Artisteer 3.0.. Nothing New

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Alex Wellings

Posted: 12/13/2010
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I'm glad Artisteer asked for our ideas, here's mine:
Why not use MooTools Java Script library, insted of JQuery?

I'm surprised no one here mentioned this major issue with Artisteer.
To be honest, I know nothing of Drupal or Wordpress, been working only with Joomla, for ages now - build dozen joomla templates from scratch. My opinion is, and you're aware of it - replace JQuery.

For some of you who don't have a clue what I'm talking about, I'll put it this way:
Majority of Joomla (component, module, template) developers use MooTools Java Script library, not JQuery. Therefore incompatibilities and issues may occur with some components/modules and Artisteer templates.

I used default Artisteer template and successfully implemented MooMenu, Added moomenu.js and mootools.js to folder /js/, modified templates index.php file to call for scripts and made additional styling to template.css.
Even made custom <params> to toggle logo/text on-off and toggle between MooMenu and default one from backend (admin)...

The purpose was to see of it works, it did! But I'm still stuck with JQuery and now my template is very heavy weight, pulling both MooTools and default JQuery Java Scripts...

I agree that Artisteer is 80... more like 70% of work (In my case), why not make it a 100%. With Artisteer, I build quick. It's obvious this thing is gonna evolve fast, I'm willing to wait... Build this and you're gonna have a lot of angry template clubs!

P.S. I heard you've made prefix (.art-) editable and include CSS option?, Excellent job!

Jamie E

Posted: 12/13/2010
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Quote Alex Wellings:

I'm surprised no one here mentioned this major issue with Artisteer.
To be honest, I know nothing of Drupal or Wordpress, been working only with Joomla, for ages now...
Not sure this qualifies as a "major issue" if it's perhaps only affecting one CMS. It would be a big mistake to switch libraries, because that would certainly break things for people, including me. I use Artisteer HTML exports for skinning the mojoPortal CMS (which uses jQuery).

If they wanted to go to all the effort to optionally support both libraries, more power to them, although it seems like a waste of developer resources to me.

Since feature requests were solicited, I'd like to see an improvement to the color selection tools, to make it possible to individually color each part of the site (rather than limiting choices to the three main colors per theme). I think being able to select background color for the sidebar divs was already mentioned, for example. That would certainly help further differentiate Artisteer sites from one another. If you feel it would add too much complexity, you could make it stick with the three-color by default, but allow setting additional colors in the advanced flyout menus.
Alex Wellings

Posted: 12/13/2010
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It very much qualifies as "major issue" from joomla (tehnical) perspective, we're not gonna count users for "who uses what" in Artisteer, but if joomla is in minority here, than I'm sure that Artisteer would like to attract more joomla people, right?

I don't agree that "it's a waste of resources", what would you say if mojoPortal used MooTools, huh?

But I do agree with support for both libraries.

Best wishes Jamie E.


Posted: 12/13/2010
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What about Menu in Header.
Your menu is tranparent on the background image of header and on mouse over, the button background appears !
I can do it on V2 version, but it's quite difficult and it take some resizing, cutting, cropping of header image !

Posted: 12/16/2010
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I would like to see more options for editing footer area, so i can make footer style in artiseer like modern web 2.0 sites with full screen width background in footer area, etc. - something like this:

Also, it would be great that artisteer 3.0 have more positions for joomla or maybe edit tool for joomla postions, if not then just more samples of positions ..

Posted: 12/16/2010
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We can very easily re-create the footer similar to the sample you showed us, with some simple html coding. Just paste the code in the footer area.

Your request would only make things easier, but it is possible right now.

Posted: 12/17/2010
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I like it when an option is added where the total sheet/page has a fixed size, so next to the width also the height. A scrollbar should be added to show content not fitting in the defined size.

Posted: 12/17/2010
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Also add positions outside the page; so left and right of the content and sidebars, so it is possible to add additional items totally outside the real web page.

Posted: 12/18/2010
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Why cannot we not just have 1 floating module in the header!!!!! Do you not understand my question, or most of the Joomla members in this thread!!!


