Artisteer don't save any project

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Posted: 4/16/2011
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Quote AC:

:-)Hi and thank you Clippy, I just purchased the software and upgrade to the latest version and then everything works just like eating a banana, I ahve windows 7 ultimate edition orginal.
Thank you again


Posted: 4/17/2011
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No issue's here. Latest version of Artisteer, paid for, activated running on Windows 7 32bit

Posted: 4/18/2011
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Purchased, but not saving...ticket sent...
Win7Pro, 64, i3, 4GB RAM... :(

Posted: 4/18/2011
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Quote Ness:

Purchased, but not saving...ticket sent...
Win7Pro, 64, i3, 4GB RAM... :(

Ooh ooh ooh! Post back if/when they reply!

Posted: 4/19/2011
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I will...but, this is ridiculous... I see it work for some of you guys (if), while for others not... what's the catch?

If it's some kind of activation policy, what I doubt, then that "policy" obviously doesn't work properly and makes bigger mess then benefits...

It would be normal to provide usual trial version, so people can test all functions prior to buy it.

Posted: 4/19/2011
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Quote Ness:

I will...but, this is ridiculous... I see it work for some of you guys (if), while for others not... what's the catch?

If it's some kind of activation policy, what I doubt, then that "policy" obviously doesn't work properly and makes bigger mess then benefits...

It would be normal to provide usual trial version, so people can test all functions prior to buy it.

I doubt all of you...

Most likely bootleggers. Yes it is an activation thing. Your keygen fails when the software calls home after a while... then you lose everything and get logged in the system as a bootlegger...

Posted: 4/19/2011
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Wrong Doubtfull.
I hate to use any keygens or cracks or patches. I'm soft developer and I appreciate everybody's work in that field. With Artisteer just looking for some time-saving option for creation of w.s. tmpls. I guess you would agree with me when say that is much faster and easier to simply edit some code, then to write it from scratch...
I could do reverse eng, on this but... anyway, never mind.

Posted: 4/19/2011
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Quote Ness:
It would be normal to provide usual trial version, so people can test all functions prior to buy it.

Well then maybe you should buy it before you complain that it won't save.

Posted: 4/19/2011
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Quote Ness:
It would be normal to provide usual trial version, so people can test all functions prior to buy it.

Well then maybe you should buy it before you complain that it won't save.

Posted: 4/19/2011
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Quote Ness:
I will...but, this is ridiculous... I see it work for some of you guys (if), while for others not... what's the catch?

Not sure...

Posted: 4/27/2011
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So did anyone having this issue get a response from support?

Posted: 4/27/2011
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No because they were all bootleggers.

Posted: 5/16/2011
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NOT SAVED please contact support ?ERRO

Posted: 5/16/2011
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Quote Mariusz:

I downloaded Artisteer and it has problem with save any project...
When I try to save I have the message that "please contact support"

I had the same problem until i removed ALL of my copies and downloads then downloaded a fresh copy. This removed the problem. The email that is sent out to support is a log of the issue and pretty slick for them to incorporate that feature.

Posted: 5/16/2011
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I use Windows 7 64bit and have updated to the latest beta each time and have never had a problem. I am on my second year of using Artisteer.

Love it.

Posted: 5/18/2011
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I had the same problem on XP and contacted Support some days ago.

They give me a solution yesterday.

So you better contact Support then discussing here the issue. ;-)


Posted: 5/19/2011
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Quote Frank:

They give me a solution yesterday.

What is the solution? Please share it here so we have something to refer people to when this issue is raised.

Posted: 5/19/2011
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It's an internal Update and a Registry-Patch.

For my XP SP3.

To get it you need to contact:

That's easy.

On my Win7 Prof. 64bit I had no problems with

Cheers ;-)

Posted: 5/20/2011
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No problems at all with the RC, stable for me. Done 2 projects on it so far.

Win 7 x64

Posted: 5/20/2011
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i find an issue:

If you try to save in a diffenrt folder using "Save AS" I get a full process hold for Artisteer.

Win XP SP3

I just reported support about.

No problems when I save in the dialog given folder.


Posted: 5/20/2011
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You're obviously a software thief or a habitual library book late returner.

Sorry, JK. This thread left me wondering why people in this forum are so quick to call others thieves.


Quote Frank:


i find an issue:

If you try to save in a diffenrt folder using "Save AS" I get a full process hold for Artisteer.

Win XP SP3

I just reported support about.

No problems when I save in the dialog given folder.



Posted: 5/20/2011
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Quote Frank:

It's an internal Update and a Registry-Patch.

For my XP SP3.

To get it you need to contact:

That's easy.

On my Win7 Prof. 64bit I had no problems with

Cheers ;-)

Excellent! I'm glad to see that there's finally a solution to this!

Posted: 5/20/2011
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Quote :
Sorry, JK. This thread left me wondering why people in this forum are so quick to call others thieves.

Prior experience with fr@ckers...

Posted: 5/23/2011
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Support helps you within hours, maybe even sooner to make sure you are up and running.

Posted: 6/12/2011
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Quote Clippy:

Quote Frank:

It's an internal Update and a Registry-Patch.

For my XP SP3.

To get it you need to contact:

That's easy.

On my Win7 Prof. 64bit I had no problems with

Cheers ;-)

Excellent! I'm glad to see that there's finally a solution to this!

Hey for those of you who still have this problem, you might want to check again the license key. Mine is legit and I've enter in and activate the software at the beginning. After a few times of using the software I got the same saving error. Been thru support as you all had. Then just now I went back into the Software Activation menu and found out my license key wasn't the same one I entered in, meaning the real key that I entered in didn't keep. I then entered in the real key again and saved without the error message.

Not sure if this will work for everyone, but I guess it's worth a try.... Hopefully this won't come up again. Good luck!

Posted: 7/2/2011
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Quote Mariusz:

I downloaded Artisteer and it has problem with save any project...
When I try to save I have the message that "please contact support"

no one from no country

Posted: 7/3/2011
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I try to purchase artisteer 3 but i can`t because the country i`m from is not registered in your website i really don`t know what to do except leaving this application and never look at it again :-< its very frustrating

Posted: 7/3/2011
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I try to purchase artisteer 3 but i can`t because the country i`m from is not registered in your website i really don`t know what to do except leaving this application and never look at it again :-< its very frustrating

Posted: 7/3/2011
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@ tatesita

You should contact Artisteer support and they'll provide your some alternate payment options:


Posted: 7/21/2011
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I had same error. Just Re-Activated and I was able to save no problem
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