Some bugs...

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Posted: 7/17/2012
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This is not for bashing 4.0, but for Artisteer to know some of the issues...

It seems that most of the problems are understandably around the headers. I found 2 of them with the shapes.

1. Sometimes when working with text in a shape, Artisteer crashes, but it recovers nicely. The entire error code was already sent to support.

2. Again with the text inside the shapes in a header. So you can have as many shapes as you want, and beside the Header test and slogan, you can add as many text regions as you want by adding new shapes. So create a shape and right mouse click on it, and choose to edit the html code for it. You can add text, no problems so far, but if you add hyperlinks , the hyperlinks do not work. The code is correct, I even created the code from a page content, and copy/pasted it in the header.

I am sure more issues will be found, this is a big undertaking after all, and this is only beta 1.

One thing about WordPress Templates. The page templates (with the one column) is been removed, which is a bad move if you ask me. I don't make my living from WordPress, so it's not a biggie for me. For those who like to get the feature back (sort of), use the headspace2 plugin, where you can assign page templates.

Although 4.0 is still a very nice upgrade, I'm little bit disappointed with the lack of responsive designs. To be fair though had never promised that, but was requested many times by their customers. They used the term in their pdf file, but the way they used it is misleading at best.

Posted: 7/17/2012
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Report any bugs to support ( ), i think they don't browse forum.

Posted: 7/17/2012
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Screw that. They are too arrogant to come down and "mingle" with us in THEIR OWN FORMS... I am not going to them.

I pay them $60/year for upgrades, I get them, along with their scarce Newsletters. They give us nothing more, why should I reward them for disrespecting us?

On a second though, I will contact support to tell them to VISIT THE FORUMS, to see what the free beta testers are finding.

Posted: 7/17/2012
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Just playing around with 4.0 now and when exporting an HTML template, it puts "comment, author, date" in pages.

I can't seem to find a way to get rid of it from within the program. If I'm overlooking something and one of you knows where to turn off this option, please let me know. It's odd that it's doing that since you can't see it while designing.

Also, if I were designing pages for Wordpress or other CMS, I would definitely not want that as a default.

Posted: 7/17/2012
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There seem to be some bugs with placing images into headers. I put there two images. I could not resize one of them to the lower size, than the height of the header. I was able to resize the other one, but it was tied to the bottom of the header, so the image could not be freely floating where I wanted it. Are those a bugs?

Posted: 7/18/2012
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You probably mean Posts not Pages.

In order to remove "comment, author, date" from posts, simply hover mouse over these icons, click on small button that shows up, and then unmark the checkbox.



Posted: 7/18/2012
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@-pekr- I don't think these are bugs. They only happen with some (not all) internal image object. If you use your own, or use the online sample images, you can resize and move them easily.

You have all the freedom to resize and move with your own images.

Posted: 7/18/2012
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Quote Khachatur:

You probably mean Posts not Pages.

In order to remove "comment, author, date" from posts, simply hover mouse over these icons, click on small button that shows up, and then unmark the checkbox.


Yes, they show up at the bottom of pages.

How is your advice to hover over them possible when they only show up upon export? They are not apparent in Artisteer.


Posted: 7/18/2012
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Quote Khachatur:

You probably mean Posts not Pages.

In order to remove "comment, author, date" from posts, simply hover mouse over these icons, click on small button that shows up, and then unmark the checkbox.


Actually, right after this I did get rid of them. You gave me an idea but not clear directions.

For anyone who is using Artisteer HTML templates and needs to get rid of these go the the Content tab, then to the "Post Icons" section. Now go through the drop down menu and uncheck "show..." on each of the types one by one.

I wish this would automatically strip from HTML templates upon export. Or a checkbox before export to giving an option to strip these elements. In an HTML template this would only be good for a custom CMS (maybe) or just faking the look of a blog.


Posted: 7/18/2012
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Quote :
The page templates (with the one column) is been removed, which is a bad move if you ask me.

We've changed this feature a bit but it is still available in 4.0 Beta templates. Below is a screenshot showing the new Page options:

Hope this helps.

Thank you very much for trying Artisteer 4.0 Beta. We do appreciate your help and valuable feedback!

Best regards,
Caitlin N
Extensoft, Inc. / Artisteer

Posted: 7/18/2012
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Now this is what I'm talking about!!!

If this is a shift in Extensoft's attitude towards us, it is indeed a welcome change. I for one, am very grateful to Caitlin for posting in the forums. There are a lot of wrong information, and needless arguments mainly because no Extensoft official takes over and sets people straight. I am sorry for insulting you guys over and over again regarding this issue, and I hope you will be setting the record straight more often.

