Primary Menu not working

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Posted: 8/20/2009
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Anyone have luck with getting the primary menus to work or discover why some installations of an Artisteer theme work while some others partially work or don't work? Like which modules where on sites that worked and which modules where on the sites that didn't. I have tried both Mac and Windows Versions. Searched everywhere I can find and some people are not to happy with this bug. Some great ideas nothing seemed to fix it though. I put in a request for support.

Last night at my Drupal local chapter meeting some people were very disappointed over this and scrambling to get sites rebuilt using other systems. Me too. The Drupal community seems to have some negative thoughts as well but also some suggestions on using other things. So, If you have an idea and can resolve this I'll bet you will make a whole lot of people happy.

Posted: 8/21/2009
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So Artisteer works on every site I have without panels. One with panels but all the pages where created before panels was used to place the views is working but I can't create any new content without the menu being broken.

Posted: 8/21/2009
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I had the symbol " & " in the menu title and removing it fixed the problem.

Posted: 8/21/2009
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One more thing I was using Admin Menus too. I turned that off plus changed the " & " to "and" and it worked well.

Posted: 8/22/2009
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after this my primary was working:

Posted: 8/22/2009
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Daniel unfortunately I tried that and it didn't work. I did find the post you mention before I posted this on the forums. Glad it worked for you. Further info on my experience is that I can use Admin Menu with Artisteer but I can not be using views and panels modules too. I'll keep report here anything I find. :-)

Posted: 8/23/2009
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I had to create some link changes so I needed to enable the theming developer from the devel module. Broke the menus on the spot!!!!

Posted: 8/26/2009
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For those who didn't follow the link to old thread above....

Go to BLOCKS and enable Primary Links in the Menu block...

I think it's kind of a pain that it isn't automatically enabled and we have to do this extra step, but oh well.....

Posted: 10/15/2009
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Drupal Problem!
when I enable Primary Links in the Menu block I have a SOD (Blank screen)
the error is : Class 'DOMDocument' not found in....

Pls. note that :
XML Support active
XML Namespace Support active
libxml2 Version 2.6.23


Posted: 10/25/2009
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After updating to Artisteer release candidate, the menu does not appear in my Artisteer generated templates. It was working with previous versions. I have the Primary Links block set to Menu and it does display the different menus anymore. Any ideas why?

Quote Robb:

Drupal Problem!
when I enable Primary Links in the Menu block I have a SOD (Blank screen)
the error is : Class 'DOMDocument' not found in....

Pls. note that :
XML Support active
XML Namespace Support active
libxml2 Version 2.6.23



Posted: 10/27/2009
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Quote reput:

After updating to Artisteer release candidate, the menu does not appear in my Artisteer generated templates. It was working with previous versions. I have the Primary Links block set to Menu and it does display the different menus anymore. Any ideas why?

same problem. any ideas why?
using drupal 5

Posted: 10/29/2009
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Make sure that you keep rc2 with it's original name in the programs folder,

Download rc3, rename this folder and add to the program folder so you have 2 versions .... use the rc3 version .... open a file and save using rc3 then upload to your site.

This covers missing menus and also the white screen of death error when setting the primary menu in the menu block.

Posted: 11/2/2009
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I was able to get the menu to display on my drupal 6 install but it does not show any tabs and there seems to be a display issue with it as it renders with a gap between it and the header. Looking over the forums for help and see some people have tried to enable and disable different modules to try and get it to work. I disable panels, admin links, etc but still have not been able to render the menu correctly. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Posted: 11/16/2009
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I am having the same problem as described above. I upgraded to the final release of 2.3, created a new template, activated the template on a Drupal 5 installation, and published the site's navigation menu block to the Menu region. The menu would not display on the D5 site. I then tried activating the same template on another web site that uses D6; the navigation menu displayed and worked as it should.

I have opened a support ticket with Artisteer. Their first response to me has been "Please look at the Drupal regions that are compatible with Artisteer" even though I told them I properly placed the navigation block into the Menu region.

Something has changed between the 2.2 and 2.3 release of Artisteer to cause the menu to fail in Drupal 5. Hopefully I'll receive a more thoughtful response from Artisteer's support -- like a resolution to the problem.

Posted: 11/17/2009
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The following Artisteer update fixes the issue with Primary Menus not being displayed in Drupal 5:

Thanks to everyone who reported this problem.

Artisteer Team.


Posted: 11/17/2009
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I don't recommend downloading the supposed fix Artisteer released referenced above (the Artisteer. file). I did but after installing it I discovered that the export function is now broken. Click the export button and nothing happens. Brilliant. Another support ticket has been opened to let Artisteer know. How can something like this happen? They try to fix a problem and create a new, unrelated problem.

Posted: 11/17/2009
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I can second this bug on export. :( :-@

Thanks to Artisteer for trying though.

Posted: 11/18/2009
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We are terribly sorry for the technical problems. The Export functionality is now available, please try this new update (also not released yet) :

Thank you.

Artisteer Team.

Posted: 11/19/2009
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I can confirm the issue is fixed with the above build of 2.3

Posted: 11/29/2009
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I really do not understand what is going on with this software.All the links on my drupal is broken and I don't know what to do.Can somebody help me out? Thanks

Posted: 11/29/2009
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Have you treed the build listed above?


Posted: 12/1/2009
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Sorry but this is not professional. I also had problems with the exportfunction en downloaded Artisteer. Now the exportbutton works, but it doesn't generate the nessesary files...
Not a single php or css file is made !!! Help !

Posted: 12/1/2009
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This update ( actually solved the issue for me. I am using Drupal 5. THANKS!!


Posted: 1/10/2010
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update somewhat fixes the problem.
The menu works, but submenu (js dropdown) do not.

Normally setting primary and secondary menus to (primary menus) under drupal menu settings results in a hierarchical menu with js dropdowns.

The submenus do not work for me in drupal 5 after installing this update.
The primary menus do show up however, so this is progress.

In Drupal 6 everything was working fine prior to installing this update. I have not tried re-generating a drupal 6 theme after installing the update, so I am not sure if this is a larger problem or not.

Posted: 1/15/2010
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After further inspections, sub-menus somewhat work, but the default behavior has changed. The drop-down menus only appear if you are on the page for the parent menu, and the menu code seems to have no knowledge of Drupals <front> setting. Either that, or not having a path stops the menus from working.

example: primary links
home -> <front>
-- test -> node/1

The test submenu never shows up

example primary links
test1 -> node1
--test2 -> node2
--test3 -> node3

The dropdown only functions when you are on node1

Posted: 2/3/2011
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I am experiencing the problem as described by regx: no submenus are shown as long as the menu with the submenus in question is selected.

regx posted this issue one year ago. did someone find out, what to do to get this work correctly?


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