Flash Header

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Posted: 1/25/2009
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I Like to see in a future version a flash header import.
I mean so that everybody can import his .swf/..fla what ever flash files instead to the .jpeg/.png inserts too. So thats what i feel and miss.


Marc Smith

Posted: 1/25/2009
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This can be done outside the program by hand editing the CSS.

If you try to add SWF (FLA wouldn't work that is an assembly file, not a rendered file) you have to have a player built in in order to see it, which would make Artisteer very complicated (and slow, since changes in thepreview window happen on the fly).


Posted: 2/19/2009
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I would have to agree with OP, even if was an outline of the size of the flash image, it wouldnt have to be previewed as such. I would like to be able to include flash headers and not have to insert them later and change code every time.

Posted: 2/19/2009
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It's pretty obvious everyone is itching for the ability to add a swf header. The only answer is the change the css. How about a little direction of what css code to change/delete/add.
Do I have to upload a mediaplayer.swf of some kind and use an embed function? Why is everyone skirting the issue? Just tell us what to change.
Jim Barr

Posted: 2/20/2009
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I wanted a Flash header also, so here's how I did it:

In the header, I defined a Text Box at 40% width and made sure that the Headline and Slogan fields were positioned within that Text Box. (not sure if this was really necessaary, but the end result works.)

I then exported the theme and uploaded to my WordPress install using FTP.

Next, in WordPress, I edited the Theme file header.php and replaced the following lines:

[CODE]<div class="logo">
<h1 id="name-text" class="logo-name"><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
<div id="slogan-text" class="logo-text"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></div>


[CODE]<div class="logo">
<object width="335" height="130">
<param name="movie" value="/wp-content/uploads/movie.swf">
<embed src="/wp-content/uploads/movie.swf" width="335" height="130">

And now, I have a "split" static and Flash header!

Here is an example:


Jim Barr

Posted: 2/20/2009
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I forgot to mention that no player is necessary. It just plays properly. Looks good in IE8 (in Windows 7), DifeFox, and Safari. I used SwishMax2 to create the .SWF file, but obviously Flash or any other app that generates .SWF files should work just fine.
Marc Smith

Posted: 2/20/2009
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As Jim as pointed out, he has listed one method of adding flash to a Wordpress theme using an Artisteer based template.

I think the reason some of us didn't post this kind of information is because we (well, I can only speak for me) have years of experience and have spent a lot of time learning, hacking, breaking and, ultimately, figuring what you can do and get away with.

I charge $$ for that experience and my customers pay for it. I'm not about to give up some of my tricks of the trade. while the person making the request may not be in direct competition with me, the other people reading the solutions could very well be a design shop within my customer area.

It's not personal, it's just business. Nothing wrong with breaking a few designs to learn where the code is, how it works and how to fix it.
Dan E.

Posted: 2/24/2009
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Quote BigGuy:

It's pretty obvious everyone is itching for the ability to add a swf header. The only answer is the change the css. How about a little direction of what css code to change/delete/add.
Do I have to upload a mediaplayer.swf of some kind and use an embed function? Why is everyone skirting the issue? Just tell us what to change.

I will be happy to accept your payment to do this for you.

What you are asking is outside the scope of these forums. That's the kind of work for which people like Marc and I get paid for. We have worked hard at this for many years.

Here is a link to contact me at my business:



Ron van der Schaaf

Posted: 2/27/2009
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Quote Marc Smith:

As Jim as pointed out, he has listed one method of adding flash to a Wordpress theme using an Artisteer based template.

I think the reason some of us didn't post this kind of information is because we (well, I can only speak for me) have years of experience and have spent a lot of time learning, hacking, breaking and, ultimately, figuring what you can do and get away with.

I charge $$ for that experience and my customers pay for it. I'm not about to give up some of my tricks of the trade. while the person making the request may not be in direct competition with me, the other people reading the solutions could very well be a design shop within my customer area.

It's not personal, it's just business. Nothing wrong with breaking a few designs to learn where the code is, how it works and how to fix it.

Please earn some big money in writing all your expertise in a book!
I would buy it for sure!

Marc Smith

Posted: 3/2/2009
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Thanks for the kind words. I'm afraid that a book wouldn't be my first choice... again, I work in this space, so the things I've learned to do is what sets me apart from other designers and web guys (or at least the ones I compete with locally here in New England).

That being said, the things I do I learned from simple experiments and learning the code.

