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Daniel Minter

Posted: 3/18/2010
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Just wonder if anyone has had this problem. I made my DNN Skin in Artisteer and when i go into edit mode now it looks like this.

It's frustrating and almost impossible to edit some things since the input bars get pushed off the page.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Daniel Minter


Posted: 3/18/2010
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What exact version are you running (version and OS)?

Posted: 4/29/2010
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I have the exact same problem as Daniel Minter described above. I am using DNN 05.03.01 (7).

The behavior is very interesting. If under ADMIN-SKINS I select my Artisteer Skin and also select the Block configuration under Containers, then everything is fine. But when I keep working on the website and make for example a change under ADMIN - SITE SETTINGS click on UPDATE at the bottom, then I will loose all the help icons through the complete site.

I can recover by going back to ADMIN - SKINS and click on APPLY under Containers/Block, but updating the site settings will get back to the failure mode again.

Can you please advise how to have this issue resolved? I am using Artisteer

Posted: 4/29/2010
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Since you're using an older version you may want to upgrade. It may help.
Steven Webster

Posted: 5/1/2010
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I agree with mwoffenden completely. Prior to version 2.4 there were some issues with image margins. I can't tell for sure if this is your specific issue but upgrading would ensure you are on the latest Artisteer code.



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