Artisteer 2.0 Release Candidate Available

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Posted: 2/21/2009
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Thanks to your suggestions and feedback Artisteer 2.0 is almost here and its pre-release version can be obtained from
(previous Beta download links were also updated to point to the new version

We have just a few minor issues left to iron out, plus documentation and translations to languages other than English. Otherwise this is the version 2.0 for all that are eager to start using it.

There are no new major changes since the last Beta, but a lot of bugs were fixed per your suggestions. Here is a recap of a few major 2.0 features just for those who are new to Artisteer and used only version 1.0 previously:

- support for creating Joomla templates. Please note that the supported menu type is 'User3' , which should be selected in Joomla administration.

- support for creating Drupal themes

- Typography features

- valid HTML+CSS

- Wordpress themes are internationalized and available in French, German, Italian and Spanish, with additional languages available from Wordpress Website. For more information refer to ReadMe.txt in exported themes.

- New Export options for specifying template name, version and author. Also an option for custom watermarks is provided if you are creating temporary templates for review by your customers and want to use our built in protection mechanism.

Please report any newly found issues to

As a reminder, all upgrades are free for 1 year and not related to product versioning. Artisteer 2.0 Beta 2 version can be installed on the same computers as version 1.0 and both can be activated using the same license key.

Artisteer Team

Posted: 2/21/2009
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Fantastic! :-)

Just downloaded.

I will install and play with it when I have a little time tomorrow - Can't wait!


Posted: 2/21/2009
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l just cant believe looks realy nice and better everyday, so glad found this product, do you have Affiliate Program that we can start to promote this :)

Posted: 2/21/2009
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Ali, we are going to launch an affiliate program via LinkShare after releasing version 2.0.

Thanks for asking.

Paul Hudson

Posted: 2/22/2009
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Hi this soft is very great and amazing
J''attends avec impatience the french language for the v2rc


Posted: 2/22/2009
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Quote Artisteer:

Ali, we are going to launch an affiliate program via LinkShare after releasing version 2.0.
Thanks for asking.
Paul Hudson


Wait to 3.0 :-@
That way we designers can rack some in b4 ppl can just, you know.. do it themselves!

My captcha was like *gOgf4#g^)hOhjl587


Marc Smith

Posted: 2/22/2009
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A good designer shouldn't have to worry about whether his clients will want to "do it themselves" as this tool allows you to get a decent theme, but with effort and knowledge, you can do a LOT more with it.

Designers have to challenge themselves to always have a larger skill set than their customers... that's why they're the paid pros and the customers are, well, customers

Posted: 2/22/2009
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Génial. J'attends avec impatience la version Française. Merci encore du super méga bon boulot.

Posted: 2/22/2009
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Great upgrade.

So far it looks like everything has been fixed from the beta's.

I so much love the new feature to show or not show the post date and time and author.

Posted: 2/22/2009
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One more major BUG that needs to be fixed.

When making a template with the Categories, Archive and Blogroll at the bottom.
When published to the web it is listing all the Cats, Arc, Broll after every post this makes using this a no go like this.

I just spend a few hours working on a site and published it on a test site and i can not use it like this.
The Categories, Archive and Blogroll should only show up one time at the very bottom of the page not after every post...
you can see it at this link.

Posted: 2/23/2009
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Artisteer 2.0.x RC its very good :-)

when comes the other Language? Artisteer 1.0. have many Language .

Best Regards

Posted: 2/23/2009
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You have already the new langage in RC
Go to : c:\program files\ Artisteer 2\Library\Data\LAngs\inProcess
take your language files and put il on c:\program files\artisteer 2\library\Data\Langgs.

Then in Artisteer, choice your langage.



Posted: 2/23/2009
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there are still a few bucks by the worpress templates:

- the style for the article-headline is shown right in artisteer, but if the template is installed.
- when i select a menu with only one level and install the template, there are although 2 levels.

the rest works perfect as far as i could see. thank you for this programm!

Jonathan Bayer

Posted: 2/23/2009
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Will there be any sort of pre-release purchase price, or discount for the standard version?

