Do you purchase Home or Standard before using 3.0?

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Posted: 4/8/2011
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Hi All,

I am interested in using Artisteer! Do I purchase Home or Standard first THEN upgrade that to the 3.0 so all the features will work?


Posted: 4/8/2011
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Posted: 4/10/2011
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You'll be able to upgrade to version 3.0 free of cost if you purchase 2.6 version now.

You can also install/activate 3.0 RC in parallel with 2.6 version:

You'll be able to upgrade to Standard edition later if you purchase Home version now:

Posted: 8/23/2011
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I got the upgrade from Home edition to Standard edition and I got my new key.... but I dont know how to change the key to start working witht e Standard edition.......... can you help?
Thom Hendriks

Posted: 8/23/2011
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Click on the pallet (left on the top) and then ''Activate''.


Posted: 8/23/2011
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Thanks Thom!....u saved me!... :-)

Posted: 8/26/2011
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Anyone able to assist with a program install issue? I loaded it/purchased it and it did not work (as soon as I try to use it, it throws up an error and gives me the option to send the file for help). I did that and they do not answer the request so I am trying here before I just call and dispute the purchase, any help is greatly appreciated. Thx Paul

Posted: 8/26/2011
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@ Paul

You should contact Artisteer support with the error report: