Internet Explorer 9 and generated template with 3.0

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Posted: 11/5/2010
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Dear developers,

I generated a template and view IE9 Beta without compatible mode. I see just a corner on top of left side, but other corners and borders around content not showing.

Need insert a line to after <head> tag, before this:
<jdoc:include type="head" />

insert this line, and will see IE9 (release in next year):
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />


Posted: 11/6/2010
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It's IE9's odd handling of the clip property. To fix the problem, even if Microsoft doesn't, simply go through your style.css and look for "clip: rect".

If the 2nd and/or 3rd value is "auto", change it to 50000px.

clip: rect(69px, auto, auto, auto)
clip: rect(69px, 50000px, 50000px, auto)

If the 2nd and/or 3rd value is set to a pixel, leave it alone.

clip: rect(69px, 69px, auto, auto)
clip: rect(69px, 69px, 50000px, 69px)

To make it simpler:
Leave the 1st and 4th value alone ALWAYS.
If the 2nd value is auto, change it to 50000px.
If the 2nd value is a px, leave it alone.
If the 3rd value is auto, change it to 50000px.
If the 3rd value is a px, leave it alone.

Understand that sometimes you may need to change the 2nd value but not the third, and vice versa.

Search "clip: rect" in your HTML editor (or Notepad) and change them all. Perhaps a bit tedious, but if IE9 beta compatibility is important to you, it's not so bad. Easier than it sounds.

Make a backup first (if MS addresses this issue, you may want to switch back), and be sure to change only the two middle values (these represent the right and bottom).

Should fix any template for IE9 without any change whatsoever in other modern browsers. Should take less than 5 minutes, and no more worries!

Posted: 11/7/2010
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Thanks! Worked Great!

Posted: 11/8/2010
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Great thanks for this fix, and working! :-)

Posted: 8/4/2011
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My site appears fine in Firefox but all messed up in IE. (See I'm using IE8 but the style files for IE in Artisteer are only for IE6 & IE7. I found 13 "clip: rect" entries in style.css, another 13 in style.ie6 and another 13 in style.ie6. Before I make changes to all of these, I'm hoping someone can help me with the following:

1. Do I need to change every 2nd & 3rd "auto" entry to "50000px" wherever it appears in all THREE of the style files mentioned above or just in the IE6 & IE7 files? (In other words, I may have to change up to 39 entries if all of them have "auto" listed 2nd and/or 3rd, right?)

2. Will the changes fix what I'm seeing in IE8? What if someone else views it using some other version of IE (for example, IE9)? Will it fix that too?

3. I'm going to have to make additional changes in the near future to my header and logo. Will I have to make these fixes all over again manually or is there some way to prevent this issue from occurring again?

Thanks ahead of time for the help!

Posted: 8/4/2011
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Whoaaaa... It looks fine in IE 9 in all modes except for IE 8 compatibility view - so presumably IE8 is what's giving you the trouble.

The technique here was designed as a workaround for beta versions of IE9 - it's no longer necessary, so don't do it. (FWIW, the changes were applied only to your main style.css).

This problem seems unrelated.

Your site has numerous validation errors - perhaps something here could be the key to squashing this problem?

Posted: 8/5/2011
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Wow! That WAS bad. I can't believe just a few minor things could screw it up like that. I went back and fixed those things and it seems to be working now in IE. Thank you SO much!!!

Posted: 8/16/2011
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Thanks for sharing

Posted: 9/1/2011
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Hate to say it but I made changes to my template (in Artisteer) and when I updated the new files to the server, although Firefox again works fine, IE is way out of whack:

I tried the validator site above but none of the "errors" it gives me are the problem (that I can tell) so I'm not sure how to fix this. Also, when I preview the HTML file in IE using Dreamweaver, it appears fine so I can't figure out why it's not translating to the live site.

Any ideas?

Posted: 9/1/2011
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Deactivating the installed plugins may be very helpful in testing purpose.

Posted: 9/2/2011
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Thanks for your help Garry. I'm not tech savvy so when you say "installed plugins," I think you mean things like Java as well as the FB & e-mail buttons as well Google & Adbrite ads I added, right? I tried disabling all of those but IE was still wrong. However, I did find the following errors on the page:

1. Unterminated string constant

2. 'jQuery' is undefined

3. 'console' is undefined
Code: 0

I also noticed that Dreamweaver shows I have a syntax error on line 1 of jquery.js. If you have any suggestions on how I can fix this or can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it!

Posted: 9/2/2011
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@ Rebecca

Contacting Artisteer support may be very helpful:

Posted: 9/5/2011
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Will do. Thanks again!

Posted: 8/1/2012
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After i load template in to joomla 2.5 i can only see top banner on the website and frame of the menu below. Nothing else. Any idea what might be the problem ?
Caitlin N
Artisteer Team

Posted: 8/2/2012
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Hello Tom,

Most likely you did not assign Joomla modules to the correct positions.

Please check our online docs for available positions:

Basically, you will need to log into your Joomla back end, navigate to Extensions > Module Manager, select the desired module and click Edit. Then click "Select Position" button to choose one of the available module positions.

BTW, it is generally not a good idea to post new unrelated issues or questions in old forum threads.

Thank you for understanding.

Best regards,
Caitlin N.


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