Posted: 12/18/2010
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Anthony: if use User3 position like header (insert a picture), and no use horizontal menu? :-) Or menu put to banner 1 (not tried yet), and have header with extra positions, and have menu too.... Or change positions manually in code. 8-)

Posted: 12/19/2010
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Quote Anthony:


For Logo, Search, Font Size, Language

Posted: 12/20/2010
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I see why. Sorry for the all caps, it just makes me so mad. I have to go into almost every Artisteer template I make and make a module position in the header.

This question is asked sooo much in the Artisteer forums. It is also asked is numerous times on as well as Drupal. I was going to post links to where I am current helping a guy in the Joomla forum do this. But it is pointless to try to explain this to the Artisteer dev crew.

It's just crazy. Can’t Artisteer make 1 module position in the header? Give it the ability to position and add content. I just think that would be a no brainer.


Posted: 12/23/2010
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Quote Artisteer:

Quote Melvis Leon:

A content column divided into two, aka magazine style.

Usually CMS is responsible for content dividing by columns.
Not sure about WP.
For "Website or Blog" Template we plan to implement Content Layout:
For now users can use Tables or modify HTML source.

Can you please provide more information.


Would be nice to have the options for content Block in Worpress

Posted: 12/23/2010
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Wow! Nice plan for HTML blocking. Will this feature in version 3? O:)

Posted: 12/24/2010
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Where is this "content dividing by columns" feature in artisteer 3?

Posted: 12/24/2010
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I vote for these options being available for Wordpress as well.

Posted: 12/24/2010
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Quote Artisteer:

Quote Melvis Leon:

A content column divided into two, aka magazine style.

Usually CMS is responsible for content dividing by columns.
Not sure about WP.
For "Website or Blog" Template we plan to implement Content Layout:
For now users can use Tables or modify HTML source.

Can you please provide more information.

Isn't it implemented in Last V3 Beta ????
I can't find it.........

Ian Shere

Posted: 12/24/2010
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Just downloaded the new V3.x - all I can say is WOW WOW WOW!!!! A truly awesome job Artisteer!

Love the new features. Especially the one that allows you to overlap the sheet onto the header. Doesn't sound much, but adds a little something special.

The new options in fluid width; the extra module spots in the menu bar (that'll save some hacking!); finally being able to drop our own flash into the header and have it size properly.

Thanks again Artisteer, and Merry Christmas!!

Posted: 12/24/2010
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Quote madboss:

I wasnt the one who wrote that on the artisteer home page "No need to learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML or other technologies"
" You don't need to learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML and other Web technologies to create great looking designs, including images and buttons. "

if its so they should put "Generate a template in Artister and learn Dreamweaver to fix it as u want it to be "....

They didn't promise you could do everything with Artisteer a professional designer or developer can do, nor did they say that Artisteer gives you all the options you can find in Dreamweaver. They said you can "create great looking designs." Artisteer does exactly what it claims to do. You get exactly what you pay for.

Ford promises to make cars that will get you from Point A to Point B. A Ford Focus doesn't have anywhere near the options or luxury of a Lexus LS460. If you buy a Focus, do you complain that it doesn't have a carbon fiber body or adjustable suspension? No. Again, you get what you pay for.

So, your choice is to either use Artisteer, a very cheap design program, and be happy with what it does, or you buy Dreamweaver, and/or learn to write code, so you can get the website of your dreams.

Posted: 12/25/2010
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Im new to blogging, and only recently started to use WP, and felt very restricted by lack of customisable options, especially if you dont know code etc...

Then I stumbled on Artisteer... and it was exactly what I was looking for, a WYSIWYG approach to designing a customised template. Ok, so yeah, its based around the default theme of WP, but for a newb like me, its fantastic, and the home/academic pricepoint is affordable, and a bargain.

Its aismed at people ike me, who want a simple interface to design templates for their own site. I could never afford PS, Dreamweaver etc, not do I have the time to learn how to use them.... Nor would I want to, when all I want to do is design a couple of sites!

Id spent hours loooking for the perfect WP theme for me to use, but could never find one.. so now I can design my own. I know there are certain limitations, but such a great place to start.

I can see theres plenty more to come from Artisteer, keep up the great work! :-)

Posted: 12/25/2010
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For what is was designed for, it's a very delightful and powerful tool.

As previously mentioned in other posts, it gets you 90% (and then some!) to where you need to be.

My only complaint is I'd like to see better support for DNN (especially the clickable logo.)

