Parents Tabs, Children & Li Class

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Posted: 10/13/2009
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My goal is to have the Tab Menu (Primary Links) be active while visiting pages (children).

In other words...
I would like that the Tab A be active while I visit Page A1, A2, A3, etc.

After some develing I've found that there is no active trail when visiting children pages under a parent tab. The li class is null. In fact when visiting the Tab page itself, the li class is null. (though the html is flagged as active)

On secondary links/menus in blocks, the li class appropriately holds the active and active trail variables.

On non-Artisteer generated themes the the Tab Menu (primary links) also hold the appropriate li class.

There is some guilty looking code in the drupal6_methods.php (line 87) but I'm not sure and don't know how to properly edit it.

Anyone know of a fix for this?

Posted: 10/14/2009
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I found that updating to Artisteer 2.2 fixed the issue with the li class being null.

The tabs now hold an active trail, though it doesn't make it so that the tabs stay active while children pages are being viewed...

Getting the active-trails is over half the battle though.

Posted: 9/6/2010
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You may way to take a look at "menu trail" a module in Drupal

Posted: 9/9/2010
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Menu Trail is a good solution, however not many would like to have several content types. Using Taxonomy for menus would be a positive solution as well, as you can have taxonomy directly effect the active menus.


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