Connecting header to Home link

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Posted: 5/21/2009
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And this method will emiinate the use of a Textual title that is Linkable to the home Page?

I'll have to give this a try.

Because I want to eliminate the TEXT, but still have a Textual call to the header for SEO purposes.

So maybe:
<div id="logo">
<a href="http://www.your domain" ><img src="http://www.your domain/templates/your template/images/Header.jpg" alt="My Website Logo for Website Name" /></a></div>

| Expanding the learning curve |

Posted: 7/6/2009
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I am trying to link my header or just the logo I used as my forground photo to my home page for my website. I tried to look for what you described above, but do not find similar verbage. I am using the latest artisteer and joomla 1.5.10 right now and here is what I find in my joomla template
/* begin Header */
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative;
width: 990px;
height: 175px;

position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 990px;
height: 175px;
background-image: url('../images/Header.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center center;
/* end Header */
How can I make the images link to my homepage?

Posted: 7/19/2009
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in header.php look for

<h1 id="name-text" class="logo-name">
<a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
<div id="slogan-text" class="logo-text">
<?php bloginfo('description'); ?></div>

and replace the second line with

<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"><img src="wp-content/themes/simplicity/images/logo.png" alt="logo" class="logo" /></a>

you will have to make your logo to fit your theme header
i use a transparent png format with whatever i want in it.

now open up styles.css and look for

/* begin Logo */
display : block;
position: absolute;
left: 12px;
top: 8px;
width: 280px;

and edit the values to place your image where you want it.

your tagline will still be visable in your header so
if you use a seo plugin like all in one seo then just use that
to show the tagline and remove the tagline only from
the general section of wordpress (leave the site name)


Posted: 7/19/2009
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forgot to add you will have to change the theme name from my
link or use a

<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>

for use in any theme

Posted: 2/25/2010
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I'm trying to link my header to the home page with an ASP .NET template. This is my DefaultHeader.aspx

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="DefaultHeader.ascx.cs" Inherits="DefaultHeader" %>

I have tried putting anchor tags or asp:HyperLink tags inside this file (but since is surrounds nothing it makes no sense). I've tried surrounding the instance of the DefaultHeader in the Default.aspx or the MasterPage.master but again no luck. Any suggestions?
Nick D

Posted: 5/30/2010
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Its pretty amazing what you can do with this software with a bit of basic css and a text editor :) I cant believe there is finally a wysiwyg that outputs valid xhtml.
This is gonna save me so much time 8-)

If you use a flash overlay in the header can you still change the background image or does Artisteer render the whole top banner in flash?

SEO & Web Design

Posted: 6/3/2010
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I enacted the guide and works to but has caused an issue, the image now seems to be having a gray border.

Link attached

Posted: 3/7/2011
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I am using Dotnetnuke. Any of you that knows how to do the same in dotnetnuke? thanks.

Posted: 8/18/2011
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Quote juedm:

And this method will emiinate the use of a Textual title that is Linkable to the home Page?

I'll have to give this a try.

Because I want to eliminate the TEXT, but still have a Textual call to the header for SEO purposes.

So maybe:
<div id="logo">
<a href="http://www.your domain" ><img src="http://www.your domain/templates/your template/images/Header.jpg" alt="My Website Logo for Website Name" /></a></div>

| Expanding the learning curve |

8-) :-D :( :( :-D :-D
Quote :


Posted: 9/11/2011
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@ sddd

What CMS you are using ?

Posted: 10/11/2011
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Quote sddd:

I am not able to find this code:

<div class="Header-jpeg"></div>

<div class="logo">
in my index.php page.
All I am seeing is this:
<div class="art-headerobject"></div>
<div class="art-logo">
<h2 class="art-logo-text"></h2>

Can't find it either in Joomla (extensions -> template manager -> active template -> css). Has things changed since 2009...?
WP Slasher

Posted: 10/15/2011
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Finally found a solution after reading many threads and testing. Works for Wordpress Artisteer sites. Go to Header.php.

Find this code :

<div class="art-headerobject"></div>

<div class="art-logo">

Then add in :

<a href="">

<div class="art-headerobject"></div>

<div class="art-logo">


Not sure about SEO implications.

Posted: 10/27/2011
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Thank You, WP Slasher!!! <3

Posted: 10/30/2011
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Have been asking when the Artisteer programmers will be integrating clickable/linked text and images to header. Since 2009 they say "It's in the works". Does anyone know if this will actually happen? Seems like a no-brainer to be able to add links/menus/banners/search boxes, etc. to the header!

Just sayin'

Posted: 10/31/2011
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Suggesting your feature request to Artisteer support under wish/request category may be helpful:

Posted: 12/23/2011
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Hello, anybody know how to create a hyper link on my webpage. When i click on any menu button on the home page how does a new page open up. For example: there is a contact us button on home page. When i click on it how can make my contact details available in a new page? Can you please help me? It will be much appreciated. Thanks a lot...

Posted: 12/23/2011
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@ Deeps

You can use target="_blank" for it: <a href="" target="_blank">Contact</a>

Posted: 12/23/2011
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Quote antifanik:

Hello, once i add the <a href=""> before <div class="art-headerobject"> , my first menu link sets itself a row beneath the other menu items. anybody can help?