Posted: 12/25/2010
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Quote Denis:

Just a little "pause" on the subject... :-D

Quote John:

... Nobody can tell that was Artisteer generated.

Not true... if you take a quick peak at the source code, you can see easily that it is Artisteer generated template:

<!-- <div class="art-sheet-tl"></div>     <div class="art-sheet-tr"></div>     <div class="art-sheet-bl"></div>     <div class="art-sheet-br"></div>     <div class="art-sheet-tc"></div>     <div class="art-sheet-bc"></div>     <div class="art-sheet-cl"></div>     <div class="art-sheet-cr"></div>     <div class="art-sheet-cc"></div> -->  <!--  <div class="art-sheet">     <div class="art-sheet-body" style="padding:0px"> <div class="art-header">  <div class="art-header-jpeg"></div>--> <!--<div class="art-logo">

... the "art" everywhere! :-P ;-)

I always think it's funny when people say they've designed templates with artisteer that you can't tell was designed with Artisteer. I think I ran across 3 websites this year that I had not seen linked to from this forum and almost instantly I could recognize at least one small element that gave it away that the design was all of or at least partly made with Artisteer.

Posted: 12/25/2010
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Hey, I just noticed that in 3.0b, even Home and Academic can change sheet width as I want.
Is this going to be same at release version of 3.0?

Posted: 12/30/2010
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Hello everybody,
I have installed Artistee Standard Edition. Can anybody tell me, where I can find V3.x and how to upgrade.

Thank you
Mark C

Posted: 12/30/2010
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Artisteer 3.0 is not oficially released. You can download a very good copy of it in BETA from the news page on the left.

When you install this, you will then have 2.5 and 3.0 running on the machine. So if you find 3.0 is a bit buggy, then you can click on 2.5 and use that instead. You might do well to keep a copy of your .artx files, because if you open one created with 2.5 on 3.0 I don't think you can open it with 2.5 any more.

Posted: 12/30/2010
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Quote Peter:


Why is it so important what class names you can find in CSS?

The only real reason I can think of is that you do not want your clients to know their site was developped with Artisteer. :*)

Or is there an other real reason which I did not think of??

Lol... ive got much better things to do with my time than look at sites source code... I much prefer looking at the websites themselves!
Tuomas Leppänen

Posted: 1/2/2011
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1. Font-face or equivalent
2. Font-face of equivalent

3. User generated widgetized areas that can be positioned/added to content (not really that hard as it requires basically only few things in wordpress, not sure of other platforms)
4. Page templates for wordpress
5. Integrate slider with options panel
6. NEW FORUM! :) before I create one ^^ with some decent platform like vbulletin/smf prefer 1st one but it does cost some.
7. That content area layouts I saw leaked screenshot somewhere here
8. Footer that has fixed positioning or absolute. Outside sheet
9. Better support for transparent png's.

Posted: 1/4/2011
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I think 3.0 is pretty good. Why do people have to be so pessimistic.

So for I am really happy about all the transparency effects!!!

Two things I see so far that I tried to do, but would like built into program.

1. Stick footer permanently to bottom of page
2. Set minimum page with to more than 800px. Need to set minimum as high as 1000 at least.


Posted: 1/7/2011
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ok here I am again , just updated my artisteer and bame oh my god , here's someting i was waiting for. ...i love what i can do to the header i can make my websites look different now, make different banner in the large , wide, seperate headers, thats so great,

still got some bugs and suggestions like more flash, and being able to slow or fasten them,, more option n the vertical menu,

the author url link leads to no were in joomla
the link in the footer cant take long paths it crashes artisteer

well i'l stop there for now and get back to work,,,

good job guys , hope i wasnt to hard on you on the first topic.... at least it helped to improve,

Posted: 1/12/2011
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Quote Mark C:


Artisteer 3.0 is not oficially released. You can download a very good copy of it in BETA from the news page on the left.

When you install this, you will then have 2.5 and 3.0 running on the machine. So if you find 3.0 is a bit buggy, then you can click on 2.5 and use that instead. You might do well to keep a copy of your .artx files, because if you open one created with 2.5 on 3.0 I don't think you can open it with 2.5 any more.

MarkC thank youvery much for detailed explanation. In mean time I already download 3.x version and I have to say Artisteer is on right way. Yes it is a little bugy but I know that will be the best product (it already is ;-) ).

Best regards
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