Here is one word of advice I will give to everyone. Register a domain name and host it for the specific purpose to "play" with code. I have several of these sites, called sandboxes in the engineering world, all of which is where I do all my work before I ever deploy it to a customer site. They get to see it working without it ever bothering their current website.

A sandbox is also a great place to just 'play' with themes and plug ins and code and everything else. If you break something, it's not a live site and you can always start over.

Posted: 3/19/2009
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Quote Marc Smith:

As Jim as pointed out, he has listed one method of adding flash to a Wordpress theme using an Artisteer based template.

I think the reason some of us didn't post this kind of information is because we (well, I can only speak for me) have years of experience and have spent a lot of time learning, hacking, breaking and, ultimately, figuring what you can do and get away with.

I charge $$ for that experience and my customers pay for it. I'm not about to give up some of my tricks of the trade. while the person making the request may not be in direct competition with me, the other people reading the solutions could very well be a design shop within my customer area.

It's not personal, it's just business. Nothing wrong with breaking a few designs to learn where the code is, how it works and how to fix it.

Aw c'mon, don't be so stingy with the knowledge, share the love!!! :-D
Marc Smith

Posted: 3/20/2009
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While I appreciate the sentiment... sorry! I have to maintain my secrets (although there are a few here who probably know how to do it as well... perhaps they will chime in)
Rob Koetsier

Posted: 3/22/2009
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I always though that people in forums tell things to help instead of telling they have a secret :-|

this is the code wich i replaced in the header.php the:

<div class="Header">
<div class="Header-jpeg"></div>

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="398" height="250" id="banner" align="right">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
<param name="movie" value="banner.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /> <embed src="banner.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="398" height="250" name="banner" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
<div class="logo">
<h1 id="name-text" class="logo-name">
<a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1>
<div id="slogan-text" class="logo-text">
<?php bloginfo('description'); ?></div>
Marc Smith

Posted: 3/22/2009
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It's not so much of not wanting to help, but in some cases, I want to be able to keep a leg up onmy competion when it comes to web design, the tools I use and how I do things.

So, some stuff I leave for others to figure out, giving them pointers on how they might be able to do it... and let them go off and figure out the code if they are so inclined... but I'm not going to just hand them the code. Sometimes the best lesson and help is telling someone to go do it themselves after pointing them in the right direction.
Rob Koetsier

Posted: 3/22/2009
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Hi Marc,

You're sure right about that. It's a good thing to let people find out theirselves.:-)

But i still know how it was to spend many hours on one 'simple' thing like this problem and think one way or the other it will be fixed and people can spend time at other things.

That's my opinion, i respect and understand yours! :-)
Marc Smith

Posted: 3/22/2009
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True, you have a point. Usually when it's a simple thing, I'll be happy togive stepbystep directions and such...but when you get into editing the PHP code, it presents two problems

1. Sometimes, giving the step by step instructions causes moretrouble as the person is not completely familiar with editing code... and you wind up spending a lot of time trying to get them back to a state before it got mysteriously 'broken' (and of course,it happens to be the fault of the person who gave the code)

2. Once you start talking about code and *how* you manipulate it, and what you look for, you give others pieces of knowledge that they should investigate on their own.. and learn in their own way. When you tell them, "just remove this tag" they might now learn why it's ok to remove that one and not another one.

Anyway, good point you made and instructions for putting flash into the header. Let's hope some people put it to good use.
Rob Koetsier

Posted: 3/22/2009
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Hi Marc,

You really got a point there. this was only my 'pointing in the good direction' .

Do you agree that the point in the good direction 'The only answer is the change the css.' by bigguy is not really the good direction?

I only changed the header.php.:*)
Rob Koetsier

Posted: 3/22/2009
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Marc Smith

Posted: 3/22/2009
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There are steps above that a user outlined on one way to do it. It's not just a CSS edit, it combines both CSS and PHP editing. Look for Jim Barr's explanation above.

Posted: 3/30/2009
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@ Jim Barr > Have you tried to make a 100% Text Box?
I suppose you could make a full flash header if you do that?

Posted: 4/8/2009
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Got a flash to work on my site (i think?)
used the 100% text box thing to do it, no im not a programmer or anything just hacked around with that Rocket program thing and added it to the top seems to work (on my screen anyway lol)

Marc Smith

Posted: 4/8/2009
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Excellent job.
Jim Barr

Posted: 4/8/2009
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@Tobias: No, I have not tried that. I'll ahve to play around with that.

@Erica: That looks GREAT!!!