THANKS AGAIN !!! The product although not perfect, it is the best for what it does, you need to have a better and a more open communication with us. Let's hope, this is just the begging of a better communication.

Posted: 7/18/2012
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Nick - image is an image, no? :-) So how one image can be resizable, but the other one is not resizable? I can't see how they could implement such a "feature" programatically :-)

Posted: 7/20/2012
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Hi, it seems support for ie6, ie7, ie8 and ie9 is gone somewhat - it is still there but the sites look completely flat in those browsers, no shadows, no gradients ...

Posted: 7/20/2012
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Quote Steve:

Hi, it seems support for ie6, ie7, ie8 and ie9 is gone somewhat - it is still there but the sites look completely flat in those browsers, no shadows, no gradients ...

I'm having same results as Steve.
Caitlin N

Posted: 7/20/2012
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Quote Steve:
it seems support for ie6, ie7, ie8 and ie9 is gone somewhat - it is still there but the sites look completely flat in those browsers, no shadows, no gradients ...

You should see shadows, gradients etc. effects in all browsers that support CSS 3 (including IE 9). Please make sure that your IE 9 is not running in compatibility mode.

We use a graceful degradation technique and show square corners instead of rounded corners etc. in old browser versions (like IE 7, IE 8).

Hope this clarifies the issue.

Sincerely yours,
Caitlin N,
Artisteer Team.


Posted: 7/20/2012
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I am certain I’m not running in compatibility mode for IE9. The text shadow works fine in Firefox, and Chrome. I tried a couple different computers and IE9 does not show text shadows. The website is hosted, but it doesn’t work for me local or hosted.

Posted: 7/20/2012
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Quote Caitlin N:


Quote Steve:
it seems support for ie6, ie7, ie8 and ie9 is gone somewhat - it is still there but the sites look completely flat in those browsers, no shadows, no gradients ...

You should see shadows, gradients etc. effects in all browsers that support CSS 3 (including IE 9). Please make sure that your IE 9 is not running in compatibility mode.

We use a graceful degradation technique and show square corners instead of rounded corners etc. in old browser versions (like IE 7, IE 8).

Hope this clarifies the issue.

Sincerely yours,
Caitlin N,
Artisteer Team.

Apparently, what I have learned is that NO version of IE supports text shadows using CSS 3. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Posted: 7/22/2012
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A couple of strange things.

Exported an HTML site, there is a stylesheet in the header of the index page. It's not in the other pages. It's possible I applied some non standard styling while designing but I think that should just get dumped into the style.css sheet. It's bloating the page bigtime.

HTML is not really formatted very well after export. It's all jumbled and very hard to sift through.

Also, every so often I lose header graphics upon export or preview even though they're still in the project. Don't know what that's about but this *is* in beta.


Posted: 7/23/2012
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I am wondering how long it generally takes until majority of bugs/issues are fixed and a stable release is available.. The 4.0 features list had me eager to test the 4.0 beta version out, however, it seems to crash a lot (among other things, most of which have already been reported here and in other forum discussions about 4.0).
Most importantly.. hopefully it will be compatible with templates created from the current stable release.. it would be a shame to be expected to start from scratch once AGAIN.

Posted: 7/28/2012
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I am certain I’m not running in compatibility mode for IE9. The text shadow works fine in Firefox, and Chrome. I tried a couple different computers and IE9 does not show text shadows. The website is hosted, but it doesn’t work for me local or hosted.

Concerning the problem above, I have my website files in a separate directory than my page files. I found that if I place the Style CSS and the Style.iet.CSS files in the root file where I have my pages the shadows appear in Explorer as well. Otherwise I had no background. I hope this helps.

Posted: 7/30/2012
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I've been using 4.0 for about a week. I like the changes but when I export my template into joomla, I can see the header fine on firefox but in ie the header is competely blank. I used the sldie show feature. i can see the bullets shifting but the header is black. Any thoughts on how to get it to work in ie on version 4.0?

Posted: 7/30/2012
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Quote Trina:

I've been using 4.0 for about a week. I like the changes but when I export my template into joomla, I can see the header fine on firefox but in ie the header is competely blank. I used the sldie show feature. i can see the bullets shifting but the header is black. Any thoughts on how to get it to work in ie on version 4.0?

Trina, I was told by support that they will fix this in the next beta release, it just does no work now, you should in fact just use version 4 for testing and keep working with version 3.1 for production ... hope this clarifies things a bit ... :-)


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