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Posted: 8/16/2011
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Hi I want to ask you how to ‘’lock’’ the site size of my web site template created with artisteer because when I publish and I open it for example in my laptop it seems ok but when I open to my home pc with bigger monitor the site seems deferent! That’s why I want to know if there is a way to lock the site and seems the same when it’s open in my laptop or in a notebook or in a big screen pc!


Posted: 8/16/2011
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You expect the site to look the same on a 4"" screen as a 28" monitor?

It doesn't work like that.


Posted: 8/16/2011
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Why you say like that for example Amazon site seems about the same with big monitor and small. I am trying to say that every template i create and published, change the site size everything in even 15 monitor to 19 monitor for example the header doesn't seem ok the articles and much more! But if i create a project over an exciting template of artisteer all seems ok!That's why i suppose there must be a button to fix this problem that i have with a new created template!
Fixed Width?

Posted: 8/16/2011
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Are you asking for a Fixed Width because the Fluid Width looks crappy on large screens?

Posted: 8/16/2011
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@ bill

Bill, it depends for what resolution monitor you are building for, you should try and learn more about resolutions. I normally build for a screen width of 1024x768, that's to be safe, so my sheet width is normally 960pixels wide, but the world average monitor sizes and thus resolution sizes are getting bigger, so I might even build wider in the future.

Amazon.com has has a percentage % width of 100% and is fluid, but on a smaller monitor of 800x600, it also looks broken. I hope this helps you :-)

Posted: 8/16/2011
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Simply create fluid width website, you can select fluid sheet width from: Sheet-> Width-> Fluid(%) width.
Fluid WIdth

Posted: 8/17/2011
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Quote Garry:

Simply create fluid width website, you can select fluid sheet width from: Sheet-> Width-> Fluid(%) width.

Yes use Fluid Width. That way your website will suck at all resolutions.

Oh well what do I care. It's not like your making money with this are you...

Posted: 8/17/2011
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thanks a lot that's work :-)