where is the xhtml in module.php ?

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Posted: 3/28/2013
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Hi everyone
I am looking to modify the module.php in the /template/artisteer/html/module.php
i need to find the xhtml (divs and font headder tags) line in the module.php to replace the :
<h3><?php echo $module->title; ?></h3>
with this :
<h3><?php if($title_link) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $params->get('title_link');  ?>"> <?php } ?><?php echo $module->title; ?><?php if($title_link) { ?></a><?php } ?></h3>

really appreciate if anyone can help with this please.

Posted: 3/28/2013
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Quote Haydar:

Hi everyone
I am looking to modify the module.php in the /template/artisteer/html/module.php
i need to find the xhtml (divs and font headder tags) line in the module.php to replace the :
<h3><?php echo $module->title; ?></h3>
with this :
<h3><?php if($title_link) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $params->get('title_link');  ?>"> <?php } ?><?php echo $module->title; ?><?php if($title_link) { ?></a><?php } ?></h3>

really appreciate if anyone can help with this please.