Artisteer Menu > Styling > Separator not showing in browser

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Posted: 7/30/2009
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The separator is not showing up in firefox.

Any ideas why? Cache has been cleared.

Thank you.

Posted: 7/30/2009
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It shows for anonymous users but not authenticated users. Not a browser specific issue.

Posted: 7/30/2009
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Problem caused by enabling
Theme developer module, which is part of the devel module. Posting on CVS to see if they will take responsibility or if bug request is in system.

Posted: 7/30/2009
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This turned out not really due to devel module.

Problem is due to Artisteer composing with missing span tag:

The separator picture between menu items disappear:

<span class="separator"/>

I don't see closing </span> tag, so I'm going to try that.

<div class=”nav”>
<div class=”l”/>
<div class=”r”/>
<ul class=”artmenu”>
<li class=”leaf first”>
<a title=”” href=http://localhost/?q=admin/build/menu/item/312/edit>
<span class=”l”/>
<span class=”r”/>
<span class=”t”>test</span>
<span class=”separator”/>
<li class=”leaf”>

As for with devel module turned on, due to no closing span tag, it gets omitted as shown by firebug:

<a title=”” href=http://localhost/?q=admin/build/menu/item/312/edit>
<span class=”l”/>
<span class=”r”/>
<span class=”t”>test</span>

Artisteer Team, please acknowledge cause (if valid) and update simple fix, thanks.