Look at the code below and make sure you enter </a> like it is in the example.


<div id="art-page-background-middle-texture">

<div id="art-main">

<div class="cleared reset-box"></div>

<div class="art-header">

<div class="art-header-position">

<div class="art-header-wrapper">

<div class="cleared reset-box"></div>

<div class="art-header-inner">

<a href=""><div class="art-headerobject"></div></a>

<div class="art-logo">







Posted: 1/3/2012
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Hi I have a bug in my hyperlink when I hover this does NOT change to a hand with the mouse over it, this happens when I create a hypertext link if someone can take a look at my site at click over the More Details... you will see what I mean. plus the links on the left side in the blocks will not show a hand when hovering over the word "25 Mar - Morocco"

Has anybody any ideas :-(

Posted: 1/3/2012
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I noticed in your html you have the links set as cursor:text. I think it should be cursor:pointer
------------excerpt from your html----------------

<p><a href="./european-tours/croatia-slovenia-motorcycle-tour.html" target="_self"><span style="color: rgb(23, 140, 50); cursor: text;">29 Apr - Croatia</span></a></p><span style="color: #178C32;"> </span>

<p><a href="./usa-tours/usa-epic-alaska-motorcycle-tour.html" target="_self"><span style="color: rgb(23, 140, 50); cursor: text;">16 May - USA Alaska</span></a></p><span style="color: #178C32;"> </span>

<p><a href="./usa-tours/usa-best-of-the-west-motorcycle-tour.html" target="_self"><span style="color: rgb(23, 140, 50); cursor: text;">03 Jun - USA Best of the West</span></a></p><span style="color: #178C32;"> </span>

<p><a href="./bsb-tours.html" target="_self"><span style="color: rgb(23, 140, 50); cursor: text;">22 Jun - Scotland Highland BSB</span></a></p><span style="color: #178C32;"> </span>

<p><a href="./european-tours/austrian-tyrol-motorcycle-tour.html" target="_self"><span style="color: rgb(23, 140, 50); cursor: text;">23 Jun - Austrian Tyrol</span></a></p><span style="color: #178C32;"> </span>


Posted: 1/23/2012
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I used your code is modified from the previous examples to be perp generic for any site where it is used

<div class="art-header" onclick="location.href='<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>';" style="cursor: pointer;">

Posted: 2/10/2012
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none of these really worked for me. I found this easy solution and it worked immediately.

in the header.php

I replaced:

<div class="art-header"></div>


<div class="art-header"onclick="location.href='';" style="cursor: pointer;">

Worked seamlessly for me.
Ron Richardson

Posted: 2/20/2012
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A slight update:

<div class="header" onclick="location.href='';" style="cursor:pointer;" onmouseover="title=Home'" style="cursor: pointer;">

This will add the Title popup.
Alan Mathers

Posted: 3/7/2012
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<div class="header" onclick="location.href='';" style="cursor:pointer;" onmouseover="title=Home'" style="cursor: pointer;">
This is also be valid for HTML5


Posted: 5/4/2012
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Aqui esta la solución para poner el logo con link y la barra de busqueda en la cabezera (header) en wordpress:

1: Instalar el tema terminado en Wordpress.

2:En el editor del tema abrir el fichero header.php

3:Justo debajo de esta linea " <div class="art-header">"

Pega esto:

<center><table height="63" border="0">
<td nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="http://www.TU"><img src="LINK DE TU LOGO" width="199" height="49" border="0" /></a></td>
<td width="600" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>

<td height="50" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><form class="art-search" method="get" name="searchform" action="">


<input name="s" type="text" class="art-search-text" value="" />


<input class="art-search-button" type="submit" value="" />

<td align="center" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;</td>

4:Debes cambiar los link de destino y de tu logo.

5:Este codigo es personalizable pegalo en dreamweaver y ajustalo.

Posted: 5/4/2012
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Here is the solution to put the logo with a link and the search bar in the header (header) in wordpress:

1: Install Wordpress theme ended.

2: In the theme editor to open the header.php file

3: Just below this line "<div class="art-header">"

Paste this:

<center><table height="63" border="0">
<td nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="LINK WEB"><img src="LINK OF YOUR LOGO" width="199" height="49" border="0" /></a></td>
<td width="600" align="center" valign="middle">&nbsp;</td>

<td height="50" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap"><form class="art-search" method="get" name="searchform" action="LINK WEB">


<input name="s" type="text" class="art-search-text" value="" />


<input class="art-search-button" type="submit" value="" />

<td align="center" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;</td>

4: You must change the destination link and your logo.

5: This code is customizable paste in dreamweaver and adjust it.

I hope you like my contribution, it works!

Posted: 5/14/2012
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Here you have a way to put a logo with a link in the header of your theme in Artisteer


Posted: 9/26/2012
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I have added this to the index.php but it has no effect at all, can someone please give me an idea what why this would not work to create a hyperlink on a logo image? Thanks
<div class="logo" onclick="location.href='';" onmouseover="title=Home;" style="cursor:pointer;">