Breadcrumb "container"

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Posted: 2/16/2010
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I use a Artisteer 2.3 generated skin and I've modified the breadcrumb so it shows the breadcrumb on the lefthand side and USER - LOGIN - SEARCH on the righthandside.

However I have three questions:

1) At this moment the Breadcrumb uses the Article container, however I would like it to use the Block container. Where can I adjust this? Usually I go to Page Settings and adjust the container manually, however the Breadcrumb container doesn't have a dropdown menu.

2) How can I reduce the height of the breadcrumb container?

3) USER-LOGIN-SEARCH are vertically aligned in the middle of the container. The Breadcrumb text and Breadcrumbs are not in the middle vertically. How can I vertically align these to be in the middle of the container?


Steven Webster

Posted: 2/17/2010
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1. This is set in the skin file (page.ascx). You'll need to modify that file outside of Artisteer to do this to use styles (or new styles) from the block container.

2. Same idea. Once you've changed theascx fiel you can change the CSS to set height.

3. I'm not sure I understand

Posted: 2/18/2010
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The ASCX file still is pretty confusing to me. Could you maybe point me to what line to edit and what to replace in order to use the Block container for the breadcrumbs instead of the Article container?
I've posted a screenshot since I didn't think I'd get the code aligned correctly.

For issue #3, I've posted a screenshot in which you can see that USER-LOGIN-SEARCH are alligned correctly vertically, however BREADCRUMBS are vertically aligned a bit higher. I'd like to correct that.

Thanks for the support!

Posted: 2/23/2010
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You do have the breadcrumb inside the Art-Post div tags those refer to the Article styles and not to the Block!

I had to change mine to but in my case I prefered to have a specific style to my breadcrumb....

Mine is just bellow the menu, see here: (Adult Content site... not porno tho)

So what I've done is basically apply the same style of the footer, but I did not use the same I've copy pasted and created new style from the footer copy's....

I also notice that I had to add the styles in the end of the skin.css, now my div is not inheriting neither the content div's, so its easier for me!

I would suggest you try to do something similar.

Posted: 3/1/2010
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That fixed it.

Thanks a lot!


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