Joomla Error Message on Upload and Install

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Posted: 3/14/2010
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For the issue of: Error! Could not find a Joomla! XML setup file in the package.

After a week of sending messages to Artisteer, the issue was passed to a group that understood the problem.

The group of characters in the beginning of the templateDetails.xml is the byte order mark ( that is standard for the unicode text files.
Usually XML processors correctly read the unicode files but maybe XML parser used by Joomla in case of PHP4 cannot read such files correctly.

We will analyze this issue for the next product update, sorry for inconvenience.

As a temporary workaround you can open the templateDetails.xml file in notepad as UTF-8 and save as ANSI to remove these characters.


Posted: 3/18/2010
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@ jgbrown,

Joomla returns these type of errors if you either try to install a Joomla 1.5 template on Joomla 1.0 installation or try installing a HTML page on Joomla installation.


Posted: 6/9/2010
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Eu tenho o mesmo problema! Podem-me ajudar! Por favor!
Hello! I have the same problem! Can someone help us, please!:(

Quote qba:

and what about that "Restricted access" problem?

I change in my XML from <install> to <mosinstall> and install the template but now i have problem with site and this "restricted access".



Posted: 6/25/2010
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Sometimes exporting the template in a .zip format from Artisteer instead of zipping it manually also solve this issue.

Posted: 7/3/2010
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Hey all you clever people,

I am a complete newbie to all the things you're talking about, but I seem to be having the same problem.

I bought Artisteer a week ago, created a template and uploaded them to Joomla Template Manager without any problems, but I had to reinstall my Joomla because of the TopMenu bug (TopMenu was missing completely). My Artisteer template was uploading fine except for the TopMenu which was not present.

Today I have a new Joomla, the TopMenu is there (thank God!), but now I can't upload the pretty Artisteer templates... :-( The pre-installed ones work fine, it's only the ones I have created won't appear, it says

* Unknown Archive Type

Unable to find install package

Now, I have no idea what XML or FTP is, do you think I need to contact Artisteer guys or is there something you could recommend me to do in Simple English?

I think, perhaps when I export (either zipped or unzipped), the Path is not correct, what should the Path read? Mine has a folder where I keep the rest of the templates, shouldn't it be a folder in the Joomla directory?

Sorry for silly questions,


Posted: 7/3/2010
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OK, I'm good now, :-)

exporting doesn't work for me apparently, and so doesn't work the uploading of the template as it is (although it did before), I need to save-zip, and then upload-install from Joomla the zipped file, it won't upload-install an unzipped one...

Right, well,

if I have any other things to share,
I'll be in touch.


Posted: 8/1/2010
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:-D Hey Lloyd's got the answer!

It all comes down to properly exporting. You need to make sure to export a Joomla template not the HTML page option. Go to the little palette menu in the upper left and choose Export, then Change Template and click on Joomla. Now when you export you'll get an XML file (which the web page export does NOT give you).

WTG Lloyd!

Posted: 8/6/2010
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@ Lana

Make sure:

1- You aren't uploading .artx file instead of exported template.

2- You have installed Joomla 1.5x not 1.0x

Otherwise you should contact Artisteer support.

Posted: 2/10/2011
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hello I am using Joomla 1.5 , i am having a confusion that when ever i am building a template of joomla from artisteer it build very perfect , but when i installed it on joomla , it become little change , like the menu styles and if i place a picture option in the template it is not as the same in the joomla template installation as same as in artisteer template. pls any advice

Posted: 2/24/2011
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@ Khan

You need to place desired modules on available positions and configure menus from your Joomla admin, Following instructions may be helpful:

Posted: 3/27/2011
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Quote Rich:

I have created a Joomla theme and zipped it with Power Desk. When I try to upload and install I get the message "Error! Could not find an XML setup file in the package." Any suggestions?

Has this issue been resolved, for I am having the same problem. I also tried manually uploading the files to the template folder, and changed <install> to <mosinstall> in the xml file.

After doing these things the template will show in the administration screen, and allows me to set it as default, however, when I visit the website I get a blank white screen. I set the site back to the default template and then the website shows up.

Posted: 4/13/2011
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Please also note that Artisteer 2.6 created templates need PHP 5x versions (all major Hosts are already running PHP 5)
Carlos Morales

Posted: 1/16/2013
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The home & academic version doesn't support saving for joomla websites? is this correct?

Posted: 1/18/2013
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Quote Carlos Morales:

The home & academic version doesn't support saving for joomla websites? is this correct?

You need to have Standard edition for Joomla.

Posted: 9/15/2013
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joomla 1.5.23 version

export the tamplate but no xml file in my zip. :(

how i disolved the problem?

Posted: 10/23/2013
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Quote Rich:

I have created a Joomla theme and zipped it with Power Desk. When I try to upload and install,template can not install and I can't get the any error message "." Any suggestions?


Posted: 10/23/2013
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Quote Rich:

I have created a Joomla theme and zipped it with Power Desk. When I try to upload and install,template can not install and I can't get the any error message "." Any suggestions?


Posted: 10/23/2013
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Quote Rich:

I have created a Joomla theme and zipped it with Power Desk. When I try to upload,template can't install and can't I get the any error message . Any suggestions?

Artisteer Team

Posted: 10/23/2013
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Please contact support
Edwin Witlox

Posted: 1/5/2014
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Just set the file module.js to have rights (777) to be able te write and the issue is fixed.
The file can be found in the main folder of the template/
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