Multiple Menu's?

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Daniel P.

Posted: 8/6/2010
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I am curious if anyone knows a way to make multiple menu's like example below:


JCPenney seems to use three.

If there is a way to do it with Artisteer or if someone has any ideas how to modify it to do so :*)

Help Appreciated!
Daniel P.

Posted: 8/6/2010
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Wrong link to image :-D

Just in case direct link:

Posted: 8/6/2010
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What CMS you are using ?
Daniel P.

Posted: 8/7/2010
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Wordpress atm and I would prefer o keep using WP as my primary but if joomla can do it that I will definitely us it.

Posted: 8/20/2010
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You can have two horizontal menus in Joomla but menu not placed user3 position won't be styled. Following thread may be helpful in studying user3 position:
Paul Darby

Posted: 8/21/2010
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David / Adeptris has done a great tutorial on this here:


Posted: 8/21/2010
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Cool, Paul. Thanks for sharing.

Posted: 2/8/2011
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8-) can artisteer have multi menu like one vertical menu in right other vertical menu to left and one menu top user3 thaty will have 3 menu soo far i have try to make right and left vertical menu like 2 menu diffrent no working