How To do fluid widths

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Posted: 4/7/2009
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Is there a way to may the designs fluid widths, I have looked but there seems to be no way to do this.
Dan Silver

Posted: 4/11/2009
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i would love this feature also!

Posted: 4/12/2009
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:-D please do! with this, regions and panel support i'm a customer!

Posted: 5/27/2009
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Adding fluid widths would be a great time saver.
Dan Silver

Posted: 6/5/2009
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Fluid Widths Would get me to buy it!

Posted: 7/8/2009
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Posted: 7/9/2009
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This would be a really valuable feature.

Posted: 7/9/2009
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Hi, Guys.

I'm sure you all know that Drupal is the best true open-source CMS out there! Joomla's got nothing on it.

Someone has to be able to figure out a way to edit the CSS files to adjust for this huge problem. I mean, all the content gets chopped off on the right side.

Posted: 7/11/2009
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I'll add my vote for fluid width
Rico Bravio

Posted: 7/13/2009
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This is just an idea. Create one div to contain 3 other divs namely; leftsidebar/content/rightsidebar. Conditions to add is, the right and left bars are to be aligned respectively. Do not touch the content div. Because it will automatically be occupying which ever side is not present.


Posted: 7/16/2009
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Fluid Designs would be very very nice. Vote++

Posted: 7/20/2009
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Fluid and panel support is the primary reason we don't use artisteer for more sites and only own 1 copy. We only use it for simple sites right now; so count me in!

Posted: 7/23/2009
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I too would buy this software if it had "Fluid Width" built into it. It is the single reason I have not bought it yet, although I want to. Otherwise, it is a great program packed with many features and a very useful tool indeed. But "Fluid Width" is a necessity when using Drupal as a front end for "Gallery2". The pages can look disastrous without it.

Posted: 7/29/2009
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yes, fluid widths would get me to buy it too. Will this feature be in the next update? How long must we wait?

Posted: 7/31/2009
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That would definately be appreciated... :) Love the software though for quick templates, but sometimes I just wish it had something like that.

Posted: 8/4/2009
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Please insert fluid width. This software is awesome.


Posted: 8/5/2009
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Another vote for fluid widths from me.

Posted: 8/25/2009
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This is a must have feature !!!

Posted: 9/4/2009
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Love the software and have bought it - but I agree - Fluid widths please!

Posted: 9/7/2009
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I bought the Mac Version and this is one of my two biggest feature requests. Variable width sites like Drupal's Garland theme are really important to me. My other need is block placement (so that I can actually do real WYSIGWYG layout). With those two features, I would purchase several more copies.

- Ron

Posted: 9/11/2009
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This is my one complaint about artisteer is only allowing fixed widths. Not sure if it's possible to do with artisteer, but the "holy grail of css" technique as described by A List Apart is the best I've ever seen or used to get good fluid multi column web pages:

Not only does it allow you to have fluid width pages, but it also arranges the content best for SEO by putting the main content before the sidebars in the HTML. This lets search engines find the main content first in the file. If this technique could be used by artisteer, I would probably never have to code another site by hand.

Posted: 3/4/2010
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Posted: 3/10/2010
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A simple and effective solution is to remove the width in style.css. Or better make an override.css in a module to take it away even when you overwrite the themes directory.

Joel drupal developer

Posted: 3/23/2010
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Maybe someone can make an Tutorial how to get a fluid Layout from an Artisteer Template


Posted: 8/25/2010
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I just purchased Artisteer, and while it is disappointing that Artisteer doesn't do fluid widths directly, I found it pretty easy to modify the Drupal theme it produced to a fluid width format. So here's my attempt at an overview method.
I highly recommend using Firefox and the Firebug plugin to find exactly what you need to change.
1) Enable your theme and set as the default in Drupal.
2) Make sure that CSS optimization is OFF, so you can use Firebug to tell exactly what bits of CSS coding you're changing.
3) I found that navigating to the Blocks page is best to identify everything. Click on the various regions, and you'll see width settings in the CSS for the DIVs. By judiciously deleting width settings, especially from things like the header, the central content area, and the DIV that contains the columns in a 2- or 3-column layout, it was easy to transform the theme into a fluid width layout.

Posted: 8/26/2010
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Just for those who are getting a grip on CSS.

A class is marked with a " . " - Period
An ID is marked with a " # " - Pound Symbol / Tic Tac Toe Symbol

Some things you can do to mark something fluid.

min-width: ####px;
max-width: ####px;

Example Below

#(Your div ID) .(Your Region Class), #(A wrapper perhaps)
min-width: ####px;
max-width: ####px;
margin: 0 auto;

Divs have IDs declared by Artisteer. You can replace #DIVID with the name of the ID. <div id="name">. For example, <div id="header"> the ID is "header".

You can find all the Div IDs declared in your page.tpl.php and even your node.tpl.php files if you wanna get fancy, and edit the margins, spacing, fluidity, flexibility, etc,. through your style.css.

This is a great feature request, but I think it would get more attention here.

I hope this helps someone. :-)

Posted: 8/26/2010
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My apologies, failed to add an enclosure. ---> { <--- (That pretty thing.)

#(Your div ID) .(Your Region Class), #(A wrapper perhaps) { <--- (There)
min-width: ####px;
max-width: ####px;
margin: 0 auto;

Sorry! :-)


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