Banner object not a 100%

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Posted: 1/28/2013
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Hi all,

I have a issue that needs to be resolved and i tried to google this but nothing i found.

I'm using Artisteer v4, and i created a banner with slides. Now i added a object inside this banner on the top. This object needs to be around 57 px height and 100 % width... In artisteer i cant seem to make this 100% it only goes to 650 px width MAX . Is there anyway i can make this a 100% width?? I tried looking in the CSS and tried Firebug in combination with firefox to see which element to adjust in my CSS..

Nothing i can find.

It all looks great on smaller resolutions but once you see the page in a 24 inch screen you'll it cuts my object of.

Any help would be much appriciated!


Posted: 1/29/2013
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Issue resolved.. Never mind..

But this is a issue that should be resolved by the Artiteer team