Also, will both versions support Joomla, or just the Standard?


Posted: 2/23/2009
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What a good job !
Just a question about Joomla templates :

will you add a " blocks menu" (to modify search position...) in the Layout column, as you made in "Artisteer 1" with Wordpress templates ?

Johny Alm

Posted: 2/23/2009
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There seems to be some problem with the rights given to som files in the joomla template. Ny ISP has told med that some files are given rights as 0700 and that is not as it should be.

Marc Smith

Posted: 2/23/2009
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Artisteer would have *nothing* to do with that.

They have no control over permissions as they are set when you uploda a file. Permissions are based only on the log in name you use and the settings your hosting provide gives (or you set up yourself).

Posted: 2/23/2009
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:*) after 10 test and export to joomla template , i found that the user 3 multilevel menu is not working. it can not show multilevel menu. any idea ?


Posted: 2/23/2009
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Great program! :-)

Just to report a bug:

1. Create a new HTML Template
2. Click Export
3. Export as folder
4. Crashes everytime (WinXPsp3)


Posted: 2/24/2009
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have you reported this problem to Artisteer support?
It may be OS specific, I'm working under Win Vista and I havn't encountered crash udirng export to WP or Joomla.


Posted: 2/24/2009
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Quote shariya:

:*) after 10 test and export to joomla template , i found that the user 3 multilevel menu is not working. it can not show multilevel menu. any idea ?

you have to allow multilevelmenu in joomla menu-options


Posted: 2/24/2009
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Just a follow up to wolf's message:
please check Joomla Extentions > Module Manager > click to edit menu (e.g. Top Menu) > Module Parameters > "Always show sub-menu Items" = Yes


Posted: 2/24/2009
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Quote CLaude:


You have already the new langage in RC
Go to : c:\program files\ Artisteer 2\Library\Data\LAngs\inProcess
take your language files and put il on c:\program files\artisteer 2\library\Data\Langgs.

Then in Artisteer, choice your langage.

Sorry it won't work, I get the message to restart Artisteer and that's it.




Posted: 2/24/2009
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Good work about RC!

I notice that the templates Joomla which has two blocks on the right are saved with (Sideba1 Sidebar2) “right right” instead with “left right”.

Best regards,


Posted: 2/24/2009
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Quote Poubil:

What a good job !
Just a question about Joomla templates :

will you add a " blocks menu" (to modify search position...) in the Layout column, as you made in "Artisteer 1" with Wordpress templates ?


Hi guys, no answer to this questions ?
Anders Pedersen

Posted: 2/25/2009
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A small bug found. Artisteer produce two page templates - Links.php and Archives.php, but they dont show up in richt collumn of the writing page to chose from.

You need to include some thing like this at the start of the file:

* Anders Kjaer
* @subpackage dga_blue

Template Name: Archives


Posted: 2/25/2009
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At first: Great Job! THX!

What really is missing is a "block-menu". Where the blocks at a given position can be placed. For example to insert an additional banner or html or plugin Block. So as "Poubil" wrote.

A change would also be necessary in the css. In the articles is not the 100% width exploited. I can e.g. not one or two words center so that it centered in the Article. To place the words in the middle of the article. It's difficult for me to discribe that in english.
This problem I have in many other templates also, where I must correct the css.

Greetingx from Germany

Posted: 2/25/2009
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Quote Ellin:

have you reported this problem to Artisteer support?
It may be OS specific, I'm working under Win Vista and I havn't encountered crash udirng export to WP or Joomla.


Ellin, yes, I have reported this via the crash form itself that opens. I can confirm this happens in Win2003 either. The point is generating a fresh HTML template from scratch and going to the export button w/o touching anything else. Crashes every time.

Posted: 2/25/2009
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I have paid for the software and I dont want to advertise the theme was maid with Artisteer. This update also doest allow us to remove the :Artisteer" link/word as shown in the image above.
On this ground I am not at all satisfied with the product. Can I ask for a refund please??
Marc Smith

Posted: 2/25/2009
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How about you ask how to remove that tag?

It CAN be done.
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