Artisteer 3.0.. Nothing New

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Posted: 1/15/2011
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Quote John:

Quote Earl:

Stop whining, and if you want something that gives you the ability to do all of the above, buy dreamweaver, learn to code in php and do it manually.

I agree Earl, for what Artisteer is built to do it does it really well. The fluid design thing is a pretty major update. As far as generic artisteer look... oh yeah? I built this Wordpress theme with Artisteer and tweaked the CSS --> Nobody can tell that was Artisteer generated.

About the biggest thing the developer team could do to enhance my overall happiness with the product is allow us to start with a blank slate.

That sight isnt fluid/dynamic/ All it does is stay certered on the screen. I too tweak the css but an having difficulties with only the header. If the header is an image and not just one color with text it is tough to do. Once I figure it out I will post it on my own forum at
tashi gyamtso

Posted: 1/19/2011
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Quote Artisteer:

Quote joy:

Quote :
More features ideas?

My prios:
1. Footer outside

OK, it's already done and should be available in the next update.

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2. Search positioning in header
3. separate positioning of title & slogan

This is in process and should be available in 3.x-4.0
It will be Header Editor similar to MS Power Point.
Header Editor will be integrated with Preview:

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4. home-click free to choose on title-text and logo

What do you mean?

Quote :

99. support of animated favicon.gif

OK, we will check.

what is version of your Artisteer software, because i dont have such option "Add Shape"... plz

Posted: 1/20/2011
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Quote Chris:

Quote John:

Quote Earl:

Stop whining, and if you want something that gives you the ability to do all of the above, buy dreamweaver, learn to code in php and do it manually.

I agree Earl, for what Artisteer is built to do it does it really well. The fluid design thing is a pretty major update. As far as generic artisteer look... oh yeah? I built this Wordpress theme with Artisteer and tweaked the CSS --> Nobody can tell that was Artisteer generated.

About the biggest thing the developer team could do to enhance my overall happiness with the product is allow us to start with a blank slate.

That sight isnt fluid/dynamic/ All it does is stay certered on the screen. I too tweak the css but an having difficulties with only the header. If the header is an image and not just one color with text it is tough to do. Once I figure it out I will post it on my own forum at

What forum? All I saw was some annoying flash into that I refuse to play.

Posted: 1/22/2011
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Ability to style each module separately.

Or at least have one dummy module (in Artisteer preview) for different styling and then call that in module manager with Module Class Sufix ?

I mean different styling for everything, graphic, etc....
I know there is something in new version for that, but this is without preview.
Still complicated to use. And not for the beginners.

Something like that would sink other commercial templates to the bottom.

Posted: 1/22/2011
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Ability to style pagenavigation and articlenavigation, directly in Artisteer (colors, buttons)

This one is very important.

And maybe add allways pagination.php from ja_purity or rhuk_milkyway, to maintain compability with every new version of Joomla.

I do it manually very fast, but an option for that would be perfect. If it is not to much coding in software.

Posted: 1/22/2011
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How was this nice menu at created?

I would like to do this myself.

Posted: 1/29/2011
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My feature requests:

content column divided into two, aka magazine style.
searchbox in header, or end of navbar
allow us to set our own "h1", "h2", etc. tags
multi column widget area in footer
easy way to import color palettes
built in color palettes that don't all look like toothpaste


Posted: 2/2/2011
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I must say. After looking at Artisteer 3 Beta, I am very impressed! Great job guys!

For my feature request, I would like areas for DNN modules in the header, navbar and footer.

Posted: 2/3/2011
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Hey Parkermarker,

Go jump in a lake. Stop spamming jerk!

Posted: 2/9/2011
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@ John,

Simply mark the promotional posts as spam(as I already market the "parkermarker" post ) and they'll be automatically removed.

Posted: 2/10/2011
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Know that Joomla 1.6 is out, when might we expect to see Artisteer 3 guys?

Posted: 2/12/2011
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My own personal wish list...

First of all, I think Artisteer is a great product and saves me a ton of time, so no complaints here. Some features I'd like to see:

1) Ability to do transparent menus & submenus, 2) movable menus (i.e. separate from the header and sheet, 3) ability to add additional custom css classes right in the editor, 4) ability to add images & custom glares that I use often to the "library" and be able to use a custom article preview image, 5) set the minimum sheet height in the editor, 6) be able to add custom code to the "templateDetails.xml" directly, 7) Ability to make several changes to text properties at one time...It's kind of weird the way they have it now, having to go back and forth so many time just changing fonts, link colors, etc.

I have my own post-Artisteer checklist for custom stuff. I can make my designs look very un-Artisteer generated, but it would be nice to be able to do more inside the app.

Posted: 2/13/2011
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Quote Margaret:

My feature requests:

content column divided into two, aka magazine style.
searchbox in header, or end of navbar
allow us to set our own "h1", "h2", etc. tags
multi column widget area in footer
easy way to import color palettes
built in color palettes that don't all look like toothpaste

I agree with Margaret's' suggestions

Posted: 2/15/2011
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I agree with Margaret and Chris and others above...

especially better footers... multi column widget area in footer

as someone said...we really want footers that look like these...

..and the bit about "h1" "h2" tag placement etc... that is so much better for search engine optimization purposes. Basically an article title should have the (only) H1 tag on a page - it's not the site name using that H1 tag as search engines often treat the H1 tag as the summary of the page.. so that should be the article name, not site name.

Well done & thanks again.

Posted: 3/14/2011
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Quote New User:

Quote Artisteer:

Quote Mykee:

One week and end of november.
Any news from newer 3.0 version?
(new preview or beta, maybe RC or RTM?)

Yes, we have good news.

Four users in this topic asked about Fluid Header with Fixed Sheet or Header outside Sheet.
This features should be available in the next update.

is this impressible ?




Your New Software do this type layout ?
Also it will be possible to change "art-" prefix that also was discussed here.

More feature ideas? :-)


Does anybody know if this is going to be possible in the 3.0 upgrade (for Mac)? Because what I need is a second header outside of the sheet which seems impossible at the moment.


Posted: 3/16/2011
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Nicole: Thanks for update and pictures! :-{}
I waiting for new beta from version 3.0.

Here is my simple example site for fluid and fixed (mixed) template, to a hungarian blog site. Made with v 3.0 latest beta:

Posted: 3/27/2011
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Quote madboss:

Quote Earl:

Stop whining, and if you want something that gives you the ability to do all of the above, buy dreamweaver, learn to code in php and do it manually.

I wasnt the one who wrote that on the artisteer home page "No need to learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML or other technologies"
" You don't need to learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML and other Web technologies to create great looking designs, including images and buttons. "

if its so they should put "Generate a template in Artister and learn Dreamweaver to fix it as u want it to be "....

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