/2009
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Are you using latest version as Artisteer fixed many issues in its latest releases

Posted: 8/11/2009
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Had the same problem with the new version of Artiseer (downloaded it yesterday), in IE8 view was correct, Firefox not.

I selected an other template as default, then went back to my artiseer template and then my problem was solved!

Posted: 8/14/2009
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I tried the workaround from Marco. But this didn't help me to solve the problem.

I opened a support call, but artisteer was not able to solve the problem at this moment. I'm still waiting for a solution

Posted: 8/17/2009
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If it only happens to certain people, we should be troubleshooting what differs with those computers and/or hosting services. XP, Vista, 32/64bit. What version of Joomla? Perhaps it only happens with certain languages/characters.
For those of us who've had no problem, it's possible our sites never contained whatever might've trigged the issue. Ramon, did you fix this site?
It seems to load fine for me in Firefox 3.5.2.

Posted: 8/17/2009
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I've had no problems with version 2.1 but i've tried the 3rd column in a made template in version 2.2 and came to the conclusion that it is not working properly. I use Firefox but also in IE 8 is the problem visible.

The module which is placed in de right column wil be placed under the modules in de left column (ie8) and in firefox the module will be placed under the main. It seems to be that the positions not to be correctly set within the maximum template width.



Posted: 8/19/2009
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I'm having similar trouble with the 2.2 version also but seems worse. I installed the joomla 1.5.13 and then uploaded a lovely new custom artisteer template and I get a blank white page. Checked the source and nothing there. Selected template thumbnail looks like correct.

Artisteer team have you tested the Joomla template export fully before this release?

I tried a 2.1 template export pack and that worked fine so definitely related to this new version. Lost several hours trouble shooting this today already. Please deliver a fix ASAP.


Posted: 8/19/2009
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@ Darrin

You should contact Artisteer support at:

Posted: 8/29/2009
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Ive got the same problem, im still using 2.1 but no matter what I do my modules which should be aligned to left are centered pushing articles down.

Under template preview everything looks right and also in IE but not in FF.

Templates not created in Artisteer work 100% fine


Posted: 8/30/2009
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if you set main menu in "User 3"
all paged messed up in FF

but seems ok in IE

anyone know how we solve this menu positioning thing ?

ps: this is not my first experience with artisteer - I already try as always put my menu in "user 3" this time something is wrong with artiesteer.

help need.

Posted: 9/24/2009
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It'd be nice to get an answer from the 'Source" (yes that's you Artiseer people!).
Are you working on the problem? Are there workarounds?
Really its' useless if I pay and have this problem, so where is the value for me as potentially a new client?
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