Ver 2.4 For Mac

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Posted: 4/20/2010
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Hello Jeff,

Quote Artisteer (Jeff):

Also, once we release the official Mac version, you will be able to transfer and use your Windows license with the Mac version.

Based on that I've read in the forums so far (I'm 1-day old Artisteer user), I got the understanding that the license is not transferrable from one OS to the other. :(

Moreover, I submitted a ticket to the support yesterday explaining that I bought 'only' Home edition due to that reason since I anticipate to get 'native' Linux version and then upgrade, and I didn't get any reply that it is possible to transfer the license. :-X

So, if this is true, I recommend you to add it to the FAQ and it may persuade me to upgrade to the Standard edition while still waiting for a Linux release if it means I will be able to use the same under Linux.

Another point, I hope you'll produce x86_64 version as well... O:)


Posted: 6/2/2010
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Quote Garry:

@ Gour

Artisteer already works on both x86_64 versions.

I think about Linux x86_64 version. ;-)


Posted: 6/6/2010
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Quote red :

I like what I see in Artisteer 2.4 and I keep crashing... I am on a Mac, OSX. 5.8
is this still beta and what do I need to do to make the software more stable.

As stated in a previous message It was crashing a lot too but stopped after I reinstalled it new.

Try a reinstall to see...

David J

Posted: 7/31/2010
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Quote DadOO:

It works great with VirtualBox (which is free!)

Thanks for the input DadOO.
Installing now.


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