Post settings in new Artisteer version!?

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Posted: 10/7/2011
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I've download the latest version of Artisteer but cant find the settings were i could change the color of Author name, choose if i want to show the tags or not etc. etc. anyone else have this problem?

Sorry for my bad english!

Posted: 10/7/2011
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Hi Anton,

I think you may change the author name's color in style.css, but whether you need tags or not can be solved in Artistree:

Content -> Metadata -> Icons -> Tags (tick or untick Show Tags)

As for the color of the author's name

Go to your wp-admin -> Appearance -> Editor

Find style.css file in the right bottom.

This piece of code colors the author's name:

art-postheadericons a, .art-postheadericons a:link {
color: #000000;
text-decoration: none;

Set any color.