@Marc: Sorry if I went beyond your perception of the bounds on this forum in providing coding "secrets". My suggestion took about 10 seconds using a Google search to find, so it's really not so much a secret.

I've been running a Tips site for about seven years now (http://JimsTips.com) and my goal has always been to share tips and tricks to make things easier. Maybe that's why I don't make much money on doing Web development because I have given away my talents too often.

Anyway, thanks to ALL who have provided suggestions and tips on how to leverage Artisteer.

FYI, my final site is now live, and I'm pretty proud of it:

Marc Smith

Posted: 4/8/2009
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No worries, you didn't go past any bounds. I only wanted to explain my thoughts on it.. I certainly support anyone who wants to put their methods up here to share.

That doesn't mean that they necessarily reflect the way I would do it ;-)
Shaun M.

Posted: 4/10/2009
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Quote Marc Smith:

As Jim as pointed out, he has listed one method of adding flash to a Wordpress theme using an Artisteer based template.

I think the reason some of us didn't post this kind of information is because we (well, I can only speak for me) have years of experience and have spent a lot of time learning, hacking, breaking and, ultimately, figuring what you can do and get away with.

I charge $$ for that experience and my customers pay for it. I'm not about to give up some of my tricks of the trade. while the person making the request may not be in direct competition with me, the other people reading the solutions could very well be a design shop within my customer area.

It's not personal, it's just business. Nothing wrong with breaking a few designs to learn where the code is, how it works and how to fix it.

Marc iyou're obviously an idiot. You can save your knowledge and shove it. There are plenty of tutorials out there and we don't need your uber knowledge to make anything happen. Since your so special go create your own forum.


Importing a .swf would be a great idea nonetheless.
Marc Smith

Posted: 4/10/2009
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Are you here to contribute? Or just be immature?

Part of the philosophy of a forum is to help some people, be it with direct advice (which plenty of people give here) or directing them to try and do a few things on their own, like changing code or adding flash or whatever.

So, should I be sure to not answer any of your questions if you have any because you aren't interested in my "uber-knowledge"? I never said I had any particular knowledge, I just answer questions here and have been doing it for a while now.

In any event thanks for your contribution, hopefully we'll all be lucky enough to hear from you again.
Shaun M.

Posted: 4/11/2009
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Good ole' Marc.

How did I know you'd respond? I like how you manipulated the members of this forum by including them in your approach to confront my post, "hopefully we'll all be lucky enough to hear from you again." Think they will really feel lucky?

You're not here to answer questions. Sure I find it great that you encourage others to discover the truth behind adding flash and manipulating HTML to add their own.

Help the "newbs" out. We all know that their are tutorials and other forums out there. When they come here, just offer a helping hand instead of rubbing it in their face that you might know more.

I'd be humble enough to say that you know more about HTML than me, even though I haven't seen your work. To me frankly, it doesn't matter.

If people need help, then help - else... don't bother.

Good luck to everyone on this board.

Thanks for your reply, but not going to discuss this any further. Waste of time.

Marc Smith

Posted: 4/11/2009
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If you want to criticize how I help, go right ahead.

I didn't manipulate anyone or anything. If you read this forum, you'll see there are plenty of people here who contribute, not just me.

How I help is my business. Having taught classes, I know when to give the code and when to tell someone to experiment with the code, especially when that experimentation makes *them* responsible for their own code.

If I give them the code, then I kinda feel a personal responsibility if something goes wrong ... and perhaps I feel it's best they learn it on their own. Perhaps I don't want to share how I do certain things.

In any event, how I help people in this forum is my business and if you want to criticize it, go right ahead. I'm not worried about anything you might want to say about me or how I lend support here.
Shaun M.

Posted: 4/12/2009
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You're a good guy. My fault for bashing your teching technique. Quite frankly I feel ashamed and I apologize for my ignorant behavior.

I should have stayed in my lane, and what was a simple post turned into something I didn't want it to.

Look forward to contributing and helping any way that I can on this board.


Posted: 4/14/2009
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Quote Marc Smith:


While I appreciate the sentiment... sorry! I have to maintain my secrets (although there are a few here who probably know how to do it as well... perhaps they will chime in)

Yep, there are MANY more of us.

Like Marc says, drive it like ya stole it and when you break it, fixing it yourself IS the best way to learn. Not that we dont want to teach everyone, but after a few years of handholding, time to pull the bottle out of the mouth and let ppl start eating solids.
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